Well, I don't know about you, but I'm just seeing a tad too much of that "same" these days, in spite of all this "change" we're SUPPOSED to be seeing.
And the change I AM noticing ain't all THAT good, but you probably know that as well.
Perhaps I'm just viewing the world through older eyes...
I'd like to believe it's...WISER eyes.
*** Take for example all the angst we're being put through (again) regarding this whole OIL situation.
Seems in decades past, we HAD (proven) systems to wean ourselves away from fuel-guzzling behemoths.
And the "powers that be" have done nothing to promote this.

Found an interesting website the other day, and you might find it insightful.
It's a fun site, full of all those "whatever happened to...?" inventions, patents, and technologies that would free us from dependencies in the health and energy realms. And it makes you think a lot about WHY we're in the predicament we're in.
With fuel prices (for standard regular) at the pumps somewhere in between $3-$4 a gallon, why NOT explore some of those seemingly "outlandish" ideas?
Many think "big oil" is behind a lot of this...I maintain there is something bigger above those companies calling the shots.
You can call it Wall St., OPEC, whatever, but there is more to this than meets the eye.
Our nation is backing methanol when it's been proven to be so damn much more inefficient than gasoline.

Not the BEST way to do business...just the "only" way (for now).
Wars and rumors of wars cause even more problems with food supplies, as well as petroleum supplies.
(sounds a bit Biblical, don'cha think?)
After reading some very convincing articles, I ask myself WHY can't we have a vehicle that gets 100 MPG by using a heated and pressurized fuel VAPOR system, instead of the antiquated carburetor or fuel-injection system?
From a technological standpoint, it's fuel VAPOR that really combusts anyway, and NOT the liquid itself.
I know for a fact that if you drop a lit match into a bucket of GASOLINE, the match will GO OUT (under the proper conditions)...and kids, DO NOT try that at home (or anywhere else).
It's the fuel VAPORS that cause things to go "boom".
In any "infernal" combustion engine, the gas is NEVER poured into the engine...that causes the vehicle to STALL (rich mixture...VERY rich).
(a bit of a difference there)
Now, I know on MY dinosaur of a car (that '83 Firebird) the 2 bbl carb sitting on top of that engine has something called a PRE-HEATER that warms the fuel being atomized into the engine, so it runs better.
When the pre-heater craps out (as it did once), the car wants to stall...thank early computer-run systems for THAT one.
God only knows how much MORE complex fuel delivery systems have become in the 26 years since my car was built (and how much MORE it will cost to swap the parts out, because they can't be rebuilt by regular people).
But whatever the case, things HAVE changed...and yet, they remain the same...we're still using an engine system in our cars and trucks that's been around for OVER 100 YEARS.

