Humpday Happenings...
Stupidity it seems also never takes a holiday.
So, with that said, let's have at it.
** Welcome to "Gitmo-North", folks, or should we say welcome to Thomson Correctional facility, located a mere 150 miles outside of Chicago (another haven for criminals and criminal behavior).
The President has it in his craw to go and bring about 100 detainees from our war on terror...I mean the OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY PLAN right here to OUR shores, and stick them (where else?)...right here in the Heartland of America.

(especially with domestic crime on an increase)
Here's the link to their site:
And while this prison has been collecting DUST, instead of convicts, it's been a drain on the local economy. (who knew?)
Now, I find it ODD that another, more over-crowded facility hasn't sent anyone there. It has been done in the past all across our nation.
Like the time Philadelphia sent a sh*tload of it's prisoners to a facility about 40 miles south of Williamsport, Pennsylvania (a once very nice town of about 30,000 people, nestled in the mountains of North Central PA). Concessions (read serious $$$) were tossed around, and the prisoners went away from Philly. Over-crowding solved for the time being there.
Well, when the prisoners got out, they remained in the Williamsport area, and lo and behold, crime went UP there.

And the state of Illinois is OK with this, citing needed revenue issues (We don't need no stinking JOBS...we just need stinking camel-jockeys with a penchant for blowing themselves and others the hell up, right?), and that having these "detainees" at Thomson would help the state (To do what? Explode?)

I don't recall ANYONE from the Nuremberg Trials coming to America to be incarcerated...maybe it was because most all of them were EXECUTED for WAR CRIMES...'ya think?
I can see Goering or Goebbels sitting their asses in Alcatraz for 30 years at the taxpayer's expense...that dog would NEVER hunt.
We bring known terrorists to OUR homeland, while at the same time, are trying to convict 3 NAVY SEALS for doing the job we trained them for, in the same conflict...WTF is wrong with that picture?
We USED to call it JUSTICE...wonder when it went on an extended leave?

Welcome to the 21st century, people.
The latest gig to hit the ether is something called "cyber-banging".
Rival gangs post to YouTube, Myspace and Facebook, with threats to others, challenges, and celebratory shenanigans.

Here's a link to the story from CHICAGO (with video):,0,6888638.story
Many think this is something "new", but here's a link to a story from New England back in 2006:
And here is a link to another story from TULSA, OK:
Police across the nation have been tuning into this, and now we hear about the FBI "tapping" into accounts (monitoring is the correct word here) on Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace. This action has some in a panic, as they claim their 1st amendment rights are in jeopardy.
I am pretty certain that the FEDS (in this case) are going after the GANGS and not John & Jane Doe (unless they provide good reason & suspicion for electronic surveillance).
It does open a floodgate of possibilities, though...
Where do we draw the line?
Can ONLY those criminal elements be targeted without infringement on NON-criminal speech and expression?
What EXACTLY might constitute "criminal speech" now...or in the future?
Would such practices by the FEDS lead to greater loss of liberty?
I wouldn't panic just yet...unless you're a "banger".
After all, idiots like THESE just LOVE to brag about their "accomplishments"...don't they?
I'm just sayin'...
** If you thought NCLB was bad, wait until you see the "next step" in the plan to dumb down the population...

Hey, I don't make this crap the news.
Now, I will grant you that there are SOME teachers that just do the minimum required by find such people in EVERY line of work from law-enforcement to construction to accounting (and everywhere in between), and those people are usually weeded out by the system. That's why we have TEACHER evals...and OFFICER evals, etc.
Well, this "new deal" smacks the faces of all the good teachers.
If you have a class of HONOR students, the teachers can often "cruise-control" their way through the course...the STUDENTS will seek to learn on their own with a minimum of nudging.
You cannot simply "mainstream" these kids with good, hard-working students. But the educational system DOES, and with great abandon.
They would much rather grade a TEACHER on the performance of a mixed class like I described, which needs a lot more SPECIAL ATTENTION, than to call the KIDS in question, OR their parents.
Education has THREE major components to success.
1) Students
2) Parents
3) Teachers
Compromise ANY ONE of the three, and the educational process WILL break down.

