Yesterday, the "newest" member of our computer "collection" decided to do the "mode-loop" two-step, not allowing it to properly boot in ANY mode. It had been doing a CHK DSK (D drive) for about a week, so I predicted this would happen...seen it all before, ALL too often.
And what usually comes of it, is either a trip to the computer "fix-it" shop, or a replacement unit (been there, done that too many times to count). I have never exercised my THIRD option (yet)...namely SHOOTING the damn thing.

In my case, I try to have a "Plan-C through H"...LOL.
Now, it might interest you all to know that the average life span of a computer (these days) is anywhere from 2-5 years, depending on usage, environment, and of course, my personal favorite...abuse. (who said you can't boot up a system with a TACTICAL BOOT, anyway?)

Fortunately, misery DOES love company, so I find it comforting to hear the FWPD and their on board computer woes from the various officers - everything from air cards to d-base issues. Lucky for me, I'm not trying to "protect and serve" anyone other than those within my immediate sphere of influence (my home - my castle).
Now, it's interesting to note that the store we usually take our ailing systems to is none other than STONE COMPUTER (up north, where ALL the shopping seems to be in this city, but at least THEY know us by our FIRST names there now), and it was this store that had a robbery on Saturday afternoon. Two people walked in, milled about and then took off with TWO flat-screen monitors.
Store personnel gave chase, with one employee rolling off the hood of the getaway vehicle. One of the monitors WAS recovered, and the employee is none the worse for wear. The car appeared to be a dark colored Saturn, from what I could make out from the store video cam.
Having worked for the (now defunct) Circuit City in security and store refit/ buildups, I can say we had damn near anything and everything that COULD be lifted "away" wired or otherwise nailed the hell down. At the camcorder "island", everything was wired with alarms, should anyone wish to make a "five-finger discount".
I would suggest at STONE COMPUTER, that if they have to stock peripherals on the sales floor, punch a hole in the box corner, run a security cable through them all, lacing them together, and call it done. Easy to get one for a customer if need be, and a much better way to control "shrink".
(and yes, I am available for consultation on security issues...for a very affordable fee)
It just makes good sense to keep shoplifters in their place, which (to me) would be either OUT of the store altogether, or in the slammer.
It costs us ALL in the end, make no mistake about that. We ALL pay for THEIR thefts.
Early this morning, around 0315 hrs, several perps tried a home invasion at the house located at 4730 Reed St.
One of the perps got more than he bargained for. He got SHOT.
(huzzah for the good guys)
Suspect shot during home invasion - Male is in critical condition
Updated: Wednesday, 27 Jan 2010, 6:05 AM EST -Published : Wednesday, 27 Jan 2010, 6:05 AM EST
Annie Ilnicki - WANE
One person is in critical condition after police say he was shot because he tried to break into a home.

According to police, multiple suspects tried to break into a home.
Two people were inside at the time, and one grabbed a gun and shot one of the suspects.
"The victim who we believe to be a suspect was struck, and he was later located outside the home," said Officer Raquel Foster, F.W.P.D. "His face was concealed with a mask and a weapon was found nearby."
Medics took that person to the hospital in critical condition.
The other suspects ran from the scene, and may have gotten into a dark colored car.
Police haven't made any arrests, but the incident is still under investigation.
Here's a link to the News-Sentinel story:
((Update - 1330 hrs - the suspect that was in critical condition has died at a local hospital - nice shooting. That makes homicide #2 this year. More to follow as it becomes available))
Hey, FWPD...come over MY neighborhood...bet'cha find what you're looking for.

Again, kudos to the shooter.
I will say this...when it comes to POLICE CALLS on the SOUTH end of town (my "happy" hunting grounds), you will invariably find that there are a LOT of runs that occur between the hours of 2300 hrs - 0400 hrs.
We see robberies, break-ins, lots of domestics (guess dem boyz likesta beatda olelady beefoe goinout ansmoking some weed), fights, and of course some traffic stops...like we DON'T have a shortage of people on our streets when normal people are at home...in bed...asleep.
Usual pattern is up by 1100 hrs, but some seem to be up ALL THE TIME (must be that METH), and many don't seem to "hit the sheets" until the dreaded 4AM hour. Well, that DOES give you a good SEVEN hours to enjoy whatever life you can eek out of this cesspool of human trash. There are nightly parties, and then the parties AFTER the parties.
Amazing for people who DO NOT WORK to be SO involved with being able to "party all the time" (thanks, Eddie Murphy).
Guess there IS something to be said for being on the government "dole", isn't there?

Gee, sounds like a PREDATOR to me.
That's why I'm out the door like a shot WHENEVER I see or hear anything I should NOT...and let these mooks know, in no certain terms that it's in their best interest (and continued health) to remain OFF of my property.
It is difficult to explain this to an animal, though...the comprehension factor just isn't there.
I can (and will) pack ANY kind of heat while ON MY PROPERTY (don't need no steenkin' CCP there), and these jerks will find that out, should they push the right button. Now THAT is easy to "explain" to them.

