We've got more than enough "odd" to go around, don't we?
But I promise we'll have a "happy ending" to this post.
** Case in point...those wacky DANES and their "climate summit".
Again, we see a dubious pall hanging over the summit.
Undeveloped nations are pitching a fit because THEY will be the ones MOST affected by reduction of greenhouse gases, as opposed to developed nations (like us).
Well, let's face it...who the hell is producing the most gases anyway?
Underdeveloped nations are just like WE were...about 150 years ago (or more).

Granted, those in Copenhagen said outright that America has seen COOLING, while other nations maintain that THEY are getting warmer. Isn't this what I said in earlier posts regarding the EARTH taking care of itself?
I mean, when you stop and think that the vast desert known as the SAHARA once USED to be a lot more tropical in nature, and supported a lot more life than we see there today, some of this "earth-shift" science starts to make some sense...doesn't it?
We certainly don't affect this planet in it's course NEARLY as much as people say we do, nor can we ever hope to.
There are a lot greater forces at work here, and like I said before...we're just "along for the ride".
Whether we choose to acknowledge it, or remain in denial, hoping WE, as a species can change things in the universe at the snap of our collective fingers will determine our future in no certain terms.
Now, if you don't find all this climate change "stuff" odd enough for you...how about this?
Andre Washington is now a "guest" of the Allen County lockup (until he posts $1000 bail and gets back out) for the robbery of the Advance Auto Parts store at 4309 S.Lafayette St. just last week

Now I find it REALLY ODD that this "person" seems to be the same one that might have also robbed the Dairy Queen nearby. The M.O. fits like a damn glove - similar clothing, brandishing a knife, accompanied by a 2nd individual.
But, I'll wager that the prosecutor's office won't be able to make the slam dunk and keep this guy off our streets. Hope I get proved wrong.
He'll get back out somehow (they always seem to), and probably move down here to lose himself until his next crime spree.
Funny how THIS story ties directly into this next one, though...stay with me on this.
Seems that about FIFTY members of the BLACK community were in attendance (amazing - nothing was being GIVEN away) to protest the placing of a trash recycling sorting facility in their neighborhood on Pontiac St.
They complained (and rightly so) about such things as the smell, rodent infestation, and the noise and traffic from all the trucks coming and going. (gee, sounds a LOT like MY part of the city, only we have gunshots, reckless driving, and drug dealing and usage, too).
One black minister hit the nail on the damn head.
He stated: "You go up NORTH, you see STORES. You go up NORTH, you see good schools. You go up NORTH, you have good neighborhoods. It's all up NORTH".
Well, Rev...that's kinda how the city sees it, too.
All those amenities are found ANYWHERE ELSE but DOWN HERE.
I've said that since I created this blog over THREE years ago...
I've KNOWN it since I moved here a DOZEN years ago.
And some of the blame can be directly traced to the BLACK COMMUNITY itself. Didn't see anyone stand up and bitch when drugs infiltrated the neighborhoods. Didn't hear anyone bemoan all the RENTALS and the human refuse that inhabits them. Didn't see anyone taking to our streets to stop gang violence all that much...only after someone gets KILLED, do we ever see any outpouring of concern (for a few days...and then things go back to "normal").
But I'm not the ONLY one noticing this...the CITY has been paying attention as well, and they've been taking steps (creating blame) to ensure that THIS part of town receives as LITTLE help as possible. That's why developers go up NORTH...or WEST.
And just because I'd like to see some real improvement, NO developer gives a rat's ass about what ONE person thinks.
Thankfully, I've made a few allies within certain city departments that allows my specific area to keep from falling further down those ten layers of Dante's hell. But I'm still only ONE person, and I sure ain't 25 years old any longer.Wish to hell I was.
But one has to realize that living down here means that generally-speaking, the city will all but ignore you.
You want to go shopping...you have WAL-MART...or K-Mart...that's it.
Book store? Yeah, right. Go elsewhere.
Ditto for a real music store...or clothing store...or sporting good store...or hobby shop...or comic store...or furniture store (unless you rent as most all the locals around here do, but that's another tale for another time)...you've got relatively NOTHING in the way of REAL shopping...just those two I mentioned along with assorted "dollar stores"...helluva choice, huh?
Got plenty of fast food places, rib joints, wheel rim joints, a few car parts places, smoke shops and an overabundance of LIQUOR STORES.
Keep the unwashed masses smoking, drunk, entertained and ignorant...and they're by and large content...and free to rob citizens and what few stores are still down here at THEIR leisure...after all, there are no JOBS down here to speak of, so they live off the taxpayers (or embellish their monthly checks with selling illegal drugs).

But: "We don't want TRASH in our neighborhoods", says Councilman Glynn Hines...
Really, Glynn...REALLY?
Then tell YOUR PEOPLE to stop tossing it out THEIR car windows, and dropping it from THEIR hands, because I sure as hell ain't dumping ANY around here.
I find it so damn ODD that we have such double-standards in place here.
We don't WANT a trash facility on Pontiac St, BUT we still are going to toss trash on other people's properties and in the streets (when we're not pulling a "short dump" on some vacant lot, that is).
You folks allowed this to happen...you wore the blinders...you get YOUR sh*t in gear.
Time to ante up and get with the program if you ever hope to revitalize THIS part of Fort Wayne.

