--Two Fridays ago...lots of snow.
--Last Friday, warmer and sunnier.
--This Friday?
Back to Old Man Winter...again.
Right now, seems like ALL the schools are closed (good idea), and even some businesses.
Winds are whipping the snow around, which should play hell in the rest of the county and their roads.
Naturally, I was outside shoveling (city, take note) around 0530...just to take the WORST of the overnight snowfall off MY sidewalks. A second round took place around 0800.
I also cleared the driveway for the Wifeymobile...in case we have to make a run somewhere.
(Yeah, I can drive in this stuff...unlike a lot of other people that I'm sure I'll be seeing soon enough)
So, now that I'm back INSIDE for a spell, what BETTER way to begin my day than with a HUGE honking cup of my favorite "mix":
Hot chocolate, coffee, and Canadian Mist...TOGETHER!
Now THAT goes down REAL nice.

Come to think of it, you don't feel much of anything...'cept a tad sleepy, but the COLD takes care of that straight away.
Of course, all the "locals" are sleeping off their highs and drunks, so it's nice and QUIET outside...you can hear any noise REALLY well, and the crunching of the snow under your feet sounds like someone eating DORITOS in a hushed movie theater..it's that loud.
Movies still have moments of quiet during the picture, right?...been so long since I've been to one.
It's a CIVILITY thing with me and movie theaters...not enough of it to allow me to enjoy ALL that money I just blew to watch the damn flick.
But, I digress.

Today, it's all about SNOW...as in plenty enough to go around.
It's kinda neat to watch the snow come down (?) SIDEWAYS...!
And I already KNOW that the boys & girls on the THIN BLUE LINE in our city today will EARN their pay...several times over.

Weather like this brings out more than a lion's share of STUPID with a lot of people, that's for sure.
*** Just last afternoon on her drive home, some guy, not paying attention bumped into Wifey's rear end.
Trouble was, Mrs. Bobby G. was sitting at a RED LIGHT with one car in front of her.
Got a small 1 inch dig in the bottom of the bumper and some chafing/scuffing along the middle...nothing that bad that I can't polish it out somewhat.
But it goes to show exactly what I told here when she got home.
"You never have to LOOK for trouble these days...somehow, it will ALWAYS find YOU instead."
And maybe SOME people (following my wife) might be better off PAYING ATTENTION, especially when they have a CHILD on board...'ya think?
Meanwhile, we've some other "fun" things going on around our fair city...such as THESE from our local paper:
*** (( Arrest made after pot found in coat
Jason R. Longardner of Illinois was a passenger of a Ford Mustang pulled over by Fort Wayne police Wednesday.
The officer at one point noticed a strange bulge in Longardner’s coat. Upon searching the coat, the officer found bags of marijuana hidden within the lining. Longardner was arrested on a charge of felony marijuana possession.
At the Allen County Jail, the officer asked Longardner whether he had any more drugs on him.
Longardner said yes, and pulled one bag from the crotch of his pants, according to a police report.
He was being held in lieu of $2,500 bail. ))
And he was from OUT OF STATE (Illinois, of all places)...whatta SURPRISE!
Only thing, he'll probably make bail and be back on OUR streets in no time.
*** (( Police say they nab 6 stealing from I&M

At 2:25 a.m. Wednesday, a patrol officer spotted a suspicious vehicle parked in a lot near the company’s building in the 8000 block of Baer Road. The officer called for backup.
After more officers arrived, they found two cars parked at a business near Indiana Michigan Power. They also saw six men trespass and steal wire from the power company, according to police.
Those men were charged with felony theft and criminal trespass. They are Gregory A. Boyd, 40; Ausben L. Logan, 43; Joseph L. Arrington, 18; Dwayne A. Dies, 23; Jerome L. Burns, 50; and Derrick D. Baker, 38. All were being held in lieu of $2,500 bail. ))
Nice to know that felony pot possession AND felony THEFT carry the same bail amount.
(maybe the judge wanted to get home early, and rubber-stamped the lot of those perps)
Of course, that IS $2,500 TIMES SIX...(safety in numbers?)
Well, it IS also is...DUMB ASS TIMES SIX...!
*** (( Driver arrested after police chase

Elvis A. Hall, 31, was spotted by an officer driving with an expired tag on his plate. The officer, who in a police report wrote that he had chased Hall before, turned on his lights and sirens. Hall ignored those, the police report said.
He then led police on a chase with speeds reaching 45 mph through the central part of the city.

