This is a lot to process when you wake up (more coffee, definitely).
Schools today (here) are already on 2-hour delays...some have even closed.
The local prognosticators are "saying" between 4 to 10 inches of snow...by tomorrow evening.
Four inches of snow shovels pretty much the same as does six in MY book...TEN inches is a little bit different, though (here we go again, kids).
Somehow, I think that Punxatawney Phil got something wrong...
I propose this possible scenario simply because I'm just NOT seeing this "early" Spring, unless we're waiting until ONE DAY before Spring to warm the hell up, calling THAT "early"...no, no, no, no, nooooo.
That's not early by ANY standards.
I'm seeing 3 (out of a possible SIX) more weeks of WINTER...so far (and yes, I am checking that calendar).
Now, this weather COULD change...it could get worse, or it could get better for us.
The "operative" word here is C O U L D thought, isn't it?
And that word would be nothing but COLD...without "U"...heh.
(fun with words...gotta love it)
Sure glad I didn't stow the shovels.
(note to self - Menards, more ice-melt, ASAP...lol)
And grocery shopping on Saturday morning should be "sporty" to say the least.
But, if push comes to shove, we're still good-to-go for at least another week, food-wise.
(I like to plan ahead when it comes to provisions...BE PREPARED)
So, while we await whatever weather is supposed to be coming our way, let's take a peek at "the rest of the news", as the late Paul Harvey would say.

Now, I've always believed that the BEST way to tackle ANY problem was HEAD ON...and NOT running away from it.
Here's the links to the stories:
And this one:

Avoiding an issue doesn't simply make it all "go away", does it?
If *I* were running this state (the world is NOT ready for that, BTW), I'd strip these dems of their PER DIEM (first off), then, I'd find a method to WITHHOLD THEIR PAY, and if I could find some way to get away with it, I'd FREEZE their damn assets, too!
Hit them where it HURTS...in the old "Hip-National Bank"!
Hell, THEY do it US all the damn time, right?
I'm just sayin'...

1) Stick a loaded gun in their face.
2) Mess with their MONEY.
Either one will have them heeling like a trained puppy.
Hell, if it were possible, they should all be suspended without pay for a MONTH...just to teach them a lesson.
The "lawgivers" say they.re doing this in the BEST interest of THEIR constituents...really?
How does being (or going) AWOL help ANYONE...at ANY time?

Pvt Spokesman: "Hey sarge, the squad decided it was in the BEST INTEREST of the town's people here that the squad bug out and convoy over to the NEXT province."
Sgt. Gitterdun: (...*blink - blink*...)
(credit to Momma Fargo)
Somehow, I got a funny feeling that dog ain't gonna hunt.
(and that private will be peelin' taters for a LONG time)
Gee, and here I thought it was called "MAN-UP" for a reason.
*** A decent pot bust in Fort Wayne takes place (again).
Here's the *4-1-1*:
(( Published: February 24, 2011 3:00 a.m.
Pot raid collars alleged grower - Timed lights, guns seized
Jeff Wiehe The Journal Gazette

That scene is what greeted Fort Wayne police Wednesday morning when they entered a home at 3311 Shoaff Park River Drive in a drug raid that led to one arrest and the discovery of a large marijuana growing operation.
Vice and narcotics detectives were tipped off that the boy’s 28-year-old father, Joshua T. Rose, was growing marijuana at the home. After getting a search warrant, officers found it in the basement, according to police.
There were 19 plants that had grown to a height of 4 feet. There were lights on rails and electric timers. There was a ventilation system that vented odors outside.
There were five handguns, more than 4 pounds of marijuana, more than $1,000 in cash and more than 3,000 rounds of various ammunition.
And there was Rose’s son, who while playing with the jar of marijuana remarked to officers that it "belongs to my daddy," according to police.
Rose was arrested on charges of dealing marijuana, marijuana possession and possession of paraphernalia.
He was being held at Allen County Lockup in lieu of $13,250 bail. ))