Maybe the time has come to dust off those aging patents, explore the notes and files from people that had a better idea regarding fuel consumption, because we're at the edge of the oil "abyss", and staring into the maw of seven kinds of hell, should we continue to follow the course we're currently on.
This nation has always prided itself on INVENTION...and INNOVATION.
NOW would be a good time to put that to the test (once again), hmm?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
*** Another carjack with toddlers.
I just have to weigh in on this.
(( Published: March 10, 2011 3:00 a.m.
4 children inside of stolen car unharmed - Jeff Wiehe The Journal Gazette
On Tuesday, someone stole a pickup with a baby inside. On Wednesday, somebody upped the ante.
For the second time in two days, Fort Wayne police searched for a stolen vehicle with at least one child inside.
This time there were four – ages 5, 4 and 2-year-old twins – all of whom turned out to be fine.
Police were called at 6:45 p.m.
A light blue 1997 Chevy Lumina had been parked in front of a home in the 1100 block of Hurd Street, just south of Creighton Avenue, when the person driving the car left it unattended. Someone then came by and stole the
vehicle, police said.
Whoever did so didn’t get far. With very little gas in the tank, the thief ditched the vehicle in an alley near Bowser and Drexel avenues. Officers found the children but had yet to find the thief as of Wednesday night.
On Tuesday, someone stole a pickup truck with the engine running outside a home in the 4400 block of Gaywood Drive, south of McKinnie Avenue. A month-old boy was inside. Police found the truck as well as the unharmed boy about 40 minutes later.
It’s unclear whether the vehicle thefts are connected.
Police are reminding people to never leave infants or small children unattended or alone in vehicles. ))
Here's a video link:
Now, I'm going to tell this like it REALLY is, so get ready...
I stated yesterday that these low-lifes that wander the streets (on foot, on bikes or in cars) are opportunistic ghetto slugs.
The moms of these children in both cases don't really seem to have the sense they were BORN with.
And most likely, they are on WELFARE...in other words gettin' free sh*t at YOUR expense.
The second story had me damn near laughing....except when I saw the baby.
THAT made me sad to see, but ONLY that.
I think of the manner in which that child will grow up...the disrespect, the apathy, and the whole "gimme, gimme, gimme" mentality that mom and her "family" will imbue to that child...sad, indeed.
Mom and her tribe don't bother to THINK, because that might require something they know little about...namely WORK.
It would surprise the piss out of me if ANY of these people even touched a job-app, let alone punch a damn time clock.
And yet...they have KIDS...and nice team logo jackets...and CARS...and HOUSES to crib in.
Now, I would never wish take from those, nor want to deny ANYONE who is TRULY NEEDY.
And everyone deserves a second chance when things go south, but c'mon now....
People like this have been getting second chances EVERY DAMN MONTH that government check arrives.
And everyone ELSE that works has been paying the damn freight so these mooks can do STUPID CRAP, instead of taking a few moments to LEARN how to be a parent...how to NOT leave cars running with kids inside (in the "badlands"), and how to be something other than bumps on society's log.
Rush Limbaugh said it perfectly yesterday (as I have said for YEARS).
He asked what would happen if there was a cut in say...welfare benefits?
The answer would be RIOTS IN THE STREETS.
And he is (as am I) 100% CORRECT.
There will be a "new" civil war in America, thanks to generationally-perpetuated ENTITLEMENTS...
Entitlements that ALLOW such behavior from "mothers" that haven't a drop of common sense, but have the time to visit the "aunt" in the "state-funded" vehicle of their choice (when it's not purchased with drug money, that is).
ALL of these people have traded ONE kind of slavery for another...simple as that. They just don't REALIZE it, because of all the free and shiny sh*t the government has allowed them to have (as a diversion).
You WANT something?
Them by God WORK FOR IT (like normal people). Learn what it means to take PRIDE in something other than your damn "weave" or "ghetto-talons" (fingernails).
Take the good with the bad, and do FOR YOURSELF, instead of leeching off of others because you're too damn lazy to accomplish anything otherwise.
That's how our ancestors did it, and they were NO different than we are, but they DID have something we seem to lack.
It's called SPIRIT.
You can see none of that in the faces of those in the ghettohood...
About the ONLY thing you see is disdain, or a look of contempt (at best), except when they're all congregating together, trying to "out-loud" the next person, acting the fool for all to see.
When people like this discover that the universe does NOT revolve around them...then, and only then will they begin to learn.
They (as are we all) part of a much larger picture, and each of us has our own little place with things to do.
We are all different, and that uniqueness is what actually brings us together, instead of keeping us apart.
Various thoughts, ideas, and views help shape every one of us...or it SHOULD.
Many forget I can't help but see and hear what worthless people are like every day down here.
They don't have to be that way, though...they DO have a choice.
Hell, we ALL have choices to make daily.
Hopefully, we'll make as many CORRECT ones as we need to in order to get us into tomorrow.
Others...not so much.
As usual, it will always come down to a sense of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
If you have ONLY THAT, at least you're on the right path.
If not...well, life's journey isn't gonna get any easier, that's for damn sure.
This nation is capable of so much more from it's people....if only we didn't have so much of that "same old" lurking about.
Makes a strong case for all those tomorrows we left in our past, doesn't it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
(( Published: March 10, 2011 3:00 a.m.
4 children inside of stolen car unharmed - Jeff Wiehe The Journal Gazette
On Tuesday, someone stole a pickup with a baby inside. On Wednesday, somebody upped the ante.

