And that goes for either sex, and people of every ethnicity, race, religion, creed, or planet of origin (in case you happen to be Klingon).
But so many times, we "want" to measure that improvement in levels of either astronomical or biblical proportions.
The word "increments" comes to mind for some reason.
In THIS case, we often overlook the TASK before us in lieu of the GOAL, and that can get us lost in life a lot faster than we could imagine.
Now, it's not wrong to see the end of whatever tunnel you find yourself at, and seeing a tree now and again in that forest should not detract from what YOU are attempting to achieve.

Some of us are pretty good "sorters"...others...not so much.
Now, call it what you will...ORDER, or PRIORITIES, but it's THIS facet of our lives where we often become mired down in our very own "red tape".
We WANT to do the right thing, AND in the order it was meant to be done, but sometimes, that's not always possible.
There are always those "x-factors" we need to consider.
A parameter overlooked, or that unforeseen event that tends to cause us to stray from our path...these are things we need to be prepared for, because they WILL intervene, and usually at the most inopportune time.
No one is perfect...that much we know (or should).
Still, there's nothing wrong with ASPIRING towards that noble precipice in life.
What we need to remind ourselves is that although NONE of us can EVER become perfect, we still CAN strive to be a LOT LESS UNPERFECT (sic) along the way.
By now, you probably have a smile on your face.
Yeah, I know that sounds funny, but think about it.

Hopefully, MOST times, but never expect it to become a 24/7/365 event...ain't gonna happen.
We WILL stumble along the way, we WILL fall down once in a while, and we WILL get the hell back up and try it again (whatever "it" was).
Many would say that's the sign of a flawed person.
No, it's the sign of a TYPICAL person.
It's not impossible to be a better person today than you were yesterday, as long as you LEARNED from yesterday's events and experiences.
But if you came away from that yesterday none the wiser, nor any more knowledgeable in the passage of those last 24 hours, you missed something.
This is where a lot of us draw that blank.

We NEED to be looking for all those minuscule pieces lying about us instead.
Every seemingly insignificant items we "might" not be aware of...THOSE are the things that continue to build our character...define much better who WE are as individuals, and keep us striving for that loftier plateau of human existence.
It's REAL easy to spot the OBVIOUS ones that have all but given up challenging themselves in this matter.
Check out ANY prison.
It can also come along in ways not readily seen or noticed at first.
If you look at the banner to this blog you'll find an important quote.
"When people yield up the privilege of THINKING, the last shadow of LIBERTY quits the horizon" (Thomas Paine)
If you look around you, you SEE the evidence of this already being done...and by more than a few.
Our very freedom...our LIBERTY demands that we THINK.
We cannot reason without thinking.
We cannot make decisions without thinking.
We cannot better ourselves without thinking.
Cogito Ergo Sum - I think, therefore I am, goes that quote.
When you surrender your ability to think (either for yourself or the behalf of others) you STOP being "you" in many ways.
And what you become in the process is a lot less than what the Creator intended.
What needs to happen is for us to avail ourselves of whatever opportunity arises before us, and to do it every single day.

Every day we wake up, it's like that clean slate before us...a fresh start..."a new beginning" (and not just episode 4 of Star Wars).
We have the chance to affect REAL change in our life EACH day, but not by those leaps and bounds.
Think of it this way...
Ants are very small creatures, and they certainly cannot leap tall buildings or make great strides on their own....BUT, with ENOUGH of these tiny buggers running about, they can deforest an acre of the jungle in a matter of DAYS!
THAT is how WE have to proceed....small things, every day, for ENOUGH days that when we look back, we can see where we USED to be and where we are NOW, and notice the REAL change we made in our lives (and quite possibly to others as well).
Call it an "affirmation" of sorts.
Call it a time to be "selfish", too.
This is that time where making yourself BETTER is (well) deserved, and often required.
((**note - photo removed because of non-payment for free promotional considerations ))
One other aspect we often misinterpret, is when we challenge oneself, we tend to build some sort of "win/loss" columns, like it was a football pool or something. That can cause us a few setbacks.
When we take on the mantle of personal improvement, we challenge ONLY ourselves, and should never let ANY outside influence dictate how much we WIN, or how great we have LOST. That's not for anyone else to determine but ourselves.
We may use personal heroes in our lives and certain universal principles and values acting as a guideline for how we conduct ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally, but in the end, it IS totally about the sum of what WE have gleaned from every person, every experience (good and bad), and every day we awaken.
And all that needs to be sorted out and placed in it's proper perspective.

