I'm older now, so I can say this with conviction.
Sure, we still have 60 seconds to a minute, and 60 minutes to the hour.
We also still have 24 hours in a day (just ask Jack Bauer), and 7 of those days per week. And we still have 12 months to a year.
But...time IS moving "faster". Sorry, just seems that way. Perhaps it's because many of us are moving SLOWER?
Nah, that can't be it.
We seem to all be moving faster than ever before.
Maybe we're just losing track OF time?
Now that seems s bit more likely...we're too busy doing everything else, we're not taking in the passage of time.
Well, I'm sure as hell noticing it...NOW.
Example...in my rush to post the number of MEDALS the USA won at the Olympics, I must have read the wrong number. We currently hold EIGHT medals, NOT TEN as I reported yesterday (I corrected the post).
Maybe we're just losing track OF time?
Now that seems s bit more likely...we're too busy doing everything else, we're not taking in the passage of time.
Well, I'm sure as hell noticing it...NOW.
Example...in my rush to post the number of MEDALS the USA won at the Olympics, I must have read the wrong number. We currently hold EIGHT medals, NOT TEN as I reported yesterday (I corrected the post).

So there...time was working against me, apparently.
Time is one of those damnable things...we can't live WITH it, and we certainly can't live WITHOUT it.
And I still maintain that the PRIMARY REASON we DO have TIME...is to keep all the sh*t in our lives from happening AT ONCE!
Time...we never seem to have enough of it, and yet, we still have the same amount of time, relatively-speaking.
That never changes...but our perception of it does.
Now, I wish I knew WHY that perception changed, because I would become one of the richest men on the planet.
Hell, I'd find a way to bottle it, market it, and sell it cheap.
Time is like the air we breathe, and the water we drink. It's a commodity, and one we cannot do without.

So many breaths and heart beats per minutes ensures we're still alive and not taking the big dirt nap, doesn't it?
Without time, most all music would sound like...well...a lot of "rap"...LOL!
Without time, how would we know when our flight was leaving, or when to be at work, or even when the cake was done?
And of course, everything we DO in life consumes time.
Doesn't matter if you're doing paperwork or the dishes, reading a book, or taking a nap.
You're using up that which you have a limited supply of.
Time might be infinite in the "universal order of things", but every one of us has a LIMITED amount of time afforded to each of us.
And it's in our best interest as to HOW BEST to utilize it.
Of course, when we're young, we couldn't care less about time (except when it's time to leave school...or come in for dinner), but as frivolous as we were back then, we grow keenly aware of the passage of all that time, and arrive at a point where we begin to treasure the time we still have left.

You can't redeem accumulated (and unused) time like those Green Stamps of old.
ALL time is being used...as we speak.
Time waits for no one, so you need to "use" it as it comes, or lose it when it passes.
Now, as usual...I said all that to say THIS:
America finds itself with a "time" crisis. We are running OUT of time.
We can't sustain our government's runaway spending much longer.
We can't spend our way to prosperity with no money in our nation's pockets.
We can't solve the ills of the world, when our own financial solvency hangs in the balance.
What we CAN do, is take some time to let those in power know we are onto them, and that we don't believe that such practices fostered by them is in OUR nation's best interest.
We CAN let our leaders know that if they choose to follow the path they're currently on, we WILL change things around. We WILL vote them out, and we WILL be heard as a people...as a nation.
Time may still be on our side in this regard.
But time for our nation is positively running out. It has already run out for other nations, and their economic situations bear that out.
We, the people of this great land have tightened our belts, made our sacrifices, and spent wisely, and as needed.
Maybe...it's "time" our government followed suit...before their time runs out.
It may not be the "best choice, but it is the ONLY choice at this point in time.
* * * * *
The Midwest weather today has a slight dusting of snow (to add to the snow that has yet to melt), so drive carefully, take your time, and if you're in the Big Easy have a good Mardi Gras.
Time waits for no one, so you need to "use" it as it comes, or lose it when it passes.
Now, as usual...I said all that to say THIS:
America finds itself with a "time" crisis. We are running OUT of time.
We can't sustain our government's runaway spending much longer.

We can't solve the ills of the world, when our own financial solvency hangs in the balance.
What we CAN do, is take some time to let those in power know we are onto them, and that we don't believe that such practices fostered by them is in OUR nation's best interest.
We CAN let our leaders know that if they choose to follow the path they're currently on, we WILL change things around. We WILL vote them out, and we WILL be heard as a people...as a nation.
Time may still be on our side in this regard.
But time for our nation is positively running out. It has already run out for other nations, and their economic situations bear that out.

Maybe...it's "time" our government followed suit...before their time runs out.
It may not be the "best choice, but it is the ONLY choice at this point in time.
* * * * *
The Midwest weather today has a slight dusting of snow (to add to the snow that has yet to melt), so drive carefully, take your time, and if you're in the Big Easy have a good Mardi Gras.
But above all...Stay safe out there, America.
I never believed anyone about the perception of time and aging as a young guy, but I sure do now. Unfortunately, most of us deal with it by shrinking our sleep time--more coffee and other stuff to create more hours for whatever.
Snow falling here as well...
Amazing how time "catches up" with us...ALL of us.
When you're "busy", times FLIES..
When you "bored", it DRAGS.
And then there are the kids in the backseat going:
"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?, Are we there yet?..."
Gotta love it!
Thanks for stopping on by.
Time is starting to go by faster and faster each year I've noticed. Not sure I really like it much! But then some days just seem to go on forever.
'Ya see, readers...MORE proof positive that I am NOT alone with my "feelings" on time speeding up!
And yes, Diane, I will grant you that some DAYS drag on painfully slow.
Now, if we could take all the SLOW from THOSE (nasty)days, and somehow imject them into the GOOD days (that fly past)..we'd REALLY be on to something, don'cha think?
Let's get us some Obamagrant money and find out...LOL!
Thanks for stopping by.
it has speed up. i've seen it almost come to a stand still and i wonder what God has going on for someone that they need that much time. personally i just dont care much anymore. i have a good idea how i'm going to die. in my sleep. i have alot of days i sleep like the dead and check the answering machine to see if anyone phoned. see for me bob time dont drag and it pretty much goes fast.
Yeah, it can't be speeding up for JUST US at this blog...can it?
Betcha if more people thought about it, they'd feel the same way.
Maybe...just maybe, it was that "innocence" we had as children that caused us to view time as being a lot "slower"...
I don't want time to STOP...just slow down for a while and lemme catch my breath...LOL.
Thanks for stopping by.
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