I trust the journey here wasn't too bumpy.
The day wasn't a total loss...AMC ran a Three Stooges marathon, so I got my yucks in early.
After that...well...read on.
Let me first start off this decade by saying...(hope you're all sitting down and that you have nothing in your mouth which could spray on your keyboards)..I WAS WRONG!
Yepper, starting the new year out by admitting that I...was in ERROR.
Not afraid to say it one damn bit, either.
I stated as far back as YESTERDAY that the (illegal) "celebratory" gunfire in our neighborhood would begin about 2315 hours (45 minutes before midnight)...BOY, was I wrong!!!

Suffice it to say, I called it in as a signal *113* (shots fired), and explained to dispatch that the two people were in their backyard.

In retrospect, maybe I should have said to dispatch that the officer should "approach with caution", and that the call going out should be kept "off the air"...maybe NEXT New Year's Eve.
OR...I could just walk down, pump a few rounds into both of them, and get MY public service for the year out of the way early...LMAO!

It was a less than stellar beginning to 2010, but you come to expect that around here. Some people go partying, coming home well after 2AM, yelling in the street and honking car horns, which seems to be typical among low-class blacks with no future (but a nice ride, clothes and a fat gub'ment check that YOU are paying for). Those that remain in their "crib", are the ones with all the guns and ammo.
So, if I understand THIS particular type of "diversity" correctly, to ring in the new (ghetto) year properly, one must put on their saggiest jeans (with the glitter swirly designs on those pockets), some sort of team sport logo shirt and/or jacket, a recently stolen baseball cap (cocked at a 30 degree angle off the front with the tag still hanging from it...much like Minnie Pearl used to have on HER hat), a pocket full of blunts or crack...or both, a hand grasping some 32 OZ can/bottle of a BUD derivative, and a handgun shoved into whatever passes for a "waistband"...

Now THIS is exactly the type of person I want to manage the future of MY country...oh, yeah!
Hell, I don't even want this type of person living on my street...but I got 'em anyway, thanks to a VERY flawed societal "system" that rewards stupidity, irresponsibility and bad behavior and provides for them "because they're poor".
And here I thought no one told FAIRY TALES these days...silly me.
We recently had a situation where a HOMELESS PERSON was packing heat...!?! That's right...the guy was homeless, BUT...he still had a damn gun.
Talk about skewed priorities.
Well, this year might be a little different in my neck o' the woods.

I DO know that I will solemnly PROMISE to send ANYONE screwing with my property or my family to the morgue..free of charge.
Every year, things around here never seem to get any better, and every year, I take just a little less sh*t that the year before.
And I'm certainly NOT getting any younger thanks to it.
So, let's just say I'm beginning the new year and decade with what I like to call a DECLARATION OF INTENT regarding the "locals" around here.
As to the contents of it...well, they'll just have to see for themselves, should the situation arise...
We finished the year in Fort Wayne with 22 homicides...so I missed it by 3.
Anyone with "22" wins the pool.
Anyone included in that same "22" obviously LOOSES the pool.
I may climb out on a limb again to say that I believe the magic number will be close to *25* for homicides in this city (unless the gangstas get really busy). And as long as they KILL ONE ANOTHER (and in greater numbers), I'm fine with that. But if ONE innocent becomes "collateral damage", then I have to draw yet another line in the sand. Sadly, it will take such crimes to motivate people to action, albeit for too brief a time.

What I will say is that I expect to see no change in my part of the city...AGAIN.
Overall, it shouldn't get worse, but it will certainly NOT get any better.
We will have the usual robberies, burglaries, car thefts, rapes, shootings, stabbings, fights, and yes...even homicides that we, who live here have come to expect from our dear, sweet, misunderstood and overly-oppressed African-Americans.
Well, the white trash and Hispanic population MIGHT help in that regard...you never can tell these days.
I do expect Americans to rise to the challenge of wresting back this nation from the hands of those who would seek to walk on our rights and our Constitution.
I also would have to say that ALL people of good repute will gather together in this struggle.
What I would caution people about is that race relations are reaching a tipping point, and by that I mean that what USED to pass for "lack of cultural understanding" will be called out for what it truly is, namely blatant racism by ethnics against whites.
The time when dismissing black-on-white crime while plastering white-on-black crime across the airwaves and newspapers is over.
And if this cheeses off some blacks...too f$cking bad. Maybe YOU should been busy "cleaning your OWN house" instead of pointing fingers at everyone else's.
People of this nation have been overly tolerant for far too long, and we can see the results of such apathy.
Time to reap what's been sowed.
We will stand as a people again...as AMERICANS against such "Lame-Stream Media" bias.
And that will also apply to politics...enough will be enough.
Now if all this sounds rather harsh, it's only because "It takes bitter to drive bitter". (as Mom used to say)
As I said before, this nation, and it's people are standing AT the crossroads...we can see which ways are before us.
What we have to determine with a modicum of certainty, is WHICH WAY is the BEST way to travel.
Notice I did not say the EASIEST way to travel.

And THIS year...2010...may well become the crucible that tests our mettle, as it were.
Have a great first weekend of the new year, don't forget to hang all those calendars, and wherever life happens to find you...
Stay safe out there, America.
A toast! *raises glass* Love, prosperity, peace, light & laughter, in 2010 and beyond! Happy New Year Mr and Mrs G!
Thanks very much..
The same to you and yours.
Lord KNOWS we need to laugh these days...A LOT!
...and that "cognac sleeping pill" didn't hurt me none, either last night...LOL.
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy New Year Bob. Hope it is as good or better than the last one.
The years themselves are usually pretty good, as things go...
But like the ELEVATOR OPERATOR was SO FOND of saying:
"It's not the UPS and DOWNS that bother me...it's the JERKS".
In that we can ALL find a bit of solace...heh, heh, heh.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hope you have a great year!
Happy New Year - Hopefully this year will be better than last - and maybe gubmint will implode with all the money they are sending out to people to live on too. One can only hope.
finally moved out of my old home and into my apartment full on new years. back in the day when i lived in ghetto apartments they would start shooting at 1800 hours. so it probley would be wise to be home quicker then 1600. then the shooting normally dont stop until 0130....lol in my new apartment there was NO SHOOTING. none. i forgot my key and my daughter was sleeping hard and wont let me in. the dog wont even bark to help me out. so instead of being shot at i almost froze out. finally she let me in and the neighbors were watching too. yep around here we have me, my dog, and trains that seems to be the noisy things.
happy new year
As long as the gov't spends ONLY $8 billion on AIRLINE SECURITY while blowing a TRILLION BUCK WAD on some lame-ass healthcare system....I dunno.
But hope springs eternal...(and the people are getting pissed)...good combination, hmm?
Happy New Year, dear.
Glad to see things are working out for you.
A quiet apartment?
...didn't know they still MADE those things...LOL.
Amazing how ghetto life is always about being "so poor"...and YET...there NEVER seems to be a lack of GUNS...(or drugs or alcohol,which all cost money)...amazing.
Food perhaps...clothing maybe... winter heating definitely, but NEVER ever a lack of FIREARMS.
Muct be a "cultural THANG"...
(or some really screwed up priorities in life...)'ya think?
A Happy New Year to you and yours...with mnay more to come.
Thanks for stopping by.
i think what helps my apartment stay quite is the fact alot of my fellow workers live here. in fact i live next door to one of the maintance workers. my daughter has been walking our dog with a lady on days shift. i'm only a 10 min walk from work.
That's fantastic to hear...
Amazing what just a FEW caring people can do to keep an area nice.
(or to change it for the better)
Thanks for stopping by.
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