It appears as though we're going to get our other computer back later today, and unfortunately for me, I'll have to reload ALL the DAZ 3D stuff I lost...that's gonna take a while, especially since I'll also have to recreate the scenes I was working on...from scratch.
I did advise the missus to snag an EXTERNAL DRIVE, so I can have all the stuff I wind up losing in a place where I won't wind up...well, LOSING IT, which always cause ME to lose it.
Technology is one of those "love-hate" affairs for me.

Ditto for a food replicator.
Scotch on the rocks, or a perfect omelet out of thin who isn't on board with something like THAT, hmm?
(still waiting for BOTH of 'em)
I really love the fact the (future) people can "talk" to their computers in those venues, and get the answers at the speed of thought.
Much can be said for me in that regard...

They never talk back...they just sit there, mocking all of us, doing whatever it is computers feel like doing contrary to what we've asked them to do with all the keystrokes we've input.
I liken them to that wayward child...maybe they don't realize what they're doing to US...the "parents".
Maybe, they need a stern talking to...or a spanking.
But enough with the anthropomorphising of these silicone "marvels" we love...(to hate). I'd best not chide these computers too much...I still have to finish today's blog post.
(and they "might" be watching us...or listening..."Hey, you lookin' at ME?" )
--There's been a LOT of fallout from the President's SOTU message the other night...and deservedly so.
Much of what I spoke about HERE yesterday was echoed by nearly every person I saw or heard on TV and radio (wow...and they don't EVEN read my blog), so I KNOW I'm not alone in my assessment of the speech.
Guess misery DOES love company...LOL.

To quote from the letter:
"We strive to be a compassionate and hopeful society, and we move forward with optimism about our country, faith in its cause, and confidence in the victories to come."
Today, I can't really say I'm feeling all that from THIS administration.
Maybe, it was a few choice words that Bush stated in HIS letter that I'm NOT hearing from Obama., THOSE words.
All I seem to hear from THIS President is *I*...what "I" am going to do...what "I" want...what "I" expect.
You hearing this too?
Sounds like a spoiled three-year old to me...nothing but me, me, me.
What about WE, the people?
Case in point, Obama "wants" to have a national HIGH-SPEED rail system.
Don't we ALREADY have one?

And hasn't it been bleeding MONEY (and losing ridership) since it was created by the FEDS back in the 70s?
Wouldn't it be more "cost-effective" to RETOOL what we already HAVE, instead of adding more (new) problems to the mix?

And sorry guys, but changing a LOGO isn't stopping the're STILL bleeding out.
I've always loved trains since little on up. My Uncle Joe used to work for General Electric in their motive division (train engines) until his retirement in the 60s. They gave out some great train calendars, too back then.

Many years later (long after Uncle Joe passed away), I went back to the station to take pictures of trains, and if I ever get the resources to take ALL those slides and convert them to a digital format, I could show you stuff that would amaze you. It still amazes me.
Another uncle of mine in Harrisburg worked for the PRR, switching engines, throwing switches, and inspecting tracks.
But that was a time when a railroad...ANY railroad produced visions of a more "romantic" era.
There was a LORE attached to trains, no matter what part of this great nation you hailed from.
Can't say that today, can we?
The "thrill" is gone.
We've traded those smoke and soot-belching behemoths of a bygone day, for engines that instead belch diesel fumes.
It was all about bigger, faster, more powerful...and more money.
Helluva trade-off, wasn't it?

Back in the 70s, AMTRAK dabbled with a GAS-TURBINE train.
I know, because I SAW it in Connecticut (up close)...took pictures of it, too.
Told you I got around back in the day.
But that "Turbo-Train" fell by the wayside, too.
I suppose if the technology would have been pursued, they could have developed an LNG-powered engine.
As for really CLEAN trains?
Well, the PRR used to run GG-1 electrics as well as E-33 engines fof freight (got lots of slides of them, too).

But now, our President wants to install a NEW, (really) high-speed line across the entire NATION.
That's gonna mean a LOTTA new track, because "what you got laid down already ain't gonna cut it".
It has to be ALL welded rail, if you're going to run in excess of 100+ MPH.
We could go MAG-LEV, but the cost of that (raised) "track" and support systems would cost more than the current HSR systems being proposed. It's really a lose-lose proposition.
In better economic times, it could be brought to the realm of existence, but not now.

But that's ONLY on the NATIONAL LEVEL.
There are scores of other things that need doing on the state and local levels, that most of us probably are a lot more aware of, and can have an effect upon.
We, as Americans, have to discern WHAT we need our leaders to do, and in the order it needs to be done.
Then, we have to petition them letting OUR voice be heard, as to how best for them to proceed in OUR best interest.
We cannot, we must not allow our government to run slipshod over the people...that's what dictatorial fascists do.
Now, if you want PROOF that' it's "Not about (me) Obama", check this out, and be sure to keep that tongue in your cheek:

The last time I checked, this was STILL America.
You of the FREE, home of the BRAVE kinda stuff.
WE (the people) have the incentive, the motivation, and the momentum on OUR side.
Do well, have yourselves a great weekend, and remember to...
Stay safe out there, America.
On an unrelated note, all the hype over FWCS' big announcement was either blown way out of proportion or Krista Stockman is terribly bad at her job. It's almost two hours later, and no press release except for one very early this morning about the school fair tomorrow. So apparently, all the brouhaha was over what is going on at the school fair and the lottery system. How is this "school transformation?" I work at FWCS and I couldn't find out anymore details other than it was about the school fair. So much for an over hyped story by WANE again (who has not given live coverage or updates on their website as promised last night).
- Mrs. Bobby G.
Hey,'s the MISSUS!!!
On WOWO, they mentioned about the schools that will FIRST receive the RTTT funding...
And they're the schools one would come to expect.
I still maintain you're going to need a snotload more ACCOUNTABILITY from the parents AS WELL AS the students IN those schools to make ANY of this work (effectively).
Money is NEVER the's like putting a damn BAND-AID on a compound fracture.
But hey, as long as these kids (and parents) know it's THEIR future in jeopardy, and they're OK with that...who are we to argue, right?
Thanks for stopping by, Hon.
Catch 'ya later.
i thank God they still have trains in the usa. i know i am still "young", time i vacation i am seriously thinking of taking a train. i've been mainly car all the way. but, i did fly back in late 2007. it sucked. this is before they were charging extra for bags. i got chewed out that my bag was so "heavy" (it was still under the limit). then they treated me bad at orlando airport becouse i wasnt used to flying on a daily bases and was taking my time. oh no, must not take time and figure things out!!!!!! heck it was MY vacation. never the less when i got back on the plane to come back to indiana they announced that we would be staying on the tarmac for 2 hours. i guess they were having problems finding a pilot. yes, thats what they told us. i was pissed. i mean the flight is about 2 or 3 hours and i'm stuck on the tarmac. i felt they could have let us out of the cramped plane and let us relax and reboarded us. but, oh noooooo. the whole thing was bs. i'm taking the train next time. have bigger seats, be able to get up and walk. and be able to get up to take a sh..or pi..
i HATE flying. i dont even want to go to hawaii now becouse i would have to fly to it.
plus i feel like poop after flying.
Yeah, it IS pretty darn hard to get JET LAG after a train trip...
And it STILL is damn diffcult to take a TRAIN to HAWAII...or GERMANY...LOL!
I've all but TRIED.
One of these days, I've got to relate some stories about train travel...really neat stuff.
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great weekend.
I'm kinda like Dr. McCoy...
I like my EGGS scrambled...don't know about my molecular composition, though..LOL.
I think Obama is one of those elitest guys with TONS of "intelligence"...just NO COMMON SENSE.
(and there are many out there like that...I've met more than a few)
Pelosi is like that slobbering old hound dog with a few teeth left that's been outside for too long,rolling in the filth and stinks to high heaven...but won't stay away from you as it drools on your leg...LOL.
(that gave me the shivvers just typing it...yikes)
Thanks for stopping by.
Sing yourself a great weekend!
My husband and I REFUSE to fly. We'd much rather drive, even if it takes longer. It's cheaper anyway. Now, if we have no other choice BUT to fly, we'll do our best to make sure that we have to fly as little as possible (example: to Japan (where my friend lives)- drive to California, grab a flight there, get a flight back to California, drive back home).
We've decided if we ever do go to a tropical destination, we'll go via a cruise ship.
And I agree about the trains! I'd LOVE to ride the bullet train in Japan!
I hope the current administration's daily lesson in what big government looks and acts like (a mess) will be a lesson for others to heed your advice--smaller government equals better.
Yeah, the Japanese got "onboard" (pun intended) the HSR thing REAL early...but when you live on an ISLAND, it makes things a LOT easier on traffic...AND the people.
Thanks for stopping by.
You two have a great weekend!
I only WISH I could take credit for "my" advice...
Seems a group of patriots got together some 200 years ago and had the idea FIRST...I'm only a messenger.
Smaller and more efficient (federal) government is the ONLY way to go.
The greater governing power has ALWAYS rested with the STATES (as per our Constitution).
Guess it did mean something to not nod out in American History class after all...LOL.
Thanks for stopping by, and DO have a great weekend.
update about post office closings...
Thanks for the link.
I did find it amusing that "if" this were a private sector entity, it would rank 29th OVERALL in the FORTUNE 500 list...!
Maybe we should PRIVATIZE it, then?
Bet'cha not many fortune 500 companies can brag about a $3.8 BILLION dollar shortfall, either.
A real CATCH-22 there, that's for sure.
Glad you stopped by today.
oh bob, lol you have to stay up to date with the government. one minute we lose a few billion dollars the next minute we find it in our pocket book under our nose..............WHATEVER
here's one link of many i am sure you can find on different websites
and here is one of my favorite websites............ obama even nominated 2 of his very favorite people to the post office board of governors. how special. the closing of lafayette indiana mail facility. ship the mail to indy then back up there again when we get done processing it. just the same old same old.
I'm amazed at how "up to date" I manage to remain, considering all the "stuff" I have to pay attention to JUST in my neighborhood...LOL!
The locals keep me plenty busy.
There's only ONE of "me", compared to ALL of "them".
Some days, I wish there were THREE of me...but then again, I might not want to wish that on our world....not YET, anyway.
Wifey likes that idea, though...LOL.
Thanks for stopping by.
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