(or buy Glenn's book...you're gonna NEED it...a LOT)
People WILL display forms of O.D.D. (Oppositional Defiance Disorder), and that is just TOO damn odd.
You will never see such a hodgepodge of nonsensical buffoonery as you will when you comment on various blogs. Now such isn't the case HERE, in spite of the fact that I now "moderate" the comments.
This is done just to keep those people I just mentioned out of the loop, as they have nothing constructive to contribute to any conversation or debate.
I commented about re instituting corporal punishment back into the classrooms, and one person took it as an open door to ABUSE of children. Face it, we've got at least ONE generation of kids that have respect issues with teachers, parents, police, and anyone who looks at them the "wrong" way. We have students striking educators, because that poor teacher tried to BREAK UP a fight in the classroom.
We have parents that allow their kids to roam free like some wild animals in the Veldt.
WTF is wrong with that picture?
Used to be a time when teacher was considered one of GOD'S assistants while you were in class. You did not act up, because the wrath of the heavens would descend like a ton of bricks...on YOU.
Used to be a time when young people respected their "elders"...now, they just rob them of their social security checks, or break into their homes to steal them blind.
Used to be a time when being drug by the scruff of the neck down to the PRINCIPAL'S office WAS a "big deal"...and you dreaded having your parents find out, because that multiplied the situation.
Just not seeing that happen these days.
And I've taught kids in Sunday school...I've seen the homes they come from, and I've worked with them to help them along. I think kids are great people, and deserve every chance to succeed that is possible.
I also believe that without a structured environment for them to grow up in, and without proper discipline (where and when needed and applied) you are not raising any child in a manner which will benefit them later in life.
But people think that means I'm into abusing children...what a crock!
Discipline and proper punishment NOW (when they're young) very often negates the need for incarceration later in life.
When it comes to children, there has never been a sadistic bone in my body, but I don't feel the need to defend myself here, or anywhere else for that matter. I know who I am better than anyone else.

And I have to say, it may become one of my yearly "must-sees"...it was that good.
It was called "Lanny & Wayne: Prep and Landing", done by Disney by the same people that must have done Toy Story and Polar Express.
It's the story of two elves who are part of of the "pre-arrival" team that Santa has to ensure his flight to the houses of children goes without any glitches.

Of course, the progress is monitored at a central hub (north pole) that has all the trappings of the NORAD center, including an always-nervous, and hot chocolate gulping "air-boss".
I've got to see if anyone will be showing it later this season, or if they have the DVD of it...it IS worth it, and even this 57 year old "kid" found it a wonderful addition to the Christmas season.
Here's a preview of it...enjoy.
They even have some games for the kids (or YOU) to play with.
We do live in truly unique times...and that includes the GOOD unique, as well as the BAD unique.
It is the job of every one of us to remain steadfast in our beliefs, values and principles.

They will not succeed.
We can make every day a new day, and not a warmed-over version of the previous one..
We can...and we should.
Stay safe out there, America.
well i dont have a homeowners assoc eithor. and i really thought it was a bunch of bunk. but nowdays i just dont know.
i missed that special that was on tues night. i am sure i'll get to catch up on it later. and its one of the few shows i wanted to watch. i did see parts of the shrek show tonight. my daughter and i talked threw most of it. lol she know how to pick the time.
i saw a man today that can help me with my situation and i think after tax time i will start doing what i need to do.
HOmeowners associations can be good OR bad...or, as in our case, rather NON-EXISTENT!
I look at these organizations much like FIREARMS:
Better to HAVE it and not NEED it, than to NEED it and not HAVE it.
I think PREP & LANDING will be shown again on the 16th & the 24th (don't quote me) @ 8PM.
Good Luck with your situation.
And thanks for stopping by.
prep and landing is on the internet at cbs.com i now havent had a chance to watch by 10 min of it and its about 22 min long.
last night i opened up and told a good girlfriend of mine at work what is going on. i asked her if she wanted a piece of my furniture. (she will be "babysitting" my daughter over new years eve. my daughter refused to stay home that night alone and i dont blame her) never the less she was fully supportive and then asked about the dryer......lol it was weird. i didnt feel bad about what i was going to do and i felt that this whole thing is a blessing. yes a true blessing. i found a lawyer from a friend that was using him for the same reason. i was having to clean out my house anyways. and now i am getting rid of the old car (very easy i may add). and my female friend really needs some stuff and i think of it as good for her. less overtime she'll have to work. even though this wont be thought as a blessing i truely beleive that everything will pretty much go smoothly. its funny when i got married i knew that i really shouldnt have with him. even the minister reminded me that the marriage wasnt legal unless i signed that marriage certificate. then when i bought this house i was thinking "darn it, perhaps you should have rented instead" but i wanted the american dream just like the marriage. then i got the timeshare. deep in my mind i said STUPIED. but, i went ahead with it. trust me, I KNOW everything will work out ok. i will have times of self doubt and i will have to remind myself that i am doing this for the greater good. that this will pass and better things will come. heck moving out of this house is a better thing anyways. :)
Thanks for the heads-up on Prep & Landing.
AS to your situation...
A old preacher friend of mine used to say that:
"God don't make junk and that ALL things happen according to HIS purpose."
I still believe that, especially when times come along when you feel you're up against the wall, with seemingly few (if any) ways out.
And it's times like that when TWO WORDS come to mind:
It ain't easy for us to hand over the driving to "someone else", but sometimes we have to for our own good.
And it's also at THIS time of year when we can understand how the REDEMPTIVE process works in each of us.
Hang in there.
And thanks for stopping by.
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