I'm sure most ALL of us have spent some time THERE, usually NOT of our own volition.
It's one of "those" places you never REALLY want to go, but somehow, for some unknown reason, and even in spite of GPS technology, which should provide a level of avoidance of such areas, you invariably DO wind up there...now and again.
It's like that proverbial "bad penny" that keeps coming back.
Welcome to LIFE - 101.
Yesterday, as Wifey was heading to work (school), she was driving through some neighborhoods farther north of us.
As she winded one curved street, there was a LOUD bang, and her first impression was that someone had shot at the car.
Well, you DO get used to such things living in OUR ghettohood.
But, she was safe...no one was shooting.
The car, on the other hand, had suffered a glancing blow...to the right-hand side mirror.

So guess what "jumped out" and whacked Wifey's mirror?
Yep, the handle OF that bin was a "perfect match" (height-wise) to where the mirror on a 1996 Chevy Caprice is located.
The mirror HOUSING was unaffected (designed to fold back against the car), but the backing plate for the glass was hanging off, and the glass itself was cracked really bad.
Now, IF the bin had been placed PROPERLY by that house (because the snow has melted to the point where streets are VERY clear again), we'd STILL have that mirror in perfect working order.

I remember telling Matt Gratz (head of Solid Waste Department) about this problem...several times.
In OUR ghettohood, bins are placed any damn place the morons want to place them, and NEVER a citation.
Well, WE are the exception to the rule...'ya see, WE can obviously READ (the brochure that came with the bin) and know WHERE to place them on trash day, as well as WHERE to store it after the trash been picked up.
In other words, WE are the "outcasts" here, because we do things RIGHT.
I never did like that whole "pack-mentality" gig anyway...why follow when it leads off a cliff, right?

We even had a city vehicle PLOW the alleys (as was mentioned on TV) so the trash trucks could get through...nice touch.
In OUR specific alley, we have some "gypsy" plow that piles the snow against the alley entrance across the damn street.
And yes, I did pass that along to our quadrant chief in the FWPD, hoping she can get to the bottom of as to WHY "our" alley is always plowed long before the city comes by.

Anyway, I managed to get the mirror "remounted" to some degree. Can't do anything about the cracked glass (Placed clear packing tape over it to keep the pieces in one spot), but at last the power function works.

The mirror WILL still tilt and rotate...just not as well as before. The glass and backing place flop around a tad, but it's serviceable (until Wifey gets it back in the shop). As a repair, I'd rate it a 6.5 on a ten scale (for me), considering I was winging it, and didn't have the replacement parts at hand. (who usually DOES?)
I'd call it a damn fine "butch" job...my former compatriots in the working world would have been PROUD!
Problem solved...for the time being.
When I asked Wifey which way she was going to school TODAY, I didn't quite hear the answer I was looking for.
Since she cut through a neighborhood, I was hoping she go back to taking the MAIN streets.
But, she told me "the same way"...
(rolls eyes)
I guess a lot of people prefer to not learn much from the past.
I said to her: "What if the trash bins were still in the street?"
(no reply)
"What if another can decides to jump out and BITE YOUR CAR AGAIN?"
(no reply)
I added: 'It's called learning from others mistakes FOR...A...REASON."
(still no reply)
Yeah, I can also go from ZERO to ADAMANT in about 1.3 seconds!
Hopefully, the whole "once bitten, twice shy" seed was planted in fertile soil this morning.
As I say, I only like to make mistakes ONCE. That way the repetition factor never enters into it.

THAT'S how you create a SLUM area..don't bother to make EVERYONE follow the rules.

We grew up, paid attention and learned the difference between doing what's RIGHT...and doing NOTHING (or as little as frigging possible).
Wifey had no idea that the bin would be IN the street...can't fault her at all there.
I know, if it had happened to ME, the people at THAT house would have a trash bin coming through their front window...as a "reminder".
Cripes, the people across our street can't even figure out the whole location thing for the bins either.
Otherwise, WE wouldn't have so much trouble trying to exit OUR damn driveway. (thanks to them)

Sometimes, people HAVE to be taught a lesson.
And I can be a pretty decent "teacher", when the need arises.
Thing is...you might not want to be one of my "pupils"...LOL!
*** And that brings me to the rest of Wifey's day (yesterday).
The "children of the corn" were in attendance in her classes...the spawn of Satan ALL showed up.
She had one jerk running around the room giving out M&Ms to everyone and he wouldn't sit the hell down. (a black student, obviously with a lack of social graces and behavioral difficulties...AND a failing student - big surprise...wonder WHY that could be?)
Wifey can't lay hands on him, so she called the office.
The BLATANT disrespect shown to our educators is almost beyond comprehension these days.
Now, back in MY day, a teacher could size up a kid's family life simply be the way he or she acted IN CLASS.

But today, teachers are relatively hog-tied when it comes to real intervention to halt such behavior in the classroom.
Back in MY day, the teacher would grab you by the scruff of your neck and haul your ass down to the office...no debate, no questions.
Thankfully, that NEVER happened to me...see, I was there to LEARN, and not be a "Future F$ckup of America".
Today, it's more like a "rite of passage" to be tossed out of school...a lot.
"Y'all ain NOBODY less you git yo ass froan outta few times...no whutahmsayin?"

(oh, yes, that is surely a "WTF?" moment)
I'd say that what's being taught by the schools THESE days (and not be the individual educators) is HOW to game the system to be an upstanding welfare recipient. There's not enough discipline or personal accountability charged to a lot of students to warrant any other conclusion.
Teachers are there to TEACH (a subject).
They're NOT police officers.
They're NOT surrogate parents.
They're NOT social workers.
They're NOT psychiatrists.
They're NOT behavioral therapists.
They're NOT babysitters.
Got it?

They are there to TEACH your child...to help them through the learning experience, and to open their mind to the possibilities of what having an education means in the world today. It's but a few baby steps into a much larger realm.

It's one side of the whole educational triangle.
The other two are PARENTS, and the STUDENT (themselves).
You can't learn properly without ALL three sides working in unison, holding that damn triangle together.
But we can always delve further into the educational process another day...

Here's hoping nothing BAD comes your way today, and that life sees you ready for any challenge. Watch out for roaming trash bins - don't let them jump out at YOUR car.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
I was shocked to hear on the news that they proposed a test for 3rd graders. They will test them to see if they can pass reading tests. If so on they go and if not they would repeat the 3rd grade. We need a law for that?? I can imagine how frustrated Mrs G is with this skewed system that is making teachers glorified babysitters. Speaking of animals. I looked out today to see that some creep had tossed a can out their car window it is beyond my range to walk and will have to lay there till some kind friend picks it up for me. Its the little things..
We didn't USED to "need" a law for that...
Common sense and morality told the schools what THEY had to do, and the parents agreed, as they should when it comes to THEIR children's education.
We've got laws we don't need or want, and yet there are societal problems that seemingly have NO LAWS attached to them...where the heck IS the "balance" there?
(I still like that "tranq pistol")
As to the lawn trash?
I really want to see a MANDATORY TAZING for ALL people who feel the need to make OUR properties look like THEIR living rooms!
And then we can start CITING their lazy asses.
(can't wait to see all that snow melt...to see what's underneath)
Some folks have forgotten what the hell it IS to BE (and act) HUMAN...or so it would appear.
And yes, all those little things DO add up.
Thanks so much for stopping by today to comment.
Stay safe down there.
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