"Baby, it's Cold Outside".
(preferably by Dean Martin)
We're talking low single digits this morning in the Fort Wayne area, and if you add in the WIND CHILL factor, it's like FOURTEEN BELOW ZERO!
Yeah, a spring day in Antarctica...to be sure.
So, if you have to send the kids to the bus stop, or be outside yourself for ANY length of time...PLEASE bundle up.
Frostbite and/or hypothermia doesn't take all that long to occur in THIS kind of cold.

*** Regarding my personal "revival" of the COLD WAR...well, the phlegm factory seems to have added a *B* SHIFT...LOL!
(And yes, Sam Elliott would be proud if he heard me)
As to "maneuvers", the enemy has moved NORTH into the "sinus valley", where they have become entrenched in the vast caverns there.
I'll be calling in an air strike later this morning in order to support the ground forces being deployed into the hills surrounding that sinus region.
And I haven't ruled out the use of tactical "nukes".
Hopefully, just this show of force will be enough to send these germs running for someplace else far away from my position.
(yeah, there's Kahlua AND scotch in my coffee this morning - cleaning off the sidewalk is cold, hard work)
With that said...let's keep moving, because MOVEMENT IS LIFE.
(ask any soldier or LEO)
Anything LESS...and you're a TARGET.
*** Last night was the debut of another POLICE WOMEN OF... series on TLC.
This time out, we're rolling through the seedy streets of CINCINNATI...!

Colleen Deegan (vice)
Tia Pearson
Mandy Curfiss
Rose Valentino
These women are some of the BEST officers I've seen on this series to date.
And they are (in this red-blooded American male's opinion)...pretty damn hot!
Sorry, it's the whole women - fast cars - guns thing...LOL
Makes having this damn cold a LOT more "tolerable".
Here's are some cuts from last night's episode:
I was laughing at these people the officers have to deal with...they are SO much like the people (read bottom-feeders) in my ghettohood.
All that was missing were Indiana license plates.
Nice to see these girls taking down the bad guys...and teaching these mouliyans what it means to RESPECT someone, especially if they wear a shield, pack a sidearm, have POLICE stenciled on their cruiser, and also carry an ass-kicking on their duty belt it if you test their resolve.
I love it. It's definitely worth a look.
And speaking of GOOD police work...
*** You never know WHERE your "fifteen minutes of fame" might take you, right?

Here's the link to the story:
Goes to show you CAN lose yourself in Fort Wayne...just not forever, eh?
Derrick Waller, 25, wanted for a 2009 BOSTON murder, and highlighted on AMERICA'S MOST WANTED, was recently "discovered" in our fair city, and will soon be winging his felonious ass BACK east (extradition - hold the in-flight macadamia nuts) to await his fate.
Hope he doesn't mind dropping the soap in the shower when he's found guilty.
Another satisfied customer, folks...gotta love that!
(and one less fugitive from justice in OUR city)
Next up, cue that NINA ROTA theme music, please...
*** An FBI raid nets 127 Mafia "Suspects"...

Looks like the dons of NYC are going up the river (and not to visit West Point)!
Some of these indictments go back as far as THIRTY YEARS (better late than never, I suppose).
The Gambino & Colombo families might have a few less people stopping over for those family "get-togethers" ...and for quite some time...breaks my heart.
*** And just when you thought there was nothing to do in Fort Wayne comes THIS:
Here's the story:

Still, in keeping with this city's diverse population, here they are anyway.
Elefante Blanco Building (Spanish)
Objet Superflu Building (French)
Bialy Sioni Building (Polish - I'm kinda fond of this one)
If you are detecting a COMMON THEME...give yourself a gold star!
Yes, much like COSTAPLENTY SQUARE (aka Harrison Square), this is another white elephant.
(shouldn't they all be at the ZOO, instead of downtown?)
Just a thought...
And that will about wind it up here...for now.
Tomorrow, the Missus and I get to go GROCERY SHOPPING (yay).
And I can pick up some stuff to UNSTUFF the old sinuses.
I'm taking no prisoners here!
So bundle up outside today, if it's AS cold where YOU are as it is HERE.
Take your time going anywhere...that destination of yours will STILL be there no matter how long it take to get to it.

For without THAT, you aren't going to be doing much of ANYTHING in life...'cept marking time.
And you don't need it in large quantities...you just need to have it, period!
The largest trees often spring from the smallest seeds...that should get you thinking.
In the meantime...
Have yourselves a great weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
laws of attraction ehhhhh??? lol i make sure i keep some pennys on me if anything. i've never really been truely broke with that going on.
If all of us took time to weigh ALL that we HAVE versus ALL that we've BOUGHT, we'd find ourselves a LOT RICHER in MANY ways.
Dunno about keeping pennies on me in THIS cold...LOL
(need foldin' money when the temperatures drop THIS low - better insulation)
Thanks for stopping by to shiver along with me today.
Have yourself a WARM weekend!
Stay safe down there.
Dear Bob,
Oh, this is some Monster cold!
You need orange juice and chicken soup, a steaming tub and 12 hours Rack Time.
Good luck with that!
Get well soon!
Yeah, this cold is slowing me down, which might be God's way of saying...TAKE IT EASY...LOL!
I could use that rack-time!
Gonna get more soup tomorrow at the grocery!
Feels like it's NOT going into the lungs, though...always a good thing!
Thanks for the contimued well-wishes and for dropping by the igloo today.
Take care out there & stay WARM!
Have youreself a great weekend, too.
Bob G:
You always have to be careful when telling weather tales because someone will always have a more outlandish story. This is from the National Weather Service in Duluth (Brrrr), MN
518 PM CST FRI JAN 21 2011
This winter is beginning to remind me of 1976-77 and 1977-78 in Wisconsin. It was about the middle of January in 1977 when I moved from Fort Wayne to Madison. The movers unloaded their truck with the temperature hovering at -21 degrees.
Just a reminder, Bobby, that in this case, "snuggling up next to your heater" does not mean sleeping with your gun.
I will bow to your much better tale of weather-related frigidity.
I cannot imagine moving ANYTHING in temps THAT cold (got me shivering thinking about it).
BTW, I DO like to keep my gun next to my BODY to warm it up.
Sticking a cold pistol in a waistband in the winter must be performed CAREFULLY...trust me.
(Besides, I SNUGGLE with the Missus...I merely "cozy up" with the pistol...lol.)
Hey thanks for swinging on past today and commenting.
Always a pleasure.
Stay WARM out there.
LOL> Bob G. don't end up like the frostbit actor. Not cool..very cold actually. So glad one of America's Most Wanted was captured. We have had those lovelies in our city and around the state as well. Good to get rid of them. And stay safe. Nice plug for the top cops women of Cinncinatti.
Momma Fargo:
Always good to rid the streets of the VERMIN...no matter WHAT city they get collared in.
I was always in admiration of female officers, because of the nature of the job.
When what appears to be a slight woman in uniform subdues a male TWICE her size, I get a nice, big CHEESY smile.
And I LOVE it when a perp calls a female officer "baby", and she has to "splain" the whole issue of what RESPECT means (wood shampoo or "tune-ups" notwithstanding).
You're more than welcome for the plug to ALL the ladies in blue.
You gals have EARNED it (and much more)!
Thanks for stopping by to comment.
ROll safe out there.
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