"TRUTH WILL ULTIMATELY PREVAIL WHERE THERE IS PAINS TO BRING IT TO LIGHT." ~ (George Washington) ~ Submitted for your contemplation is a compendium of commentary, news, opinions, contrasts, and similarities regarding the many facets of the human condition be they found in Indiana, or Pennsylvania, or wherever else the 4 winds blow ~ It's COMMON SENSE for the common man (or woman) ~ Your mileage may vary.
01 April 2011
Friday Follies...

Some of you have had troubles reading this blog, because of layout problems.
It's not an April Fools joke, I assure you.
BLOGGER has had glitches that began this week, not the least is that damn editor which screws up my post, making me do the HTML modifications.
And the TEMPLATE is somehow messed up, causing me to "change" some of the attributes like type COLOR (so you can read it).
I would apologize, but since it's not really MY FAULT, I think BLOGGER should be the one asking for forgiveness.
But that's just me...
*** Anyway, today IS April Fools Day (officially). The 1st of April. Funny, every day in MY part of the ghettohood seems like April Fool's Day, given the "nature iof the beast", as it were.

It's even starting to affect our two cats. Last evening, the male start wailing on the female (both neutered an littermates) in a manner that is SO typical of the way the "people" act around this area.
I swear, I had a full-blown *46, 96* on my hands (domestic with battery) for a few minutes.
And after applying my "outdoor" voice, the situation was back under control.
But it was like the male was saying: "Yo, whuchew be doin wiff mah kibbles, bitch?"
It was that intense.
JUST like the way some folks around here wake up and immediately set to smackin' each other the hell around for the hell of it. Helluva lifestyle, don'cha think?
*** And here's a story that is bothersome from a few angles:
(( Police arrest driver involved in fatal crash
Updated: Thursday, 31 Mar 2011, 9:02 AM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011, 3:56 AM EDT

A Fort Wayne man is facing two felony charges in connection with a head-on crash early Tuesday morning that killed the driver of another vehicle.
According to Fort Wayne police, Sedrick A. Williams, 30, was taken to the Allen County Jail Wednesday afternoon.
He faces a Class C Felony Charge of Operating While Intoxicated, Causing Death and a felony charge of Operating While Intoxicated, Causing Death with a BAC greater than .15.
According to police, a vehicle was traveling south on Hessen Cassel near McKinnie Avenue just before 1:30 a.m. when it was hit head-on by a northbound vehicle driven by Williams that had crossed the center line.

The driver of the southbound vehicle was killed in the crash. The victim was identified Tuesday as Dravet Parker, 56, of Fort Wayne.
An autopsy determined that Parker died of blunt force trauma. According to Allen County Coroner, Dr. Jon Brandenberger,
Parker was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash.
An investigator with the coroner's office said Parker drove an older model car that did not have airbags and wearing a seatbelt would not have changed the outcome of the crash.
Williams was hospitalized after the crash and polic indicated they had evidence he had been drinking. ))
That's what the story SAID, anyway...
What was NOT SAID was this:
Sedrick has a LONG history with the Allen County judicial system , as well as the FWPD, going ALL the way back to 1999.
And you'll never guess what the majority of entries pertain to.
--1999 (6 Dec) - failure to wear seat belt
--2001 (20 July) - failure to wear seat belt
--2001 (14 Nov) - driving while suspended
--2002 (21 Mar) - driving while suspended
--2002 (14 Dec) - failure to wear seat belt (thought he was suspended?)
--2003 (3 July) - battery (A) (D.V) misdemeanor
--2005 (17 May) - possession of marijuana (misdemeanor)
--2007 (8 Feb) - driving while suspended (INF)
--2007 (29 Mar) - motrzd bike - <18 no headgr
--2007 (3 Apr) - motrzd bike - <18 no headgr
--2008 (28 Apr) - carry handgun w/o license / class C felony
--2009 (28 Oct) - criminal recklessness - carry handgun w/o license / class C felony
--2011 (31 Mar) - Causing Death When Operating a Motor Vehicle with an BAC of .15 or More
9-30-5-5(a)(1)/FC: Causing Death When Operating a Motor Vehicle with an BAC of .08 or More
35-42-1-5/FC: Reckless Homicide
9-24-19-2/MA: Driving While Suspended (Prior w/in 10 years)
9-21-8-2(a)/IFC: Driving Left of Center
THIS is what results from a flawed judicial system...recidivism.
But wait, there's more.

