But after an hour of mucking about doing the fixbboot, fixmbr and a few other things like chkdsk and running malwarebytes, we seem to be running normally again...for another 2-3 months.

I will say that the MORE you do it...the easier it gets...sort of.
But I'm not ready to hang a shingle out front..LOL.
It's safe to say that the computer repair shops around town are NOT in jeopardy from ME.
With that out of the way, let's see what shakes from the old tree...
*** This story in today's paper had my eyes rolling:
(( Last updated: March 11, 2011 3:07 a.m.
3rd vehicle stolen with kids inside - 4 unharmed, but purse taken
Jeff Wiehe The Journal Gazette

Thursday night, Fort Wayne police were investigating a reported stolen vehicle with at least one child still inside – the third straight day officers have handled such a case.
Tuesday, officers were tracking a stolen pickup with a month-old baby inside. Wednesday, someone swiped a car carrying four children younger than 6. Both times, the cars were parked outside of south-side homes while the driver left the children alone.
This time, someone targeted a car parked at a south-side gas station.
Police were called to the Marathon gas station at Hanna and Oxford streets about 9:40 p.m.
There, a woman said she parked her car at a pump and went inside to pay the cashier, leaving four children inside the car, according to police. The ages of the children in the car were not available.
The woman said she then saw her car leave the pump and be driven around the building. She went outside and met the car – now driven by a man – as it came around the other side of the building, according to police.
The car stopped and the man got out and ran. Though he didn’t take the car, he made off with the woman’s purse,police said.
A detailed description of the man was not available, but a detective at the scene said it does not appear this person was involved in either of the other two thefts. This person, the detective said, is described as shorter than descriptions given in the other two cases.
In each instance, the children are fine.
Police found the pickup and the infant about 40 minutes after the truck was stolen from outside a Gaywood Drive home. The car with children younger than 6 had very little gas and police recovered it in an alley near the Hurd Street home where it was taken.
The car stolen from the gas station didn’t even make it out of the lot. ))
Yep more of the kind of behavior we'd EXPECT to see down here at the Ghettoland Amusement Park (and discount house of worship).
Nothing better for someone to do than attempt to rip off a vehicle that's still occupied.
Another target of OPPORTUNITY (for the chronically-stupid).
Yet not ONE word from the "leaders" of the black community.
Astounding, no?
I suppose something WOULD be said if it was the vehicle of a white person who managed to SHOOT the would-be thief before he got away.
But as long as it's black-on-black...not a problem, right?

And let's be truthful on this...not EVERY black person down here IS a criminal...only about 30% or so (of those that comprise the 27% of their minority as per capita population statistics in Fort Wayne).
Trouble is, MOST of that 30% is concentrated in "certain" areas of town...by design.
(we can keep an eye on them that way)
Hate to break it to you city "bosses", but your eyes are in need of a damn OPTOMETRIST, 'cause your prescription sucks-on-ice.
You're not seeing the forest for the trees here, are you, otherwise we'd not be seeing the amount of crime we DO see.
And that would mean that NONE of you have clue-one as to what is meant by the BROKEN WINDOW THEORY.

And with the impending changes in the FWPD chain-of-command looming for the SOUTH side of town, is this REALLY what you (the public safety sector) want to be handing over to the NEXT group (of unfortunates) that will have to deal with all this crap?
Gonna be a really "fun" summer...isn't it?
You city bosses best get your ducks in a row ASAP, because you're sitting on a damn powder keg down here...and the fuse is lit and getting shorter.
Word to YOUR mother.
*** Elsewhere, not too far south of Ft. Wayne comes this little gem...
(( Published: March 11, 2011 3:00 a.m.
Victim of police attack rearrested - Teen charged after drug raid in Indianapolis

INDIANAPOLIS – A biracial teenager whose beating at the hands of white Indianapolis police officers spurred protests and aggravated racial tensions has been arrested on drug- and gang-related charges.
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police said they arrested 16-year-old Brandon Johnson and two of his older brothers Wednesday night at a city home, where they found marijuana, a handgun and items with gang insignia as well as gang photos and paperwork and a police scanner.
A police report says Johnson and his brother, Miketavious Jackson, 19, face preliminary charges of felony and misdemeanor possession of marijuana and felony criminal gang activity, according to the Indianapolis Star.
Johnson’s other brother, Terrell Jackson, 18, faces preliminary charges of misdemeanor dangerous possession of a firearm and felony criminal gang activity.
Johnson’s two brothers were being held Thursday at the Marion County Jail pending court hearings Tuesday, jail spokesman Julio Fernandez said. Johnson is being housed at the county’s juvenile center.
Lara Beck, spokeswoman for the county prosecutor’s office, told WXIN-TV that no decision has been made on whether to waive the teen into the adult criminal justice system.
Johnson’s attorney, Stephen Wagner, did not immediately return messages seeking comment on the arrest.