Aside from the (very) few remaining citizens that are in situations like ours, we have all the human flotsam, the castoffs of society, the dregs of humanity, and WAY too many criminally-minded minorities.
In essence, this part of Fort Wayne is the "corral" in which to keep ALL these animals penned up and away from everyone else.
And no one can convince me that this was NOT done BY DESIGN. It was, and every mayor in this city for the last 3 decades is part OF the problems we "enjoy" down here today.
Any time this city wants to "enlist" my help...well, they know where to find me (but they're too damn scared to come down here).
Ah, well...it's all relative anyway, right?

It's a novelty of a sort, I suppose.
Still, it's nothing that some "tough love" and some hard knocks couldn't cure.
Lastly, tonight is the Obama SOU address.
(and I'll be taking notes, Barry...)

At least I get to watch O'Reilly...
Make a difference today, watch out for the other guy ('cause he's probably NOT watching out for you), and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Hey, I fix em Bob. It's what I do.
A few months ago, my computer had lots of problems and finally needed CPR at the repair shop.
They were slow, but it has been much better since returning.
I hope your computer breathes new life soon.
Damn....the missus is riding around w/ the system in her trunk.
But I'd be more than happy to discuss "options" for maintaining the rest of my computer "herd"...drop me a line, 'K?
Perhaps you can drop on by and see what we got & what we might need.
(I do have Guinness available, just in case...LOL)
Thanks for stopping by, Boss.
I think this system was beyond "CPR".
I even held a mirror to it's USB ports...NOTHING...LOL!
I am thinking of getting some "paddles" for the future!
Yeah, that'll work as well (and as often) as a southside renter...LMAO!
God, I miss the old days of COBOL, and RPG II, and real DISK PACKS with TEN surfaces...!
Thanks for stopping by.
systems dont last long. i had one die a natural death. then i had one stolen out of my house. this one seems ok. i just buy the cheep ones now. my needs are not that wild.
i was thinking the same thing. good shooting. good for the homeowner. i hope they had a "break down" in front of the cops and told how scared they were so they get all the emotional stuff out of the way and perhaps avoid an arrest themselves. even when it looks like there will be no arrest you just never know. yes, it backs up what you were saying about your house and it also backs up what i had been saying about my house. if i would have stayed who knows.....i like to think of it as Gods advance warning system. i'll never know if i was right but after 5 years and getting robbed 2 times i just wasnt taking the chance.
just 2 killings in your hometown this year. lol here in indianapolis there is one a week at the very least. sometimes more then one...i've lost count and its not feb yet.
When it come to computers...I only hear TWO WORDS:
As for the shooting...WTG!
That's ONE good thing about this city...the judicial syetem tends to side with homeowners a LOT when it comes to shootings such as this...hope they remember that if ever it becomes MY turn to whack a few INSURGENTS...!
God's adv. warning sys...love it!
(maybe HE'S got an AWACS, too)
Thanks for stopping by.
loved your comments bob. but, i have to tell you something truefully. i get visions. not of you or i would tell you. i get visions of things that are close to me. they are crazy ones sometimes but they are factual in the end. i firmily beleive that God has an advance warning system of some sort. and i really do try to play head to that. sometimes its hard becouse i use the world knowledge that i have and say....what? why this is silly!!! then i find out yes, i needed those large bandages. yes, i needed to stay home. yes, i needed to ask my teenager the strange question that made her spill the beans. something is outthere. i perfer to call it God. everytime they dig over there in isreal area they find more proff that the bible was factual beyond imagnation.
lol criminal minds will be preempted.......wt heck. i just got an antanna that gets all the stations. and it wasnt cheep eithor. that stinks. well no tv for me tonight. i love that show. it not only entertains but makes you think.i'll catch the recaps on obama. i'm sure they will play it on internet a million times over.
Oh, I definitely believe that a MUCH higher power is at work...I mean I sure wouldn't trust our future and fate to anyone LESS...that would be a REAL mistake!!
As to Criminal Minds...I'm hoping they just run it later...the missus and I love to see which one of us gets the perp profilied correctly the soonest...lol.
Thanks for commenting.
I'm always glad to see the perps get a nice dose of lead poisoning courtesy of the defending homeowner. :)
Yes sir, that makes (at least) TWO of us...
Thanks for stopping by.
Well, my computers usually seem to last longer than the average that you stated, but I probably don't use mine as much as you do. Of course, when a busted water pipe drops a year's worth of water on them, as happened to me last month, that puts a quick end to them.
Can any of you computer techs. repair a box that's been fried from water damage? I just called them a total loss and turned it over to the insurance.
I've overseen corporate systems back in the 1970s that ran 24/7, and I can count the number of hardware failures on ONE hand...after YEARS of constant use.
We just can't make these new ones with the same level of longevity, I guess...maybe the parts are too damn small...maybe too many "parts" that can go wrong...can't really say.
But it sure is making some serious $$$ for some computer companies out there, isn't it?
A water-logged system?
I got into this anal-retentive habit of covering the CPU with the plastic bag it came in...looks crappy, but keeps the "nasty" out real well.
Learned that kind of stuff in the field...want something to LAST?
Find some way to protect it (like using a condom to cover the barrel of your rifle to keep the rain out)...
Because you ALWAYS know if you don't...it'll fail when you MOST need it.
Murphy WAS a (real) grunt...LOL.
Thanks for your comments - much appreciated, and I hope the insurance covers the 'puter 100%!
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