Hall’s car became stuck in some snow at Stonefield and Wayfield drives. He then fled on foot, the report said.
Hall struggled with officers, which led to one officer to give him a "front kick to Hall’s common personal area," the report said.
The kick subdued Hall, who was arrested for multiple warrants in multiple counties.
According to records, he fled police last year, as well. ))

"common personal area"...ROFLMAO!
Coulda just said "genitalia", "man bits" or even "male nether-region" and be done with it.
Still, it's damn nice to see officers who are NOT afraid to apply a little common sense (and a tactical boot) to the common areas when needed, especially with those who prefer to "resist". Please, by ALL means...RESIST.
The officers NEED to properly "break-in" their boots...LOL!
P. Jerky: "Don't TAZE me, bro".
Officer Pele: "I don't have to. I'm the goal-tender for the department's SOCCER team...welcome to ME!"
Yeah, now THAT dog will HUNT!

Naturally, not a snow boot in the bunch...add some saggy-baggies, and it's either the mating season for PENGUINS ('cause that's the way they walk...or waddle) OR some "special kind of stupid" perps who will "attempt" to elude the po-po...only to find that ghetto dress codes SUCK after you steal some sh*t from the local stores...and try to get away.
(Bettafoan m'boy Jerkmarcus, he's gots a car tuh gedaway wiff)
Either way, I'm liking it.
I know MY driving abilities, and what the CAR can do...all I have to concern myself with is ALL the people in those OTHER vehicles that will doing anything BUT driving as they should in such weather.
THAT is always the challenge.
You learn over time (and in bad weather) to know your OWN limitations...the limitations of YOUR vehicle, hopefully without finding out what the limitations of everyone ELSE are in the process.

Some people (erroneously) believe they have NONE whatsoever.
THOSE are the ones to avoid.
The main thing is that YOU find out what YOUR limitations might be...and do YOUR best to work WITHIN those confines.
You might surprise yourself along the way.
And you will definitely learn a lot more about the person you spend the MOST time with...YOU.

