Like I mentioned yesterday about TRADITIONS...some things remain , while others are created to keep the ball rolling, as it were.
This time of year brings back SO many fond memories of so many things.
And I'm sure it does the same for you.
Now, when it comes to Christmas, we all have our favorite things...could be certain smells from the kitchen or fireplace (hopefully that never includes furniture or burnt food), special songs, movies, TV shows, and the like.
So I've compiled some of MY favorite things that just say CHRISTMAS.
Not to mention a young Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen are easy on the eyes as well. Irving Berlin wrote some damn fine songs to boot.
I mean there are enough versions of Dickens' classic here to satisfy anyone in the crowd.
I also like

I like them also, just not as much.
There are so many other movies out there, but the aforementioned ones are MUST SEE movies at this time of the rolling year.
A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS....period. Gotta watch that. Hell, I grew UP watching it (first showing was back in 1965, sponsored by Coca-Cola).
GARFIELD'S CHRISTMAS...another "have to watch", even though it's curiously NEVER SHOWN any longer...(that's what a DVD is for, my friends, and I have this one too).
I was never really into FROSTY the Snowman...kinda creeped me out....guy made of snow that could be done in with a handy blowtorch.... Rudolph and the misfit toys thing...I can take it or leave it.

And I do like the original cartoon GRINCH show. Jim Carrey's version is okay, and if nothing else is on, I'll watch it.
Shows that have a holiday "theme" to them are always good to watch...like SOUTH PARK, FAMILY GUY, or AMERICAN DAD.
Last night's BIG BANG THEORY was pretty good as well.
I have to admit to really missing all the really good "variety specials" we had growing up like DEAN MARTIN, BOB HOPE, ANDY WILLIAMS, and other such notable performers...they had some of the BEST holiday viewing...something for everyone.
THE CHRISTMAS SONG (and album) does Christmas in such a marvelously smooth manner, you feel like a kid again.
I also love the way NEIL DIAMOND does Christmas songs...
For the "fun" aspect of holiday music...it's the JINGLE CATS, hands down. I mean, I do like the dogs barking Jingle Bells, but the cats crack me the hell up. And you have to listen to Alvin & the Chipmunks (Christmas Don't Be Late).
Sorry Grandma, not really into you getting run over by a reindeer, especially after seeing the manner in which some of local idiots drive in bad weather around my city...that's just not right.
Well, Beethoven's 9th Symphony comes close, but...no cigar, kids.
And then there are THE CAROLS....all of them.
Give me some chorale singing Christmas carols, and I can't get much happier.
My personal favorites are performed by Chanticleer or Mannheim Steamroller.
It's this time of year that seems to be the ONLY time we have so many "mission-specific" songs, isn't it?
We used to sing them all in church...in school...at home...wherever.
I used to play in our musical group at church (guitar) and we always looked forward to playing at Christmas. I miss that, too.

Now THAT says Christmas...and the way I make egg nog, well, let's just say that a few of these and all that cold weather outside doesn't seem all that cold for some reason. Yep, it's sure to get you snug in your bed and off to dreamland...I guarantee it.
Used to be a time when friends came over or you went to their house and exchanged gifts...I miss that too. All of us have scattered to the four winds, it seems, along with others we've lost along the way.
Now, the missus and I head up to our former neighbors (and still good friends) past Harlan, Indiana and play Santa for the afternoon. We take goodies for everyone, and that includes the horses they have, and the dogs and the cats.
I do miss going to visit our aunt and uncle in Portland, IN, but with both of them in a nursing home now (and our aunt not doing well), it tends to "put one off of one's game", so to speak.
And it's this time of year that we all have to be careful not to get DEPRESSED.
I admit to being in that crowd, and the struggle to keep Christmas "merry" is a chore. Seems to get that way as we get older.
I didn't plan it that way, and I'd much rather be able to halt time at Christmas, and work with that for a few decades.
But time waits for no one.
So, we have all of the things we remember...the things that really MEAN Christmas to us all.
They might be small, or they might be great, but to every one of us, they are all a part of us now.
The ability to enjoy the season itself, aside from all the running around and spending is what is truly meaningful.
The joy of watching a Christmas classic at home, or hearing those carols echo through the house is something that, to borrow from a favorite song of mine "helps to make the season bright".

Oh, and we have TEN shopping days until Christmas...in case you were wondering.
Do good today...make a difference, and as always,
Stay safe out there, America.
((tomorrow: Gitmo "north", cyber-banging, & education "stuff"))
Love your post! My favorite movie hands down is A Christmas Story. I love Ralphie and his Red Ryder BB gun. (You'll shoot your eye out) and who can forget the MAJOR award his father won..I admit that I love all things Christmas even tho I don't decorate much any more. I would add Elvis singing Blue Christmas to your list.. Great Post!
Red Ryder BB rifles NOW cost a whopping $59.99!!
Back in Ralphie's day, they were nicely UNDER $20.00 (which was about as much as $60 bucks is today when it comes to that stuff)
Yeah, they have a commerical out now with Elvis singing that...after Dad passed, that became Mom's "favorite" song at Christmas...
Amazing how we change, or should I say ADAPT (like I stated yesterday).
We do what we do to get through the holidays as best we can, while still holding onto ALL the things that made this time wonderful.
Remarkable creatures are we, indeed.
Thanks for stopping by.
i love just about all the songs and stories. but, i finally got to see prep and landing tonight with my kid on tv. it was cool. almost brought a tear to the old eye. and what is christmas with the song grandma got run over by a raindeer. almost got some egg nog the other day. the problem was i was too tired and lazy to walk back to the refegerated case and almost picked up the liquar one. my kid said so you deceided you can handle drinking on top of a move and working? i was like wth.....and put it back down. no, I CANT handle drinking too.....lol
Can't handle drinking at Christmas???
If anyone had a REASON to take up some serious drinikng...it would probably be ME.
Fortunately, I have this nasty nagel on my shoulder that goes by the name of SELF-CONTROL.
(why would parents name ANYONE THAT?)
Glad you liked the Disney show...it was classic Disney...had all the "right stuff".
Thanks for stopping by.
What a great post. You listed so many things about Christmas that I love as well. I've actually got that Nat King Cole Christmas CD on right now. I love the way he sings a Christmas tune. Thanks again for all the great comments you left at my blog. I'm really glad you like what I'm posting there. I like your blog too. Cheers!
Thank you for the kudos.
My blog is nothing more than "shooting from the hip"...
I just state the facts, point out the obvious, and say what I mean while meaning what I say.
Well, I was a former BOY SCOUT...guess it SHOWS, eh?
Thanks again for stopping by.
(gonna go play some Nat Cole myself)
Stay cool.
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