You're supposed to.
The phrase "no pain - no gain" comes to mind.
You don't get something for nothing when it comes to the human condition.
We ALL possess the potential for greatness...or for disaster, depending on which side of the fence we decide to fall on. What we all have to realize is that WE do the "falling"...no one else.
It's this POTENTIAL we have to think upon...evaluate, and take control of.
You might not always succeed, and will definitely fail a few times.
But to have the fortitude to keep getting back up is what is most important than the success or failure.
Exploring your potential is just like riding a bike, the MORE you do it...the EASIER it becomes

And isn't that what we all were trying to do in the first place?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Dear Bob,
In a way, this reminds me of "If" by Rudyard Kipling, and some other great anthems.
Have a wonderful day! I am doing a little self-improvement today!
Ann T.
Come to think of it...you're RIGHT.
Near the end of yesterday's post I Mentioned "IF", and had a link TO that poem (referencing it), and I had to drop by and read it a few times (also had to memorize in back in THIRD grade and that was a LONG time ago).
I must have had some "excess yesterday" left over...LOL!
Good things are worth repeating.
Thanks for stopping by today (with NO snow at the fence...wow) and for commenting.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe out there.
good post. i have good intentions on getting things done in my life. its just getting about doing it that gets in the way.
Just don't try to do everything ALL at once.
I tried...didn't work worth a damn!
Always shoot for something small, that way if you succeed, you're better set up to tackle something a little bigger.
If 'ya fail, it's not that BIG a loss to get over.
Either mindset is s "win" for 'ya.
(That I DID try, and THAT works...LOL)
Hey, thanks for taking time to stop on by today.
Take care & be safe down there.
If we have the mindset that we cannot improve any further than our present condition...we are truly stagnant. Great post, Bob G!
Momma Fargo:
And I wrote today's post without wearing snowshoes and using only FOUR fingers...LOL!
(age can have it's drawbacks...so we "adapt")
I am humbled that you found it a good read.
Thanks so much for taking time to drop on by today.
Roll safe out there.
It would have been nice to see a credit for using my photo (A Journey Made). So make the small improvement in your life and give credit where credit is due.
I help feed my family from the income from my photos and to see that work "stolen" is a bad thing.
One would think that public display of one's work would be APPRECIATED, especially by the "author" (and in the PROPER CONTEXT)...guess it doesn't work that way across the pond, eh?
Sorry you feel that way, mate.
The world has enough problems without splitting hairs because a COPYRIGHT wasn't placed on the photo, or access to copy is denied.
I take hundreds of photos, (and thousands over the years) and I NEVER ask for compensation OR "credit"...
Bob, my photography puts bread on my table. It is not your right to decide that it is ok to use it without paying for that right.
And it is not just on the UK side of the pond that copyright law applies.
Please contact me via my profile to arrange for payment for your unlicensed use.
Highton Ridley:
If you have a damn problem with COPYRIGHT, then why not place a f$cking COPYRIGHT SYMBOL ON THE DAMN PHOTO...
People like you flaming liberal-lawsuit-happy morons haven't a clue as to what REAL freedom of speech is...and that's why "we" left your tyrannical "rule" a couple hundred years ago.
Truth be told, if I didn't place "your" photo on MY blog, there'd be a helluva lot FEWER people that even knew WHO THE HELL YOU REALLY ARE...so there.
FREE PUBLICITY...courtesy of "me"...how's about MY check, bub?
Haven't seen one yet.
I'll take your picture down, because *I* want to...with your attitude, you don't deserve to have me waste MY time promoting YOUR photography...
Have a bloody nice day, mate.
I removed your stinking photo, OKAY?
Oh, and feel free to use any of MY pictures...I didn't attend YOUR school of thought...
I consider it an honor for anyone to use any of my pictures.
You, sir might have a lot more to learn along those lines.
And future posts (threats) by you will be treated as spam and reported to the proper sources.
Remember, you still can't get blood from stones, no matter who you believe you are.
DO have a nice day.
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