Of course our major LOCAL school system (FWCS)was about the ONLY one that did NOT have a 2-hour delay (as did damn near everyone else), so that once again pits my wife's driving abilities (which I feel are more than up to the task) against those OTHER drivers out there that think they can still drive like there's nothing on the roads at all. Believe me, I've gone up against such idiots, and that alone will wear you the hell out before you even GET to the job!
Sometimes, I SWEAR the city is out to take our vehicles AWAY from us through attrition on our streets. They must want us to suffer at the hands of these morons around us.

The ONLY time you didn't go in bad weather was because you were either SICK, or the school was CLOSED.
I don't ever recall any of this 2-hour delay crap. Then again, we had a LOT more "neighborhood schools", and none of this crosstown busing BS (which causes it's own unique problems).
You're probably wondering WHY I "rag" on my part of the city (Fort Wayne) and with such frequency.
I mean most every post has SOME slight against the area, right?

And I believe I'm more than justified in criticizing this part of town, along with all the city agencies that have "helped" to make this area the slum-ghetto it didn't have to become.
There have been too many fingers pointed at too many departments to bear repetition here.
And there are WAY too many pictures taken in this neighborhood to prove MY point.
In essence, what this particular chunk of Fort Wayne has become (around me, as well as others like me) is a catch-basin for the refuse of society. It is the dumping ground for the undeserving, the criminally-intent, and the lazy.
The best part is that everyone of you are paying for it right alongside of us.
And it honestly hurts to see a once nice area (much like Grandma's old neighborhood in NE Philly) go down the tubes in such a manner, because it simply didn't have to happen, and certainly not at the SPEED it's been going.
We did not have to see our property values tank WAY prior to this current recession (except if you were WHITE and OWNED your home...property values actually went UP for you a few years...wonder why that was? It has since been changed downward).
We did not have to see our businesses up and leave the area like rats off a sinking ship (must have been all that CRIME).
And we certainly did not have to see development remain all but stagnant over a decade as a result (nowhere to shop down here but everywhere else in Fort Wayne).
If I were to describe (in one word) how I feel about this neighborhood, and it's current crop of punk-ass thugs, it would be CONTEMPT.
There is absolutely NO love lost when it comes to these "people" (and I still use that word loosely).
The shame of it is that they're bringing up their children with the same mindset...one of entitlement (from working folks) and disrespect for everyone else, authority not withstanding.
Talk about "perpetuating the species", hmm?

And "baby-mama" isn't exempt from the mix either. She's AS MUCH to blame, as she's the one harboring these "boyfriends of the month" (and his cadre of associates) whenever they choose to "take control" of a neighborhood.
It's always about a LACK of personal responsibility with these people...and a LACK of accountability.

It's not hers to begin with, so there is no responsibility attached.
Nothing says "neighborhood development" QUITE like that, does it?
But that's only one piece of this ever-growing puzzle.
Another facet is the whole concept of "community-oriented" policing, which (down here) means absolutely NOTHING AT ALL.

Well, it's because you FIRST need a COMMUNITY to make community-oriented policing WORK, and these loosely-knit bands of human flotsam aren't anywhere close to being called a community. Think of them more like a (nomadic) tribal unit. With no real community to speak off, it all comes unraveled like a cheap-ass sweater
So, since we don't really have a "community" down here, perhaps we SHOULD Be addressing this in a more proper fashion.
We do have PROBLEMS in abundance, and the best way to address that would be to enact PROBLEM-ORIENTED POLICING.
If, however, the city wishes to "buy us out" in order to maintain their level of ghetto-living in this already "blighted" area of town, I'm more than willing to discuss it. I'd really hate to leave this area, but in some ways, I feel the "area" has already left us years ago.
Some would think it "cool" to carry a gun on your person, but I'll tell you...the "charm" wears off after a spell (when you're not paid to do so), and you grow weary with it. I never thought I'd be clearing snow or mowing my lawn while packing heat. Never had to in Philly.

To take a line from the movie: The Punisher: "It's how I say 'hi' to everyone these days" (when I'm not giving them the middle-finger salute or telling them outright to get off the property or shut the f$ck up, that is...pardon my French).
I still believe (yes, hope does spring eternal here...why, I don't really know) that my neighborhood, and many others like it down here, CAN be turned around, and that decent people can again inhabit the houses where (once) decent people USED to live.
I believe that neighborhoods down here can have good neighbors in abundance, instead of being the "Sam's Club" for illegal substances.
I believe that areas like mine are ripe for NEW businesses, AS LONG AS crime is addressed in the proper manner, and with stricter adherence to the laws in place to protect everyone.
But my beliefs don't add up to a hill of beans in the city's eyes, apparently.
They must enjoy having damn near a whole 1/4 of the city all but on the dole, useless, non-productive and lazy, save for a few pockets that tend to buck this system (like us). That needs to change if the city wishes to recoup the losses in revenue it's been suffering for some time now. No more handouts. Time for some "tough love" with these people.
This is not a game...this is war, plain and simple, and those on the side of GOOD need to realize that you either fight to win...or don't fight at all. Funny how so many that held the "high ground" and had the tactical and strategic advantages down here, up and bugged out (needlessly), when all they might have done was to stand their ground in the first place.
Fighting for one's neighborhood isn't for everyone...I found THAT much out when all the other neighbors left, but sooner or later, there comes a time when