So, take it easy outside today...pace yourself, and don't try to do everything all at once...
Have yourselves a very nice weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
is one of our dumbazz reward people. he was trying to steal copper wire from ipl. burned himself to death.
yea that snow was coming down sideways. it was completly scary. they said the winds got up to 31mph. i personally think it could have been more then that. becouse when i was sitting in my car waiting for it to deice the car was shaking so bad at times i put on my seat belt for just in case. that is another reason i went to the gas station of all things. so be protected from the winds. all the windows over in my apartments look like there was a snow ball contest. some of the buildings look like the brick got a nasty beating. my daughter said the dog freaked out last night hearing the wind hitting the apartment. it was a nasty night indeed. i'm just happy i'm not up there where you all are. bad stuff.
I heard earlier this week about some numbnut who was TRYING to swipe copper and got ZAPPED...I was like "serves his stupid ass right".
Didn't know it was down there.
Sounds like you got MORE winds than we did...
But I'll bet good money the RURAL areas are drifting over WAY BAD!
It was a "heavier" snow this time...more moisture than the last storm.
THAT was like shoveling SUGAR 2 weeks ago.
Today...it was heftier to move.
Now, "I" get to kick back and watch the "locals" do what they do best around here when it comes to snow-removal:
(hope they don't forget to wear those funky "athletic shoes" for slogging through all that flaky WHITE stuff...LOL.)
Glad you're all OK down there.
Thanks for taking time to drop by and chat a spell.
Stay warm & safe down there.
Yeah, like I said on Time Machine, I got out on Washington Ctr, found an unrecognizable road and inpenetrable near-whiteout, did my best Clark Kent impression to find the Papermill Woods entrance to turn about, and spent the remainder of the morning listening to traffic follies on WOWO. My son called when he got home and said it took 1 hour from Airport Expressway to just east of me on Reed road.
I made a copy of your "dumbass" warning. I'm sure it will come in handy sooner or later.
I'll wager Elvis Hall wished he had a bag o' goodies in HIS crotch when he got caught. Oh, the stories he and that other guy will be able to swap in lockup.
Listening to the scanner right now. Doesn't sound real hopeful that I'll try the road again today.
Man, Mrs. G sure can find 'em, eh? First that trash can that jumped out and got her, then the sneak attack from behind. Is there a big red target on that Wifeymobile?
Our official reading was 6 and 1/2. Shoup was on saying Steuben would get 2 or less and minutes later a caller from Angola told Andy Ober they had 5. I told my son (who had been watching too) and he said, "Yeah, Shoup's an idiot. And did you see that poor (feminine descriptive term) they stuck outside?" WANE had a rookie stringer out in the mess doing a live report. I said, "Yup, it sucks to be the new chick."
Canadian Mist in the morning, hmmm... while it has possibilities, I best stay with the diet root beer. Enjoy the warmth!!!
ROFL...love the Clark Kent reference...did my share of "seek and find" on roads and streets in my day!
That's where knowing your TREES comes in handy...LOL.
(what houses? Don't see ANY houses out here)
I'd like to have about 500 of those DUMB ASS WARNINGS made up (like business cards) and then place them under the wipers of the morons I encounter...just performing a "civic duty"...LOL.
And, perps WILL be perps...won't they?
As to the Wifeymobile...they find Mrs. G!!!
Checked all over, too...didn't see ANY bullseyes on the car (OR bullet holes).
Must be that "former police car" look to it (the FWPD used Caprice classics in 93-96)...yeah.
I feel for that new weathergirl outside...well, she wanted this gig. And she got it!
Kinda cute, too...in a semi-frozen sorta way.
God don't make junk, right?
DIET root beer?
I always made it a point to NEVER ingest ANYTHING with the word "DIE" in it...(a personal choice).
Make mine HIRES...neat (straight up)!
Thanks for taking time to hoof on down here to day and comment.
Stay safe and warm up THERE.
Youg guys have a great weekend.
("No Scrappy, we're not going out AGAIN"...I can hear it now...LOL)
40 minutes after you posted your reply, we went out to clean off the porch. I let Scrappy run around out the back gate. No more were we in and he tried to con me into a walk. Five minutes after that I read your reply. You know my dog!
LMAO...you two just made my day!
Always loved dogs (funny having TWO cats now)...call it an "affinity" for the canines among us.
Toss in a little bit of St. Francis, too (for a METHODIST?)...musta been that transfusion I got ages ago.
Dogs are WAY easier to figure out than people...just wish they could talk (like in Clifford Simak's sci-fi novel, CITY...a great read).
Good boy, Scrappy!
Have a great weekend, folks!
Love your post, Bob G.!
Pic above the eagle is absolutely beautiful...I want to live there..Sounds like you are getting hammered with winter weather again. Crazy. We did too. Spring snows are coming on strong. Hang in there.
PS...I need that dumbass sign for the police department...LOL
Momma Fargo:
I like that picture too. Can't for the life of me remember WHERE I got it from, but it IS a painting.
That's my "dream" home...don't see my garage , though.
I'll bet your house must not be TOO far removed from this.
Lots of peace & quiet...miles and miles of...miles and miles.
Really serene.
I definitely believe in CLIMATE CHANGE...just NOT in "global warming".
Rain yesterday and snow today...(WTF?)
Go figure.
YOu can have any and all (dumb ass) signs I post here...got lots of them (wonder why living in MY ghettohood?)
Thanks for taking time and stopping on by today.
Much appreciated.
Roll safe out there.
ANd have yourself a great week.
i was reading the news. then i thought bob has GOT to see this...lol a story after your own heart.
how bad did it get up in the fort last night. down here we were a little too far south to get into the tornadoes. though it was a scary night indeed. temps are sposed to drop today. welcome back to winter here i guess. lol just like indiana. have a blizzard in gary and a tornado near indy.
It was ALMOST as bad as that last storm, but it was a "wetter" snow...heavier to move, and as a result, faster to melt (as it did yesterday and into today).
The tornadoes spook me...never had them in Philly.
We do have a good bunker...I mean "basement"...LOL.
But there ARE more than a few houses I wouldn't mind seeing carried off to "somewhere (WAY) over the rainbow"!
Just drop US off somewhere NICE and QUIET.
Thanks for sharing that link.
Have a great week.
Stay safe down there.
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