So let's just dive right in and see who can swim, shall we?
Regarding the "cold war" on the home front..."Sam Elliott" has left the building...!
I'm getting back more to my irascible self (good for some, bad for others, and they KNOW who they are...Bwahahaha). That worked out good yesterday when I had to "work some magic" as our one 'puter got a case of the "Boot-Loops" AGAIN (every 3-6 months, go figure). Patient cured!
*** First up, I've managed to procure some more .45 ACP ammo (thanks to a close friend), so all of a sudden, I'm having this strange desire to get myself to a shooting range...like an itch that need scratching, you know?
*** The weather is sucking (again) here in the Heartland...off and on snow showers, laced with possible freezing drizzle. Temps are rising to near 30 degrees though, so that won't be TOO bad.More snow headed to us (here) by week's end...always fun.
(note to self: place a call to Punxatawney, PA and talk to the GROUNDHOG about the 6 more weeks of winter thing.)
*** An Indy officer remains in a coma after being shot four times during a traffic stop yesterday.

Officer David Moore, age 29, a four-year veteran of the Indy Metro force suffered two gunshot wounds to the face and neck, one to the chest and one to his leg.
My prayers go out to him, his family and the department.
A suspect was arrested, but not charged with the shooting.
A black male, one Thomas Hardy, age 60 was detained after it was reported that he instead robbed a dollar store in the area.
The last Indy officer to be shot in a similar manner was Officer Jason Fishburn, back in 2008 while chasing a murder suspect.
Fishburn has recovered, but has some permanent brain damage.

here's the link to THIS story:
In the Detroit shootings, there were NO metal-detectors at the station doors.
A Commander was wounded in the back, and a female officer was treated and released from the hospital when her body armor deflected the round to her chest.
None of the officers were suffering any life-threatening wounds.
The suspect WAS killed.
In the (Port Orchard) Washington state shootings, two deputies were wounded.

I'll tell 'ya, folks...anyone that thinks it's really SAFE out there...don't know JACK (or sh*t).
You can do what I recommend as far as maintaining that SITUATIONAL AWARENESS of YOUR surroundings, and that alone can go far to protect YOU, but when some nutjob wants to shoot something or somebody with little or NO regard for himself or anyone else, all you CAN do is try to make like a hole in the ground.
To all my readers who are LEOS out there..I'm not liking this "trend" I'm seeing one damn bit.
We're seeing way too many "headshots" to officers, either by accident or on purpose.
I've even heard rumors of "hit-squads" on police, specifically targeting them (by gangs).

And the lack of security at a precinct house in ONE of the nation's WORST cities when it comes to crime (in order to allow people access and make them feel better about the police) is nonsense.
One can only hope that clearer heads will prevail so that no more officers are placed even more "at-risk" by the decisions of some higher-up.
I'd hate to think we're somehow starving for a war zone on our very city streets, but what else can be ther result of this "open-season" declared on LEOs out there? This isn't some damn hunting season where whatever "manhood" you wish you had is measured by the "trophies" you bag, for Christ's sake!
But these perps best learn that if it's war they desire, they'd better know RIGHT NOW that they should be a lot more careful about what they wish for.
They JUST might get it (and sooner than they think).

The suspect is black (who knew?), about 5'6" -5'10", thin build, wearing a black trench coat w/ white piping and baggy pants (well, that fits almost ANYONE BUT ME in MY ghettohood). His gun was described as a black semi-auto.
Be a real shame if this thug was found face down in the St. Mary's river....a REAL shame.
*** Lastly today, longtime fitness "god" Jack LaLanne has passed away at the age of 96, due to complications from pneumonia.

Now even I remember growing up watching his 1/2 hour show on TV (when we only had THREE channels).
He used to come on just before I went to school, and I recall doing those jumping jacks with him as a kid.
(we were so damn impressionable in those days...musta been all that rampant INNOCENCE we enjoyed)
And it's because of Jack Lalanne that you have ALL those BALLY FITNESS centers (they bought HIS chain of centers out a while back).
Not too shabby for the son of French IMMIGRANTS (that came here LEGALLY), is it?