Yes friends, ANOTHER stellar citizen of this fine city gets the orange jumpsuit and flip-flops!
The drug-dealing SOB had a damn NICE-looking house, too, in what appeared to be a decent neighborhood.
Oh well, 'ya play...'ya pay, right?
And junior might get a REAL toy to play with out of THIS "deal:"...
*** I found this story a bit "disturbing", given my penchant for digging deeper into things and "reading between the lines".
Here's the story as presented:
(( Published: February 24, 2011 3:00 a.m.
Hit-and-run crash delays rape trial; accuser hurt
Rebecca S. Green The Journal Gazette
FORT WAYNE – The rape trial of a 31-year-old Fort Wayne man was delayed until June after the alleged victim was injured in a hit-and-run car crash on her way to the Allen County Courthouse.
Richard Jamar Charlton, of the 3300 block of Reed Street, was to stand trial Wednesday on a single charge of rape, stemming from a March attack reported by a woman he knew.
He is accused of calling the woman and having her come over to his home. When she arrived, he asked her into the bedroom, locked the door and pushed her down on the bed, according to court documents.
The woman told Charlton "no" and asked him to stop, but he said he wanted to continue, and then had sex with her, according to court documents.

According to Fort Wayne police, the crash occurred at 10:20 a.m. Wednesday at Winter and Colerick streets, just west of South Anthony Boulevard. The victims were taken to the hospital in fair condition, and officers were unable to find the other driver, who fled the scene on foot, according to police.
Officers and a police dog followed footprints to a house on Lillie Street, but no one came to the door, according to police reports. ))
I find this disturbing because of the AREA involved...the "ghettohood".
And, I've stated here many times, that a lot of these dubious people have NOTHING to do all day, but drive around, and "scope out their territory".

And JUST as she was supposed to go to trial?
I mean people KNOW each other down here. In fact, they make it their BUSINESS to know each other (because drugs and crime ARE the business down here), as evidenced by the manner these people behave whenever they move into a rental.
What starts out as a single mom or a "couple" turns into a MEETING HOUSE real fast, replete with all the trappings of a problem house in the making (and many times a DRUG HOUSE or BROTHEL).
Trouble is, I see houses operate in like manner, pass it onto the command staff of the FWPD...and the houses remain open and occupied.

Yeah, apparently, some neighborhoods in the ghettohood are like the TEFLON DON...nothing seems to stick to 'em (like criminal charges).
I guess they "know" someone....or a LOT of someones.
Must be nice...
*** Finally today, as gas prices keep on rising, that means everything else is rising in concert as a compenmsatory manner.
Doesn't matter if it's groceries, clothes, whatever...it's ALL going nowhere but UP in price for the time being.
Now, if our dollar hadn't been devalued thanks to flawed "stimulus" plans that did little if nothing to IMPROVE our economy, which made the FED print MORE money to "cover the costs", we'd probably be a little better off today.

We can do what our parents (or grandparents) did...we can make due with what we have at hand.
We can scrimp, save, and cut corners where we need to.
We can find within us all that "pioneer spirit"...that AMERICAN spirit.
We can find the faith to believe that better times WILL be coming, and that we WILL enjoy them and provide something for future generations that THEY will thank us for.