This time there were four – ages 5, 4 and 2-year-old twins – all of whom turned out to be fine.
Police were called at 6:45 p.m.
A light blue 1997 Chevy Lumina had been parked in front of a home in the 1100 block of Hurd Street, just south of Creighton Avenue, when the person driving the car left it unattended. Someone then came by and stole the
vehicle, police said.
Whoever did so didn’t get far. With very little gas in the tank, the thief ditched the vehicle in an alley near Bowser and Drexel avenues. Officers found the children but had yet to find the thief as of Wednesday night.
On Tuesday, someone stole a pickup truck with the engine running outside a home in the 4400 block of Gaywood Drive, south of McKinnie Avenue. A month-old boy was inside. Police found the truck as well as the unharmed boy about 40 minutes later.
It’s unclear whether the vehicle thefts are connected.
Police are reminding people to never leave infants or small children unattended or alone in vehicles. ))
Here's a video link:
Now, I'm going to tell this like it REALLY is, so get ready...
I stated yesterday that these low-lifes that wander the streets (on foot, on bikes or in cars) are opportunistic ghetto slugs.
The moms of these children in both cases don't really seem to have the sense they were BORN with.

The second story had me damn near laughing....except when I saw the baby.
THAT made me sad to see, but ONLY that.
I think of the manner in which that child will grow up...the disrespect, the apathy, and the whole "gimme, gimme, gimme" mentality that mom and her "family" will imbue to that child...sad, indeed.
Mom and her tribe don't bother to THINK, because that might require something they know little about...namely WORK.
It would surprise the piss out of me if ANY of these people even touched a job-app, let alone punch a damn time clock.
And yet...they have KIDS...and nice team logo jackets...and CARS...and HOUSES to crib in.
Now, I would never wish take from those, nor want to deny ANYONE who is TRULY NEEDY.
And everyone deserves a second chance when things go south, but c'mon now....
And everyone ELSE that works has been paying the damn freight so these mooks can do STUPID CRAP, instead of taking a few moments to LEARN how to be a parent...how to NOT leave cars running with kids inside (in the "badlands"), and how to be something other than bumps on society's log.
Rush Limbaugh said it perfectly yesterday (as I have said for YEARS).
He asked what would happen if there was a cut in say...welfare benefits?
The answer would be RIOTS IN THE STREETS.
And he is (as am I) 100% CORRECT.
There will be a "new" civil war in America, thanks to generationally-perpetuated ENTITLEMENTS...
Entitlements that ALLOW such behavior from "mothers" that haven't a drop of common sense, but have the time to visit the "aunt" in the "state-funded" vehicle of their choice (when it's not purchased with drug money, that is).

You WANT something?
Them by God WORK FOR IT (like normal people). Learn what it means to take PRIDE in something other than your damn "weave" or "ghetto-talons" (fingernails).
Take the good with the bad, and do FOR YOURSELF, instead of leeching off of others because you're too damn lazy to accomplish anything otherwise.
That's how our ancestors did it, and they were NO different than we are, but they DID have something we seem to lack.
It's called SPIRIT.
About the ONLY thing you see is disdain, or a look of contempt (at best), except when they're all congregating together, trying to "out-loud" the next person, acting the fool for all to see.
When people like this discover that the universe does NOT revolve around them...then, and only then will they begin to learn.
They (as are we all) part of a much larger picture, and each of us has our own little place with things to do.
We are all different, and that uniqueness is what actually brings us together, instead of keeping us apart.
Various thoughts, ideas, and views help shape every one of us...or it SHOULD.
Many forget I can't help but see and hear what worthless people are like every day down here.
They don't have to be that way, though...they DO have a choice.
Hell, we ALL have choices to make daily.
Hopefully, we'll make as many CORRECT ones as we need to in order to get us into tomorrow.
Others...not so much.
As usual, it will always come down to a sense of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