That's why we USED to have schools that addressed such issues. THAT was called SPECIAL ED in my day.
Children with physical impediments were also sent o schools that could more properly address THEIR needs and concerns. That's why we have SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF...or BLIND.
We even had schools for the MENTALLY IMPAIRED.
But today, we just toss 'em all in together for the most part, and EXPECT the SAME results AS IF they were ALL normal...
Not to take away from kids with a zest for knowledge, but that's not fair to everyone, especially the teachers.
You cannot teach to the few, and ignore the many.
If you TRULY want NO child left behind, then provisions have to be revisited to endow ALL children the same opportunity, and that means specialized schools (because all children do not learn at the same pace)...not some cookie-cutter educational system that takes away from those who DO achieve and gives it to those who do not WANT to, or otherwise cannot, just to balance the scales.
Everyone in life cannot be a winner...that's just the way it works. Everyone has to find their OWN path in what THEY choose to pursue, and hopefully not harm themselves or anyone else along the way.
Teaching ALL the students well enough to handle the burdens of adulthood IS possible, but not by grading the educator (that's what reviews are for anyway), but by grading the system AS A WHOLE, and that does mean teachers, but moreover, it means the STUDENTS AND PARENTS as well...all three together.
Anything less is going to be a recipe for educational disaster.

So get out there and get that shopping done, beware of terrorists coming to a jail near you,

You're better than you think you is this country. Time we let the rubber meet the road in that regard.
Do well today, be alert on the roads, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
I agree 100% about no child left behind. One of the worst programs ever enacted. We need to go back to the the special schools for our special needs children and teach them life skills, not just babysit them in regular classes. Those precious kids deserve better. As do the "normal" kids, who deserve a teachers complete attention. You pushed one of my buttons today with your post. Atta Boy Bobby G.!
Kids are STILL everyone's's just that some people can't figure that one out yet.
And the BEST investment IN that future is to PROPERLY school the kids...
Getting back to BASICS is the best and most COST-EFFECTIVE way to do that.
And please get the PARENTS involved...even if you have to send THEM back to school to learn that.
((Didn't know I hit any buttons))
I apologize if I "channeled" you without permission...LOL~!
But facts "IS" facts...!
Thanks for stopping by.
Those gang-bangers with guns.. reminds me of something I saw yesterday or the day before - he held his gun sideways, and the bullets got stopped up in the barrel.. holding your weapon like an idiot (sideways) really impedes your shooting ability. 9 days left for Christmas shopping? I have to get to Macys! I guess I will go this week.
Bringing all those Gitmo detainees north is ridiculous..and then he's still going to do military tribunals. Why not KEEP them off the continental US and leave them where they are?
Read on another blog that Obama said "we are on the precipice of achievement that's eluded Congresses, presidents for generations -- an achievement that will touch the lives of nearly every American."... here's the definition of precipice:
1 : a very steep or overhanging place
2 : a hazardous situation; broadly
We can't say he didn't say what he was going to do when things go tumbling wildly downhill from here!
When I think of PRECIPICE, I think pretty much a CLIFF...
A very STEEP cliff...usually with jagged rocks and waves at the bottom.
And standing at the edge is for hang-gliders, cliff divers, and LEMMINGS.
Somehow, I think the number of Americans that STILL buy into all this nonsense are not in the FIRST TWO categories.
And a fall from the height we're at now, will result in a very loud SPLAT!
Achievenment? turning America into AmeriKa?
That'll DEFINITELY "touch" some lives.
I don't really like the acronym U.S.S.A.
Sounds a bit too "familiar".
Just a thought...
Thanks for stopping by.
i fully agree about getting back to the basics. fully. infact that is one of the topics that will be talked about when i enroll my daughter in her new school soon. (i pray i get that apartment before i let my stack of cards tumble. will know thur or fri). never the less.
i pretty much beleive that the prison was built for those terrirst to be sitting there empty this long.
and gang bangers have been on the internet for quit awhile. i brought that to my daughters attention back in 05 or 06. i noticed a ton on myspace. try imvu sometime. you can get world wide gangbangers in a chat room dressing up. its interesting.
Glad to see you fighting for what's right for your daughter...
As to the bangers...never had anything like that when I was their age...but I have managed to live a helluva lot longer that THEY have BECAUSE of it.
Thnaks for stopping by.
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