And we also need persistence. We can rest, but we never give up...or give in.
Slow and steady wins the race, and we should all be in THIS one to win it.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Good post my friend. I have had to scrimp and make do most of my life. I used to have a garden and can and freeze veggies for the winter. I enjoyed it. There is a certain satisfaction in it, or there was for me. And speaking of prices rising today I got my dish network bill. It went up $5.25 per month. No notice just there it is on your bill. I am on a fixed income and that comes out to $63. per year which is a LOT to me. I called and they were very nice and gave me a $5 per month credit for 1 year. Guess that gives me a year to find the extra money. Its the little things isn't it?
Good ideas on what to do to our absent lawmakers, BG; I still prefer the meteorite, though.
Hey, if you get bored and want to check out how far the acorn fell from the tree, my son posted a poem of his on his blog, http://mainevent89.blogspot.com/2011/02/been-awhile.html that impressed me.
On the snow, I hope we either get 0
or a level one emergency for the entire area. We are supposed to have trucks coming out the ying-yang tomorrow at work, and if I have to live through another day as stupid as this one, it'd be nice if I didn't have the added stress of a white knuckle morning.
And to think that Frontier cable (Fios) is jacking up OUR bill $30, but "giving" those who want to switch to DIRECTTV a YEAR's worth of that...?!?
Like I want satellite TV (wind fade - rain fade - snow buildup on the dish).
Yeah, it IS the little things.
And a garden is something THIS city-boy took to like a DUCK TO WATER...LOL!
(and if I had that water, I'd feed those DUCKS, too!)
Hey, thanks for stopping by before the bad weather hits, dear.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe & warm down there.
I hadn't read YOUR post before writing mine...I DEFINITELY love the METEORITE gig!
(they'll STICK all right)
I'll be checking out that poem soon enough, too.
Getiing to OR from work in really bad weather is ONE thing...having to drive IN IT because that's a BIG part OF your job is quite another.
White knuckles ALL day....head on a swivel...no appetite...and really nice headaches.
Oh, stress can be "fun"...NOT!
Take it easy out there.
Thanks for stopping by today.
Stay safe up there!
Say "hi" to Scrappy for us.
What to do with the Urbana Cowboys, Win and Phil et al?
Strangely, there is very little to be done. The Indiana Constitution says that the legislative body can suspend their paychecks after five days absence, if a House quorum so votes. Fat chance of getting that quorum.
Wisconsin Tea Partiers have initiated recall petitions against seven of the Illinois 14 . . . but there is no Indiana law that permits recall of Indiana's disappearing Democrats.
The real sadness here is that the leftist extremists have been missing from Indiana politics, until we got introduced to the Chicago Way last election.
How does that song go?
Indiana wants me, Lord I can't go back there
Indiana wants me, Lord I can't go back there
I wish I had you, to talk to
Indiana wants me, Lord I can't go back there
("This is the police, you are surrounded, give yourself up")
Indiana wants me, Lord I can't go back there
("This is the police, give yourself up, you are surrounded")
Y'all keep those cards and lettas acomin', ya heah now!
we got it all snow and freezing rain this morning. still didnt have my ice scraper and the wind was coming pretty hard. i drove out of work (after sitting there and waiting for the defroster to do its trick) heading towards walmart. i saw 3 cops going that way as quick as possible. i said to myself screw it i'm heading to the gas station. got milk . ice scraper and some donuts, oh yes and gas. it was a nice "shelter" from the storm. schools are on a 2 hour delay. thats pretty serious stuff around here. i was wishing they would just close them all together. why not make up the time in june. who really cares. rather have her safe then hurt.
and i found it unusual that the lady would have such a nasty car wreak. she needs to watch her back. who knows what will happen next.
I was hoping for a referendum on a "no-confidence" call or something like you mentioned (a recall) would be in order.
Oh, yeah...we're entrenched into "The Chicago Way" alright!
I mean, your TOYOTA gets RECALLED when it's "faulty"...should also apply to POLITICIANS, right?
My late buddy (Hank) and I would sing THAT SONG when it first hit the airwaves...we loved it.
Now that I LIVE in Indiana...I have a MUCH better grasp as to WHY the songwriter felt compelled to compose it.
It really FITS.
Remember, it was the announcer at that airshow/carnival in the movie The Rocketeer who stated several times:
"It's ALL part of the show".
Can we get OUR MONEY back?
(I'm not sufficiently entertained)
Hey, thanks for stopping by before the snowfall gets too deep.
Stay safe out there.
Seems like you're not getting nearly as much as we are up north...
I'll be posting about it today, rest assured.
Glad you made it out and back OK with your "supplies".
Time to hunker down if you can for a while.
Thanks for swinging past the snowy neighborhood "fence" today...
Stay safe and warm down there.
3311 Shoaff Park River Drive - The first house I lived at in Fort Wayne was on the same cul-de-sac. Not the area I'd expect to find a pot farm.
Yeah, when I saw the area I was thinking that sure looks a LOT nicer than OUR ghettohood.
Not that much traffic, well-kept properties...lots of good things going for it.
Not anymore, it would appear.
Talk about your failed private "business" ventures, eh?
Guess he shoulda been watching HGTV a lot more, and growing something less "noticeable" by the authorities...'ya think?
(and here's his sign)
BTW, I heard "Rico" being mentioned on the radio a few days back...seems he's hanging down along Serenity Drive (big surprise) causing some kind of sh*t THERE as well.
Didn't he JUST get arrested (again) for like the 537th time?
WTF is it with this "Teflon Don" anyway?
Someone needs to cap his mellon.
Save a lot of people a lot of money.
Thanks a lot for stopping by today and commenting.
You stay safe up there.
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