We've got some really asinine stuff going on around us, and in case you missed any of it...here's a look-see.
** President Obama suddenly "found" some money...about $200 BILLION DOLLARS!
That TARP money that "we" paid for (bailing out those banks) apparently didn't ALL need to be spent, so what's a standing President to DO with such a "slush-fund", you ask?
How about find ANOTHER manner to SPEND IT (frivolously on another program designed to fail)?
(shakes head)...Here we go again.
Anyone with HALF a brain would see that our ECONOMY sucks. The value of our American DOLLAR...sucks. The job market pretty much...sucks. And our ever-growing NATIONAL DEBT is way past "sucking"...it's gone all the way to being blatantly CRIMINAL!
How's about we take that $200 Billion and ATTEMPT to PAY DOWN that debt staring us all in the puss, hmm?
I mean, if *I* had such a "windfall", I'd sure as hell pay OFF whatever debts are outstanding, and THEN...squirrel away the rest as SAVINGS, perhaps diversifying into some precious metals along the way...
But, I know...that just makes TOO DAMN MUCH SENSE, doesn't it?
OK, boys and girls...let's ALL repeat the LIBERAL MANTRA:
"If you got it...spend it....Ohmmmmmm"
Gee, somehow not feeling all that "stimulated" now, are we...wonder why?
STOP screwing around and trying to blow the wad, Bub...take the money and use it to pay off this damn debt before this nation goes belly-up...got it?

I mean, if a person they took into custody (overseas) got a fat lip because he put up a struggle (and with a SEAL, that's messin' with your heartbeat right there), what's the big deal?
This terrorist they captured would have probably sought out his 70 or so virgins in his afterlife by offing a hundred or so innocent civvies and/or military personnel anyway, with that explosive strapped to his waist, right?
But no....it's all about "rights" (of the perp and not the victims) that has caused these brave men to come under fire...for THEIR actions.
Now, if you DO have a beef with the SEALS, then take it to a Captain's Mast (navy term) for a summary dress-down, but don't go making it all public with court-martials and all the other BS associated with it.
These men DID THEIR DUTY (as the stories have told us so far). We recruited them, trained them, and sent them into harm's way...for just that purpose.
Now, we toss 'em under the judicial bus? I don't think so.
I keep saying that we're at war...either overseas or on our own home fronts...and to deny it is just asking to get your ass blown up by Ramses El Kaboom and his stalwart Jihadists!
I sure as hell don't want to see another 9/11, and especially not on AMERICAN soil.

Here's the link to the entire story (a damn good read) from a station in OKLAHOMA (guess the VA press in mum on it?):
I hear even Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs said this is "silly". The vet (of not one, but TWO wars) should be allowed to express his dedication to his country.
Well, he WAS awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor...that ain't nothing to SNEEZE at, people!
This is what happens when Homeowner Associations are TOO "good" at what they're supposed to do.
Unlike OURS here in Fort Wayne (Pettit-Rudisill) which exists (basically) in NAME ONLY, and the neighborhood reflects that much.
Let the man have his flag and shut the hell up, you morons. I don't see anyone ELSE in that association (or neighborhood) with the same credentials as this brave warrior...so leave him alone...and maybe spend some time thinking about what HE did FOR our country, as opposed as what YOU "neighbors" in VA are doing TO it. 'Nuff said there.

Yep, you heard me right...CO2 is right up there alongside Plutonium, VX (nerve gas), mercury, and sundry other "nasties" that might HARM us...
(oh, the humanity...!)

Now, forgive me if I PAID ATTENTION in biology class WAY back in 1968, but isn't CO2 the gas that PLANTS use to "breathe"?

Seems like a good fit to me...plants AND animals in a nice harmonious relationship.
We breathe IN oxygen, and then breathe OUT this "toxic" CO2, so the plants can ABSORB it and give off oxygen for US...
Pretty much seems like an open and shut case, if you ask me.
But, according to the EPA, CO2 is TOXIC, so we, as humans are producing this vile substance every time we EXHALE...(for shame on us...go hold your breath somewhere else...don't want to get any of that SECOND-HAND CO2 in MY lungs...!)
Actually, the coal-burning plants are the worst culprits when it comes to CO2 emissions (tell the forests and lawns .that...they're loving it). Gee, I smell something really fishy here, folks.

Like COAL...and GASOLINE...and PEOPLE.
(makes a good case for socialized medicine...decrease the surplus population ONE way or another, right?)
I mean, we can't really have the POLAR BEAR population rising as much as it HAS been (the government doesn't want you to know that), or we can;t have global COOLING either (which we have had...for the last DECADE...can you say little ice age?)
And our favorite "environmangelist", Al Gore got caught defrauding the public...JUST like any other dime store "minister" who'd been fleecing his flock to serve his OWN agenda. He just doesn't want to ADMIT to it...but our planet just might force his hand here.
It could have been avoided, IF the city wasn't busy tearing up lawns while collecting LEAVES, but found themselves spreading some SALT (which we've got in abundance this year) on the roads to make them less slippery.
Amazing all the totally unbelievable crap you can find...and when you're not even looking for it...totally amazing.

I just didn't think people were FREE to be MORONS...and that being afraid to BRAVE the streets in inclement weather should never become a prerequisite to living AS an AMERICAN.
But I'm kinda old-fashioned in matters such as these.
I like to think we ARE better than that...and we should strive to be.
Stay safe out there, America.
had a similar problem where i am with the salt trucks.
besides the fact the man is a highly honered ww2 vet he has worked his butt off to have a nice home. that flag pole looks fantastic on it. i hope the homeowners assoc. goes to hexx....you would think an attorny would take this fight on for free. perhaps it isnt as well paying as the norms, child support, bankrupcy, and divorce. lol homeowner assoc. are amazing no toys, no fences over 4ft, no this no that. must have certain amount of trees and plants. must do this, must do that.
I wish MY "neighborhood association" would take a walk through MY neighborhood...
Sadly, we have absolutely NO "covenenats" or specific ordinances to keep folks from living like PIGS.
(and it shows...everywhere but around OUR house)
Some ORDER around here would be a welcome change to all the dman chaos these people seem to wallow in.
Thanks for stopping by.
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