Monday Musings...
Alright then...all the gifts have been opened, the relatives have gone (unless you're lucky enough to have a "Cousin Eddie"), and leftovers are the bill of fare for a few more days.
And it's the last Monday of 2009.
That makes me wonder (with all the crap than came floating down river at us THIS year) what will be coming our way with the advent of this "new" year.
First off, I've got a feeling that it's not going to be so much of a NEW year, as a continuation of the OLD year (this one).
Now, unless a LOT of things change...and drastically for the better, the storm clouds we started to see in 2009 will grow into a full blown Nor'easter in 2010.
At the forefront of most ALL of this "ill weather" is something I like to call POLITICS.
And, it doesn't matter if it's at the FEDERAL level, the STATE level, or at the LOCAL municipal level.
I think those buttwipes that have been screwing us over all this time are starting to get it through their thick-ass primate skulls that WE...the PEOPLE mean business, and that we're pretty much holding the purse strings.
Politicians are beginning to sweat...well, most of them anyway. And that's GOOD.
Makes me want to buy some stock in a company that makes deodorant...!
However, dipshits like Harry Reid are too busy being arrogant out-the ass to worry about all those (of us) paying his damn salary, or about how HE is affecting ALL of our futures...and snide little bastards such as him always get theirs in the end (I'm thinking "Benny" from the movie THE MUMMY kind of ending) when it comes to halting this nations financial runaway freight train.
Personally, I miss the days of TARRING and FEATHERING, because such people as are in Washington TODAY have been more than deserving of such a fate, although I do think that since many politicians' behavior has more than once bordered on being TREASONOUS when it comes to this nation, something more severe (and permanent) would be required to bring America back on track.
But we're only less than a week away from a NEW year...a year we can start OVER and set a proper course for this country.
And the first places to do this would be the INTERNET...and the BALLOT BOX.
It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out (and whether we do bring back tarring and feathering)...nah, I'm just joking about the last thing...or AM I?
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though...
We're still in the waining throes of the CHRISTMAS season.
We've still got all those 50%+ OFF sales to check out.
Time to stock up of "stuff".
Here in Fort Wayne, IN (and also in much of the Midwest), we're dealing with some snow and the road conditions it brings with it. The East coast has dug out of it's record snowfalls, "turning backyards into swamps" (as my dear friend in Delaware put it).
And the children have one week of "vacation" left to them.
Ah, yes...the children. Let's not forget about them...or our future, shall we?
Indiana wants to implement a grading system for TEACHERS..and that's going over like a lead balloon.
Trying to get those state TEST scores up in certain schools has been a burr under the saddle of the educational system here for some time, but no one seems to want to address the REAL problem.
And I'm sure such issues exist in your state as well.
While you may have a few teachers who are there only to "collect a check" (and we see this in every damn occupation in this country) they are not, nor have ever been representative of those entrusted with educating our young.
The REAL problem is not the teachers, or the course studies, or even the institutions of learning...
It's the students themselves...and perhaps the parents to a lesser degree.
When the parents don't affects the school
When the students don't affects the school. Those who would argue against the teachers need to sit their asses in a classroom with 35 or more inattentive young juvenile delinquents, who are there only because the law requires it. And for some kids, they don't even bother to show up
Try teaching to some FEDERAL program that says that ONLY the schools with a "passing grade" will receive government funding, while you are charged with educating this unwashed mass of pubescent apathy.
Granted, these kids are not the majority of students, but there needs to be a school JUST for the problem kids...
Oh, wait...we USED to have schools like that, but someone decided to "mainstream" these little hooligans because to NOT do so may hurt their "self-esteem".
Try hurting their asses first (or hurting the wallets of the parents), and once they get in line, THEN you can work on this self esteem gig.
Get them skilled in personal responsibility, accountability and something we used to call INTEGRITY, and THEN, they will be more pliable when it comes to LEARNING.
THAT will raise test scores across the always did in the past.
I mean, there has to be something wrong with kids when they lie down and make snow angels in the MIDDLE OF THE DAMN STREET, and spend time swapping spit in a snow storm on a public street, instead of taking that behavior indoors or using a yard for angel-making, right?
Oh, yes...we see that around my area.
Well, that's what you get with entitlements and programs designed to dumb down people instead of lifting them up.

And it's the last Monday of 2009.
That makes me wonder (with all the crap than came floating down river at us THIS year) what will be coming our way with the advent of this "new" year.
First off, I've got a feeling that it's not going to be so much of a NEW year, as a continuation of the OLD year (this one).
Now, unless a LOT of things change...and drastically for the better, the storm clouds we started to see in 2009 will grow into a full blown Nor'easter in 2010.
At the forefront of most ALL of this "ill weather" is something I like to call POLITICS.
And, it doesn't matter if it's at the FEDERAL level, the STATE level, or at the LOCAL municipal level.

