Think about it...
There is too much in the way of ODD that is happening in Weirdsville, USA these days.
Those of us old enough to recall the relatively halcyon days of the late, great 1950s, remember how much calmer everything was, in spite of the threat of nuclear annihilation from the nasty USSR.
We went about our lives, and our lives at that time were a lot less "complicated", as opposed to TODAY.
Then again, our nation seemed a lot less "complicated" as well.
Can't say THAT today, can we?

(yeah, I said the exact same thing when I heard it...before I barfed up dinner)
Now this creeps me out...reminds me of STALIN...how about you?
** This guy was the one who had his hand on the THROTTLE of this runaway freight train roaring down the mountain, also known as the Federal Reserve.
And he's being investigated to boot.
He should be dragged into the nearest street and smacked senseless, but that's not going to happen.
(so much for answered prayers in that matter)
But HE is the person of the year...coulda been worse though...it COULD have been NANCY PELOSI.
(another candidate for having some SENSE smacked into them, along with Reid, Frank, and assorted others)
I was thinking of getting a subscription to TIME...and then sending them a nasty letter CANCELLING it, but I wouldn't waste the postage.
This "honor" is just as bad as having Da Prez get a NOBEL peace prize after only being in office for like NINE DAYS.
Or as bad as (environmangelist) Al Gore getting like award for his multi-trillion-dollar SCAM upon the world.
Weird doesn't even BEGIN to cover this clusterf*ck!
But wait, there's more...(sorry...was channeling Billy Mays briefly)

BUT...there is a marvelous snag to all this...
Parents, along with MANY (good politicians) don't want to see the TEACHERS be the ones getting the pink slips...(imagine that).
It's YOU, the people of this nation who are making a difference HERE.
YOUR voices are being heard. (even if they don't admit to it in Washington, D.C.)
Administrators in school systems are most at risk right now, and there are many places that states can assist school systems find ways to make ends meet, without compromising the EDUCATIONAL PROCESS.

And rightly so.
I was talking to the missus last evening, and I said to her (herself an educator) that ANY "educational" issue or problem the schools face is in reality a SOCIETAL issue or problem.
Schools have bent over backward trying to address societal issues within the ivy-covered walls, when it needs to be addressed elsewhere...perhaps at the SOCIETAL level ('ya think?), because any educational venue is for LEARNING and TEACHING of the STUDENT BODY.
It's not there to babysit anyone, nor is it a refuge for the psychologically-challenged or emotionally inept.
We have other places for such things...and Lord knows the government has poured it's share of $$$ into THOSE as well.
The HOME LIFE of the students has to be looked into, because what's occurring THERE is definitely impacting on what goes on (or doesn't go on) in the classrooms.
Our society has taken away about as much from educators as it has from the law-enforcement members Of our society.
Both have been emasculated over the decades to the point of futility.

We need schools to be places of higher LEARNING, with the appropriate RESPECT shown to those in authority and granted the license to TEACH.
Same goes for law-enforcement...(and the judicial system as well).
We need to revisit the issue of RESPECT on our streets, and yes, even in the homes.
If that means forcing people to face the consequences when they do wrong...fine by me.
if that means holding people ACCOUNTABLE for their actions...I can work with that.
And it can start as soon as they're out of the crib and walking on their own two feet.
The age of accountability comes sooner than you think...time we made it work.

Fort Wayne is up to TWENTY ONE homicides, as of yesterday afternoon.
One Clifton Davis (25) is currently in the hospital while another man, yet to be ID'ed was DOA. The shooter remains at large, according to the FWPD.
Here's the link to the entire story:
Now this is just another case of someone shooting someone else indoors (be careful about your relatives at this house).
And, naturally, we see the obligatory crocodile tears, and the wailing, sobbing cries from those who just managed to all congregate on scene within MINUTES, blocking traffic...!

The people all but impeded officers on scene as they were waiting to get a warrant to search the premises.
Some were wanting to go UNDER the POLICE TAPE, blocking off the area as a CRIME SCENE (gee, never see that happen on TV, do we?). But this SO typical of the behavioral patterns exhibited by these people.
Remember...to THEM, it's all about being ENTERTAINED in some manner, and something like this breaks up their boredom., and frees them from their routine of smoking dope, dealing dope, and basically driving around all day, doing nothing but checking out the neighborhood for "possibilities" in the way of "quick cash".
Just last night, we had another move out, so trash was stacked along the alley, and some schmuck with a SHOPPING CART ( obviously purloined from a nearby store) was trying to get an ARMCHAIR into the cart. He finally succeeded, and I got a damn good laugh out of it in the process.
"Yeah, gimme that chair or mattress that I don't know WHO had their body on, or how filthy it might be...I want that for MY house..."
Like I keep telling you friends, they are the ultimate predators...they take anything and everything...and give NOTHING back.
I prefer to believe that America is made up of a lot more and better people than THESE...
And now and again, I see evidence to back me up.
I just don't see that much around MY neighborhood.
But it's out there.

We can live as good a life as is possible.
We can man up to whatever life has to throw at us.
We can do all this...and a lot more IF we choose to.
And that choice is ALWAYS ours to take...or ignore.
Remember, EIGHT days of Christmas shopping left, so get cracking, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
"he's a good kid, would never do anything like that" is going to be coming next when they catch the shooter :P
Thanks for your comments on my blog. I appreciate it. Great hearing from you. I hope you will visit again soon.
I thought it was so stupid for TIME magazine to pick this loser as "Person of the Year." He is one of the people responsible for the crap we are in.
I wouldn't bet you on that because I KNOW I would lose that one hands down...LOL.
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm thinking that "IF" TIME wants to applaud people like Bernanke, then folks like US definitely have a shot at it...
Oh, wait...we're not "connected", and have no criminal history.
AND...we actually HELP our fellow man.
Sorry, my bad.
Thanks much for stopping by.
Stay cool!
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