If not...well, life's journey isn't gonna get any easier, that's for damn sure.
This nation is capable of so much more from it's people....if only we didn't have so much of that "same old" lurking about.
Makes a strong case for all those tomorrows we left in our past, doesn't it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
normally i would say that perhaps she was doing something bad and she needs to be charged for leaving her kids alone. but, in this case i just dont think so. the jacket that was a team jacket is pretty old. the whole family looked like WORKING poor folks. just trying to get by. and if they are getting food stamps then good for her. i would think it would be rough for a husband and wife to raise 4 kids on crummy money coming in. perhaps she just wanted a break for a moment and thought ohhh everyone is asleep in the truck i'll just run in my aunts to pick up whatever and be right out. its no big deal. noone will take a car with 4 kids in it. probley left the car running with the heat on. i'm sure she will never get over the fact that it happened. and it might even cause tension in the marriage. i only had one kid and i was stressed out. i cannot imange what this YOUNG lady is going threw.
and now onto another topic. i wish that there was a way to collected human and dog poo poo and put it in my car to run. would save me money. save the planet water from me flushing. and would be just a nice way to get people to want to pick up their dogs crap. if we could have our crap mobile running on truely natural food then people would flock to the store to eat up some corn to fuel their vehicles and their bodies. :)
warning here is a link to a very touching story. i cant stop crying after i read it. http://www.theindychannel.com/news/27144451/detail.html
We had a case here a couple years ago...a "mom" left her child unattended (in a minivan), and he got out, began to wander away...a FEW BLOCKS away...everyone was going crazy looking for the child...he was found soon afterward and was sitting in the back of a police cruiser...
I see such behavior by these so-called "parents" every day (just in my area), and I would LOVE nothing better than to remove ALL the kids from such hovels and get them into a GOOD houshold with people that actually give a rat's backside about the child.
A toddler is NOT a bag of groceries you can just set aside for a spell while you dash into wherever...not in times like THESE with the predators and thieves we have all around.
Just take the kids outright from these deadbeats...there's no excuse to NOT make that child (or children) the center of your universe.
If anything, they deserve the love maybe mama never got...simple as that.
I saw such kids when I taught Sunday school...almost broke my heart, as they looked forward to coming to church for just ONE hour a week.
ALways seems to work out that, when these kids are giving the time and love they NEED, they grow up a lot better.
Thanks for stopping by and for the link.
Stay safe down there.
Bob G.,
The fuel crisis is getting ridiculous...already...and hasn't even gotten to the worst. I feel it is conrolled and i have no idea why we dont explore our own resources more and reserves. The economy here during the last boom was great and the gas prices were low. all i have to say about the government right now and the lack of stimulating the economy...is wtf? First time in my life where I am depleting my savings, living on a lot less, haven't gotten a raise in 6 years...and the cost of living is so high, I have made HUGE cutbacks. Not that I haven't adjusted before...when I was single I lived on Top Ramen. LOL. But Holy Cow..we need a break...and not to mention crime is crazy.
Momma Fargo:
MY buddy in the FWPD said they're probably going to reinmstate this "pay for gas" on all the "take-home" cruisers...every other week about $25 comes out for fuel...that's if gas prices go MUCH higher (not a popular thing with the blue line).
We need to drill HERE...NOW..period!
When I was growing up in Philly, our family was only a few paychecks away from a whole lotta nothing...but we made it through by ourselves.
Always have been frugal myself when I got older...
I see NO REAL stimulating of anything in our economy..for at least the last several years.
Ahh...ramen noodles.
I think I have about TEN ways to make them a lot more yummy...LOL
I should set down some recipes.
When the cost of living gets WAY high...then you gotta start the belt-tightening. It ain't easy, that's for damn sure.
Thing is...THOSE rising costs don't accurately reflect the PEOPLE that live under such rises...like when your house used to be worth close to $50K (say about 20 years ago), but because some richie-rich moved into the neighboring COUNTY, the price on YOUR home goes up 150%.
And you wonder WTF is going on?
That new toilet and rose bush didn't increase the value THAT damn much, right?
That's gaming the system the WRONG way...ditto when a neighborhood goes DOWNHILL (and the price of your place drops as ours did).
You're often wondering what's worse...staying or moving...I know where you're coming from.
I just take each day as it gets here, and then set about doing what needs getting done.
Personally, I really admire your tenacity and fortitude.
You do OK in my book, Kiddo.
Thanks so much for taking some time to drop by and chat a spell.
Stay Strong.
Hang Tough.
Roll safe.
The rexresearch site is one that I was not familiar with. But, any site that includes a discussion of the "Interatomic Ion Motor" invented by Jesuit priest is entertaining and worth investing some time.
The site will illicit a few smiles...BUT, it's also got stuf on TESLA - and we all know he wasn't a johnny-come-lately...just turn on ANYTHING in your house to see what I mean...it's ALL A/C current.
It also has data on the POGUE carburator...and I heard about that DECADES ago.
The site has enough there to warrant some scrutiny.
Thanks so much for taking a few minutes to stop on by.
Stay safe out there.
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