The Star reported that 14 police officers conducted Wednesday’s raid and made the arrests but that none of them was involved in Johnson’s arrest last year in which the teen’s face was left bloodied and bruised.
In that incident, police said Johnson, then 15, tried to incite a crowd when officers tried to arrest one of his brothers for allegedly breaking into an abandoned house. Neither Johnson nor his brother was ever charged in that case. ))
And here's the merit boards findings in the PRIOR allegations (with video and slide show):
Yeah, so what's the problem with this boy, anyway?
He was caught being BAD, and was REARRESTED...
And maybe some folks are looking to get even MORE "free money" from SOMEONE.
How easy is it to claim police brutality where NONE ever existed?
Short answer: Pretty damn easy.

Like when you RESIST (arrest), you get HURT...simple, huh?
And if you bother yourself doing things you're NOT supposed to be doing (like criminal activities), you just DO GET ARRESTED...
Again...simple, right?
So, we can conclude from all of this, that NOT doing bad things will result in NOT getting arrested, and NOT having the police show up with a can of whoop-ass with YOUR name on it...correct?

Funny thing about that INDY story...you could change the names and it would JUST like other so-called "families" up here in Fort Wayne.
Like the THOMAS family...the PARRISH family, the ARMOUR family...the CAUSEY family...well, you get the idea.
All of THOSE have lots of thugs in the "family-shrubs", complete with rap sheets as long as your arm (the ones who are still ALIVE, that is).
Well, the weekend is here, and maybe we can set this stuff on the back burner for a spell.
(as long as we don't nod off and burn the house to the ground in the process, like people are prone to do in the ghettohood)

(be still my rising blood pressure)
And I promise that when we go, I WILL get those frozen strawberries I FORGOT last week (after we got the pastry shells AND the shipped cream)...
Yeah, it was an "OOPS" moment (for me) to be sure.
As long as my goofs are of THAT type, I guess things won't really be SO bad...LOL

Have yourselves a fantastic weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
((And say some prayers for those hit by that earthquake and tsunami in Japan...from your mouth to God's ears, eh?))
So the computer is fixed? Good.
Mrs. Bobby G.
I told it straight up...
You either get FIXED.
...Or you GET SHOT.
YOUR choice.
It chose "wisely"...LOL!
Another *7* rolled at the computer facility (aka the craps-table) located deep within our "Fortress of Reason"!
We're smiling here.
Love 'ya!
Love the comments between the two of you...very cute!
Sounds like Fort Wayne has an abundance of idiot parents..wtf? I can't believe they don't get it...
Love the gas pic...lol.
And crime...dude, you need to bar the doors and arm yourself..oh, wait..you already do that. :)
Glad your computer is up and running.
Momma Fargo:
The missus and I have one of those "strange & unique" relationships...
I'm STRANGE and she's UNIQUE.
(or a lover of strangeness)
Ft. Wayne is the repository of ALL the idiots from the surrounding tri-state area.
It's still all about LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION...LOL.
Bars are for TWO things:
1) Drinking and playing darts with buddies.
2) Keeping the PRISONERS INSIDE.
I'm really reluctant to bar my windows and doors.
But I WILL bar entry to unauthorized people...with severe punishment for non-compliance.
(it's a "personal choice", and fun)
Hey, thanks for rolling up today and spending some time cooping.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe out there.
Have yourself a GOOD weekend.
Hey, do you think that would work to get my computer to spontaneously produce more memory?
By the By, just got home from the house arranging. At one point, Laurie's brother in law Jack was laughing in the bathroom. I turned and immediately saw why. There was a breaker panel- IN THE SHOWER. No lie.
This house was so put together with surge protectors both small and massive, linked together by extension cords, that Laurie said, "You can tell God didn't mean him to die in a fire!" I could just see Mike Holmes with a barrel in his mouth.
Nah, it ONLY works with OS issues...not memory (sorry).
ANd we ALL know computers tend to have this "selective memory" gig going on...gee, sounds like a LOT of POLITICIANS...LOL!
Breaker panel in the SHOWER?
Ok, that's a "WTF???" moment...!
(hope it's at LEAST got a GFI circuit built in...ohtherwise, ZZAAAPPP).
Hope all goes well with you guys.
You're in my prayers.
DO take care and don't use the electric shaver in that shower (even IF the breaker box is nearby)...'K?
Stay safe up there.
Doubt it on the GFI- it had old screw in fuses.
OMG...that's ANCIENT tech!
(meaning even *I* remember changing those...LOL).
OK, so (absolutely) NO pennies in the shower, 'K?
Take care.
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