Goes to show that both DIET and EXERCISE never hurt anyone...helluva tribute. (so there, Michelle Obama...stop trying to fill HIS shoes w/ government regulations for food...ain't gonna happen)
People will do the right thing, IF properly "motivated", and Jack certainly had a way to get one going.
I don't think I even had the amount of the energy at EIGHT years old that HE had at EIGHTY...LOL!
He was certainly a very remarkable man that made a lot of sense and lived a very good life.
I know I will miss his "positivity" about life in general.
So boys & girls, I would trust that all of you (to paraphrase from the poet Rudyard Kipling) will manage "to keep your head about you, while everyone around you is losing theirs and blaming it on you"...

That should provide today's personal edification, no matter what the fates have in store.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
jack was also trying to sell his juicer on tv. almost got me to buy one....lol never the less here's some more news from indy
almost like the wild west down here. oh well. my doggy has her t shirt on chillin on the couch.
That juicer always did make me want to buy one...I mean fresh juice IS good for ;ya.
As to the situation down there?
Always amazes me how many times people will want to display their own stupidity with crime and such.
Thanks for stopping by with the link and commenting.
You & Doggy stay safe down there.
I was in Indy the night the officer got shot in 2008. I was driving through the badlands and was stopped by an officer. He gave no explanation for the stop, only asking where I was coming from and going to. His agressive behavior seemed odd at the time, until I heard what had just happened there. I'm not sure how he would have reacted if he realized I had a gun with me at the time.
And don't forget, the offer is still open to visit the range at Huntington Reservoir - once it warms up!
It seems that is all that is on the news any more.. just today there were 3 LEO's shot in St Petersburg Florida. Getting really scary out there. When you talk to Punxatawney Phil, please mention that I would appreciate it if he could hurry spring along. Been a very long winter. Keep warm and be careful shoveling all that snow.
Dear Bob,
Thanks for the heads-up and the five police shootings over the latest hours. Good sweet God, this is getting more and more serious.
I am appalled.
Glad at least that your cold is disappearing! Although I'm going to miss those pix of Sam, No Lie!
Ann T.
Leave it to YOU to be "where the action is"...
Somehow, I don't think they were looking for anyone like you, but all they COULD do if they knew you had a gun, would be to perform a ballistics check, and check you for any recent GSR...then cut 'ya loose.
Oh, I am ready to punch some paper, buddy...BELIEVE ME!
(been practicing in the basement BB range...lol)
Hey, thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Hope to catch up with 'ya real soon.
Stay safe up there.
EVen coming from PA, I dunno how much "pull" I have with Mr. Groundhog...but I AM hopeful.
(yeah, hopeful they don't shine about THIRTY kleig lights on his ass and make him see SIXTY shadows...that's the LAST thing we need...LOL)
"Spring is postponed INDEFINITELY, folks...sorry".
And sorry don't pay the bills, either.
Thanks so much for stopping by today.
Much appreciated.
Loved your Monday Funny, too!
Stay warm down there.
I'm kinda glad the cold is finally abating...hated that STUFFED UP feeling in the old sinuses.
But that sunny D & Amaretto went down REAL nice...LOL
I can still DO a decent immitation of good old "Sam"...and I promise to toss up a picture of him now and then...just for the heck of it.
(BTW, loved his acting in the movies GETTYSBURG...and ROADHOUSE)
You take care and thanks a lot for stopping by our snowy fence today.
(Just when I got it cleaned off, too)
Stay warm & safe out there.
Thanks for the entertainment w/Joshua today. Been there, done that, but I hold out hope that one day he'll reprise Paul's trip to Damascus.
You'll note that he is real good at pointing out arrogance facing him, not always so good at that which he can eminate.
I'll try to be a good boy and not wish to pollute the St. Mary's, though.
Hey, Lord knows I TRIED to just make a simple comment to your wonderful post.
Didn't expect a personal affront from him.
Guess he had a hard time figuring out that whole "Motto" thing...HIS loss, not OURS, right?
Then again, we've more people that suffer from (Liberal) Oppositional Defiance Disorder than we know, especially from those here online, sitting in their underwear in Mom's basement...LOL.
BTW...On that trip to Damascus, did Paul fall FROM his ASS...or ON it?
(I keep forgetting which is more correct).
The popular belief is BOTH.
Pollute the St. Mary's?
(if 'ya need help....I'm just sayin'.)
Hey, glad you got a smile from the "banter".
Thanks for stopping by today.
Stay safe out there.
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