To hear the way kids believe something and how they came to know something is unique.
It's also how we all LEARN things.
Beliefs we once held are overturned when we are exposed to the facts.
And facts produce KNOWLEDGE...and, as we all have heard time and again:
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER ("Scientia est Potentia" for you Latin scholars out there).
Moreover, HOW we apply this knowledge leads to something called WISDOM.
And, if you want to know the relationship of knowledge and wisdom, grab a copy of the Bible and check out Proverbs (for a start).
Immanuel Kant once said that:
"Science is organized knowledge; WISDOM is organized life".
*** Now, with that in mind, you can imagine my astonishment when I heard our very own President basically make the following "claim":
"Oil is the energy of the PAST".
(can YOU say Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot???)

To say I was more than a tad "flabbergasted" is an understatement!
And it takes a LOT to flabbergast me THESE days, trust me.
I know TWO men who are rolling in their graves at THIS very moment:
Samuel Martin Kier
Edwin Drake
Both were Pennsylvania men, both credited with being the first ones to drill for CRUDE OIL...AND then refine it for lamps (kerosene) in the entire USofA!
Now, Mr. Obama DID go to to HARVARD, right?

I say that because an "educated" and erudite person would ALREADY KNOW that OIL is an energy source of the PRESENT, as well as the FUTURE.
Let's find out WHY, shall we?

And just HOW MUCH PLASTIC goes into those cars?
Gee, I recall that PLASTICS are a direct result of the PETROCHEMICAL industries.
Funny how that works out.
And what about the TIRES on that electric car?
The synthetic rubber is composed of components coming directly from OIL and it's many refining processes.
All the LUBRICANTS that manage to keep all the parts sliding off of one another in those electric cars are PETROLEUM-BASED, too...who knew?
Let's not also forget that all the HIGHWAYS those electric cars will travel have OIL somewhere in the mix (of tar used to pave them).
The synthetic FABRICS covering the INTERIORS of those electric cars...yepper, ALSO oil-based.

Oh, wait...the BOTTLE is PLASTIC, too...another oil-based product!
I'd best run back home on those shoes with synthetic soles that have OIL as a component in THEM!
And when I get home, I can walk across my carpet (which is made from used plastic bottles, hence PETROLEUM PRODUCTS)!
See...there's just No getting away from a myriad uses that come from OIL these days...and that applies to our FUTURE as well as our PRESENT.
We will ALWAYS need oil in some capacity...for something.

(anybody got any ideas along those lines?)
Now, I certainly didn't go to Harvard, and after hearing Obama make that claim, I don't think I'd WANT to go there...even on a full, 4 year paid scholarship!
As gaffs go, he beat out Biden hands down!
That's why it's ALWAYS better to GET YOUR FACTS, and get them STRAIGHT...FIRST, before you open that pie hole and blurt them out.
I would love to have been a fly on the wall of ANY petroleum company's walls yesterday when our President MADE that remark...LOL

Makes a real good case though when you think about our "fearless leader" being OUT OF TOUCH with what's really going on.
Maybe, next time out in the Presidential LIMO, he might want to inquire as to HOW MUCH OIL goes into making that vehicle ROLL.
Just a thought.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
*** I've chronicled the misadventures of the "locals" around here since this blog began. And I like to focus on those "problem" houses on the block or in the area..the ones the FWPD, or Neighborhood Code Enforcement, or Child Protective Services SHOULD be closing down, but don't seem to.

Now, this is the SAME house that has all the loud-ass traffic coming by from mid-morning to early morning the following day, kids playing IN THE STREET, the "lovers" swapping spit all over the street, drug use, staggering "parent" syndrome, toddlers that pee on utility poles during the day...in other words...these people are 20 miles of BAD ROAD...period.

(at least the house isn't one of those 12,000 VACANT ones...yeah, right)
So, imagine seeing someone taken from the place each month on a gurney.

Go figure.
I would love to run some records checks on these people IF I knew someone's name.
Wouldn't even surprise me of a LOT of the males that "stop by" have active warrants.

Well, at least it's good to know that "if" the FWPD can't properly surveil a problem (read drug) house...I sure as hell (still) can.
And I'm available if anyone from the department wants to stop on by and interview me for a position...like THAT would ever happen...LMAO!
*** In today's paper, a story that I found mildly amusing, and not in the way you might think.

Here's the link to the article:
The story talks about (basically) the ANATOMY of a pothole.
That's what I found funny.
Anyone with a few synapses firing KNOWS what causes a pothole.
And they also know what happens when you hit one the "wrong" way....
(visit to the repair shop, or at least a new rim or tire)
The combination of freeze/thaw, road salt and water provides the recipe to cause small cracks to widen and so on and so forth...yada, yada,.yada...
Got it.
Knew that for DECADES...nice to know some things don't change, right?
*** You can't turn on the news today without hearing that FOOD PRICES have risen TWENTY-NINE PERCENT.

Looks like that "old" energy is still the PRESENT energy for our food sources (and the future's).
Again...who knew?
(short answer - we ALL did)
And what an impact rising costs will play on this nation's economic structure...what with a spiralling deficit and lack of revenue.
Makes 'ya wonder WHAT would happen if all these so-called budget cuts in our government were directed at the RIGHT agencies(instead of earmarks which don't add to a whole helluva lot)...like medicare, medicaid and welfare (the BIG three).

Might want to make some people get off their duffs and get cracking at some REAL occupation.
Might even make people a bit more RESPONSIBLE.
Or, it might cause nationwide rioting, looting, arson, and assorted breakouts of martial law.
There is that faction within our society that really would LOVE to see that happen.
Fortunately (for the good guys), I'm NOT one of them.
But I do know how such people conduct themselves when they're not constantly given their "fix" of government entitlements.
Be nice to find a way to wean such people off of this insidious (and costly) "drug" that permeates our nation.
We need some form of "alternative" to get people off of this addiction.

Basic principles...basic solutions...and basic values...that's what we need today.
Settling for less isn't really an option at this point. Not for THIS nation.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
First off, is this the same president who, a couple days ago, claimed that his spending freeze meant that this nation was like a family "who was quitting running up the credit card"?
If so, I'd say that the problem here is that we are not being very sucessful at translating "Obamaspeak" into its objective-reality equivalent.
Second, unlike the J-G of my youth, the modern J-G considers pothole stories "investigative journalism. You and I used to call it "5th grade book reports".
Third, when TRAA pulls in, you could saunter over all "concenred neighbor"like and ask what happened. Nod nod wink wink.
And finally, did you leave one of your artillery shells over at Omnisource? Hm?
You nailed it with the Obamaspeak...hey, that must be something along the lines of either EBONICS...or FLOCABULARY!
"Investigative Journalism"...ROFL!
I knew what potholes were early on because of the way my Dad used to SWEAR every time he couldn't avoid one.
When I do see TRAA roll up, my FIRST thought hearkens back to the days in a casino...
"Place your bets"
I like to hope.
I heard that shell was a practice round.
(big cheesy grin)
Um...what's a PRACTICE round anyway?
NONE of MY rounds are of the "practice" variety.
I'm just sayin'.
Hey thanks for swinging by and taking time to comment.
I need the smile today.
Stay safe out there
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