Politicians are beginning to sweat...well, most of them anyway. And that's GOOD.
Makes me want to buy some stock in a company that makes deodorant...!
However, dipshits like Harry Reid are too busy being arrogant out-the ass to worry about all those (of us) paying his damn salary, or about how HE is affecting ALL of our futures...and snide little bastards such as him always get theirs in the end (I'm thinking "Benny" from the movie THE MUMMY kind of ending) when it comes to halting this nations financial runaway freight train.

But we're only less than a week away from a NEW year...a year we can start OVER and set a proper course for this country.
And the first places to do this would be the INTERNET...and the BALLOT BOX.
It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out (and whether we do bring back tarring and feathering)...nah, I'm just joking about the last thing...or AM I?
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though...
We're still in the waining throes of the CHRISTMAS season.
We've still got all those 50%+ OFF sales to check out.
Time to stock up of "stuff".

And the children have one week of "vacation" left to them.
Ah, yes...the children. Let's not forget about them...or our future, shall we?
Indiana wants to implement a grading system for TEACHERS..and that's going over like a lead balloon.
Trying to get those state TEST scores up in certain schools has been a burr under the saddle of the educational system here for some time, but no one seems to want to address the REAL problem.
And I'm sure such issues exist in your state as well.

The REAL problem is not the teachers, or the course studies, or even the institutions of learning...
It's the students themselves...and perhaps the parents to a lesser degree.
When the parents don't affects the school
When the students don't affects the school. Those who would argue against the teachers need to sit their asses in a classroom with 35 or more inattentive young juvenile delinquents, who are there only because the law requires it. And for some kids, they don't even bother to show up
Try teaching to some FEDERAL program that says that ONLY the schools with a "passing grade" will receive government funding, while you are charged with educating this unwashed mass of pubescent apathy.
Granted, these kids are not the majority of students, but there needs to be a school JUST for the problem kids...
Oh, wait...we USED to have schools like that, but someone decided to "mainstream" these little hooligans because to NOT do so may hurt their "self-esteem".
Try hurting their asses first (or hurting the wallets of the parents), and once they get in line, THEN you can work on this self esteem gig.
Get them skilled in personal responsibility, accountability and something we used to call INTEGRITY, and THEN, they will be more pliable when it comes to LEARNING.
THAT will raise test scores across the always did in the past.
I mean, there has to be something wrong with kids when they lie down and make snow angels in the MIDDLE OF THE DAMN STREET, and spend time swapping spit in a snow storm on a public street, instead of taking that behavior indoors or using a yard for angel-making, right?
Oh, yes...we see that around my area.
Well, that's what you get with entitlements and programs designed to dumb down people instead of lifting them up.
Or...they could just have been dropped on thier heads as infants when baby-mama was lighting her joint...either way.
Face it, a stupid population (who are given everything, instead of being challenged to work to achieve something) is a lot more able to be controlled than say people with a sense of self-worth.
But, we are staring at a brand NEW YEAR...and we can still change things back around.
We can...and we must.
It's not a case of punishing those who would be dumb.
It IS a case of elevating those with potential to standards set decades ago...and holding them to it.
It's not a case of class warfare.
It IS a case of true class equality by design.
This nation can either succeed...or fail, based on what WE do...or DO NOT do.
And those among us who have done nothing but sit on the sidelines and watch others carry the load, need to be encouraged (and in some cases shoved) into action.
We need to be a people doing SOMETHING...rather than a people doing NOTHING.
This is still a nation OF the people...BY the people....and FOR the people.
It should never be considered a nation AGAINST the people.
Drive carefully on those snowy roads, dress appropriately for the weather, take care when shovelling, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Face it, a stupid population (who are given everything, instead of being challenged to work to achieve something) is a lot more able to be controlled than say people with a sense of self-worth.
But, we are staring at a brand NEW YEAR...and we can still change things back around.
We can...and we must.
It's not a case of punishing those who would be dumb.
It IS a case of elevating those with potential to standards set decades ago...and holding them to it.
It's not a case of class warfare.
It IS a case of true class equality by design.
This nation can either succeed...or fail, based on what WE do...or DO NOT do.
And those among us who have done nothing but sit on the sidelines and watch others carry the load, need to be encouraged (and in some cases shoved) into action.
We need to be a people doing SOMETHING...rather than a people doing NOTHING.

It should never be considered a nation AGAINST the people.
Drive carefully on those snowy roads, dress appropriately for the weather, take care when shovelling, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
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