I'd like to offer my critique of last night's State of the Union message (for what that's worth), but FIRST , we've got some some Crime Time to talk about here in the Summit City.
*** Here is the followup to yesterday's story about the recently-deceased home invader wannabe: (MY "observations" in smaller fonts)
(( Published: January 28, 2010 3:00 a.m. Home invasion suspect shot, killed - Resident stops masked gunman; accomplices flee
Michael Zennie / The Journal Gazette

Investigators believe 21-year-old Trenton Tavon Jones was planning to rob the residents at 4730 Reed St. about 3:15 a.m. According to police, Jones tried to force his way through the home’s front door.
Police tape still surrounded the home Wednesday afternoon, and blood could be seen on a concrete step in front of the home.
The name of the shooter has not been released, and no charges have been filed.

The shooting occurred after one of two men inside the home approached the front door with a gun upon hearing the attempted intrusion, police said.
It was unclear how many shots were fired {obviously, enough}. The first officers to arrive at the home found Jones, wearing a ski mask, critically wounded, they said. Officers also found a gun they believe Jones was carrying.
Neighbor Aubrey Willis, 46, winced and her eyes widened when she stepped outside for the first time Wednesday afternoon to look at the small single-story house next door. In addition to the police tape surrounding the home, a marked Fort Wayne police squad car sat out front, guarding the crime scene.{She confessed she was bothered to be near an incident like this. I took that to mean she didn't want to live near someone who is not afraid to shoot an intruder first...like ME, for example}
Willis said she was awakened by the sound of gunfire early Wednesday but didn’t realize it was so close {Next time, and there undoubtedly will be one, look out the damn WINDOW, dear}.
A young couple moved into the house in October. Shortly after they came to the neighborhood, one of them stopped by her house to introduce himself, she said. The couple kept to themselves and seldom had visitors {just like my wife and I}, she said. {but where did the "second man at the home" come from...we doing a version of Three's Company here?}
Though the house where the shooting occurred is a rental {big surprise THERE}, most of the homes on the block are occupied by owners who have lived in them for several years {no doubt "bought" and paid for by YOU, the taxpayer through Section 8}, Willis said.
Jones died about 4 a.m. Wednesday at Parkview Hospital. His death was ruled the second homicide in Allen County this year, according to the Allen County Coroner’s Office.
According to court records, Jones had little involvement with police in the past {in THIS city and state...that we KNOW of}.
The only known local arrest for Jones listed in Allen Superior Court was in June 2008.
He was charged with misdemeanor carrying a handgun without a license and found not guilty after a trial.
Court records indicate that he was homeless at the time of the 2008 case {but yet HE still managed to somehow obtain another gun...amazing}. He lived in the 6800 block of John Street in 2007, according to court records. mzennie@jg.net ))
*** And another Family Dollar Store is robbed...
(( Knife-wielder robs Family Dollar store - WPTA news

About 1 p.m. a man brandished a knife, demanded money and left in a maroon Toyota Camry, police said.
{Maybe we'll get lucky and HIS gas pedal will stick...that car just might be on the RECALL list - we can hope}
The robber is described as being in his late 40s to early 50s, black, between 5-foot-9 and 6 feet tall with a medium-to-dark complexion. He was wearing a camouflage Army-style coat and blue jeans.
{The camo pattern is NOT strict military...think hunting /private sector pattern}
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 436-7867.
{Why doesn't the FWPD cruise around MY neighborhood...bet'cha find a maroon Camry...or two. I'm just sayin'} ))
*** And finally, as I promised...the SOtU speech.

As far as speeches GO, the PRESENTATION was pretty damn good. I just wish Pelosi didn't have that JOY-BUZZER attached to her damn ass. She was up & down more often in an hour than a $5 whore!
That detracted from the speech (to me, anyway). Well, that and all that damn "blinking"...hey, maybe it was "morse code".....to the Bilderbergers...LOL!
I will say that when it comes to GIVING a speech, Barry is damn hard to top. It's a little something we call "oratory charisma". In other words, he sure can TALK THE TALK.
Now, as far as being able to WALK THE WALK aka the CONTENT...that's another matter altogether. BTW, the election was over a year ago. Stop campaigning!
I was watching BOTH "hands" last night (closely), because I'm personally sick and tired of this shell-game and being lied to (especially by amateurs, who think they're SO damn much smarter than I could ever be).
I've been around the block a few times, been lied to by "pros", and have been fooled enough times to take everything at face value for starters. If that smacks of cynicism...so be it. At least I'll be able to see the forest from the trees, AND be able to see any trouble coming from a lot farther away, giving me time to get the hell out of it's way (hopefully).

This is one of THOSE times where I'm NOT "from" Pennsylvania...or even Indiana, but from MISSOURI...
In other words, SHOW ME.
I want facts backing up WHY you know YOUR plans will work to return America back to her greatness.

I want to see a reversal from socialistic and progressive ideology, and a return to the core values that this nation was founded upon.
I want to see the frivolous SPENDING in government STOP...NOW.
And for Christ's sake...will you STOP blaming George Bush for YOUR "less than stellar" first year in office? That is getting SO old, pal.
Now, I don't think I'm being all that unreasonable, as a citizen OF this America.
But this administration needs to do several things to "convince" me they have MY (and your) best interest in mind, as well as our future.
1) They need to represent THE PEOPLE, and not their own agenda or special interests.
2) They need to become a lot more ACCOUNTABLE to those who put their asses in office.
3) They need to understand that "we" do not work for "them", but the other way around.
4) They need to PAY ATTENTION to US, and not ignore us, doing whatever they please for "our own good".
5) They need to run this NATION (and not into the damn ground), and NOT force control into every aspect of OUR lives.

The test will be to see *if* these politicians start speaking the TRUTH to us.
Oh, yeah...now THAT would be a novel idea AND a refreshing change for us all, would it not?
I'd like to think so.
Do well, make a difference today, and...as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
I was reading on Yahoo Buzz and a commenter said that Pelosi looked like a jack-in-the-box!
I swear someone had her seat WIRED for 220V...LMAO!
(probabaly a Democrat)
Between THAT, and her "2 blinks per second" eye thing goin' on..it was a real hoot!
Next time, Nancy...leave the false eyelashes and mascara AT HOME!
Thanks for stopping by, J.
Ya know, I'm surprised that she CAN blink with all that botox she uses...
OK, I'm being mean, I need to stop.
If you remember the movie:
Star Trek: Insurrection, I refer to Pelosi as "Ru'afo's great aunt"!
(it all becomes much clearer after knowing that)
Dear Bob G.,
I totally agree with the idea of servant leadership at home. And I think you expressed it well.
I had to laugh at the 'number of shots fired?/enough'. LOL!
Take care,
Ann T.
I really do like the way you put it...."servant leadership"...that's the best and most concise way to explain what it really is all about.
And the # of shots...well, considering the cost of large caliber ammo these days, I'm just thinking about FRUGALITY (myself)...!
Thanks for stopping by.
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