And when it comes down to where we CHOOSE to live our lives (in peace), the decision should be a no-brainer.
Unless we never really cared about home and family in the first place.
Just something to think about, that's all.
Be well, make a difference today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
* * * * *
((aw, geez...almost forgot...TODAY is ASH WEDNESDAY..the beginning of the Lenten season...just in case you were wondering. I gave up practicing Lent for Lent...solves a world of problems, and besides, I'm a Methodist...LOL))
Dear Bob G.,
I was laughing ruefully over the stupid drivers--I have usually lived in places where people are not trained for this whatsoever, and never practice any skill either.
Then sorry to see the neighborhood go down, and finally angry that you must carry a gun with you all over the house. That is no way to live.
I do know that living a standard is often a lonely enterprise. Or I should say, living a principled standard is often very lonely.
But you do have friends. They come here to read and listen. I enjoy many of your wise sayings.
This is no comfort when faced with the theatre on the street, I'm sure, but maybe you will feel less alone in spirit.
Ann T.
I went to the same walk in school for all 12 grades. Yep no kindergarten back in the day. Our school never closed. You got there or else. (And I walked from across town) There was one day, after sitting in our class room, with our coats on for most of the morning, we were dismissed because the boiler quit working. It was promptly fixed and we were back the next day. I am not saying this made me a better person but it sure did help form my sense of responsibility. It was my responsibility to get my arse to school, my responsibility to get good grades, to not get in trouble, to make my parents proud of me.
A "principled standard"...I've never heard it put so concisely before...and I very much appreciate the opportunity to allow you all to see much of the untold truth about society.
It's a bit lonesome to not physically SEE your allies, but to know that they are HERE takes the stone from my boot, and makes the journey less painfuil and tiring.
I trust we may ALL learn from the experience chronicled here, coming away from it with a greater knowledge and persistence to change that which needs changing, while allowing that which needs to be left alone to remain alone.
Thank you very much for your support...and for taking time to stop on by and listen to this wise "guy"...lol!
Always leave 'em smilin', eh?
Yep, we're DEFINITELY from the "old school"...and in many ways, it worked a LOT better than what we see today.
We also had a boiler "flameout" and sat with our coats on in those high-ceiling, wooden-sashed gigantic old classrooms with the flip-top desks.
And much of OUR subsequent responsible behavior was placed there BY OUR PARENTS.
They gave us the essentials to work with, which were nurtured by our teachers, doctors, policemen, shopkeepers, and every other adult we contacted in our young lives.
We respected THEM, because they helped us to learn WHO we are and HOW we should treat other people as WE were being treated.
Your thoughts and observations are spot on, dear!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
we had 2 hour delays back in teh day at fwcs. the only differance is (now i havent lived there for year now) we would know of the delay the night before. this was before the government would have all that money just to throw salt around. they would order an emergancy and tell people to stay home. i remember me looking not only for my school but also looking to see if my dads shift at harvester had been cancelled for that night or even a group of nights. now days it must all be good becouse there is salt on the road. just too many people going too fast. i am sure there are many people who dont know how to put a car in a lower gear (automatic cars do have lower gears) so they can take their time and not fly around. my dad taught me that. and down here schools within 5 miles of my home had a 2 hour delay but of course we were on time all the time. in todays world you would think that people are not doing crops anymore and they would want to take the summer vacation during the months that you really cant drive that easy anyways. just saying.
I didn't live here when I was young, so I was never familiar w/ the whole "delay" thing before 12 years ago.
But there WERE times we were "advised" to REMAIN HOME...and that was when NOTHING was running on our streets, cops trudged through knee-deep snow on their beat, and only the corner stores that had people living ABOVE them were OPEN...!
My dad also had his share of "snow days" at work.
Never had as much "faith" in salt as I used to have with SNOW TIRES...and CHAINS...LOL.
Yeah, now that REALLY shows my age, doesn't it?
People are just in too much of a hurry...like the place their geting to is somehow MOVING sometime soon and they're gonna miss it...LOL
All it takes it listening to what goes on at I-469 around town.
Fun, it's not.
Slow & Steady wins the "race".
(just ask the tortoise)
Thanks a lot for stopping by.
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