Sedrick's address WAS given as the 3400 block of McMillan Park Drive, but that was only ONE of them.
Before that, he USED to live in the 4400 block of S. Hanna, and CURRENTLY gives his address as being on ARGYLE DRIVE.
Wonder why the news didn't know that?
Well, when there are SO many "revolving doors" in our criminal justice system, what can you expect?
And that description always bothered me...the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.
It's like someone is ONLY concerned with JUSTICE for the CRIMINALS, right?
That WOULD explain a lot now, wouldn't it?
No "April Fools" there...just OUTRIGHT fools.
It's like someone is ONLY concerned with JUSTICE for the CRIMINALS, right?
That WOULD explain a lot now, wouldn't it?

Seems the "pranks" never end, at least if you live on the SOUTH side of the city. But it IS what I have come to expect when laws are broken daily, and with such abandon and verve.
The good news is that the city is fortunate that I would never become police chief.
Oh, the people I would piss off as the law was upheld...LOL.
Be nice to see a tac boot on the neck of crime as well as holding the prosecutor's office in a half-nelson at the same time.
You don't thwart crime by taking it to dinner and a movie, that's for damn sure.
*** The USPS is currently losing about SEVEN BILLION BUCKS per year...
*** The USPS is currently losing about SEVEN BILLION BUCKS per year...
But never fear, they have come up with "a plan".
(( *rolls eyes*))
The deal is to HALT Saturday delivery of the mail (all the other carriers will LOVE this). The post offices WILL remain open, however. THIS "plan" will SAVE the USPS about 3.5 BILLION a year.
(( *rolls eyes*))

Now, forgive me, as I did do well in MATH in school...never a math "major"...BUT...isn't that STILL leaving a shorfall of about THREE AND A HALF BILLION to recoup somehow???
Thought the "idea" was to ELIMINATE the debt, and not mrerely REDUCE it? Because that debt hangs around...take it from someone who KNOWS debt (at least in a former life). You get RID of debt by paying it off, or otherwise SAVING money by NOT SPENDING.
Where have I heard that before?
It all makes sense now.
The USPS doesn't want to get rid of the debt...they just want to "defer" it ad perpetuum. Would that we ALL could be as fortunate?
"Rocco the Pipe" and "Vinnie" would have something to say about THAT, I can tell you...LOL.
(just the kneecaps...as a "warning")

"Rocco the Pipe" and "Vinnie" would have something to say about THAT, I can tell you...LOL.
(just the kneecaps...as a "warning")
*** Lastly today... Just so you know...peace did NOT break out today across the globe, crime has NOT disappeared from every street in America, people are NOT handing back their welfare checks to do for themselves, oil prices have NOT dropped to $10 a barrel, radical muslims have NOT embraced christianity (damn it), all the world's dictators have NOT all died from congestive heart failure overnight, and Obama is STILL our President, and our economy is STILL in the crapper.
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You should do a post about services that are vulnerable to glitches and give you nothing but a "forum" to ask for help in. Oh, wait, you did. Yeah, I'm a bit tired of the crap, too, and let them know on the forum. Perhaps one day they'll read about it.
Ol' boy already had a reckless homocide? No respect for his life or anyone elses. You can only hope an animal like that finds a nice comfortable pole to wrap himself around before he puts anyone else into a grave.
Bob, have a good weekend, and hopefully the blogger gnomes will tumble onto the fact that they have a problem and git 'er done by Monday.
Yeah, the "forum SUCKS...big time.
And I consider it a lazy-ass way of "assiting" those that honestly NEED some help!
As to the reckless homicide?
Nah, that's just his LATEST caper (the head-on a couple days ago), but this perp DOES have a real LONG past...
(the hits keep coming...and not in that Casey Kasem GOOD kinda way)
Even had the ALLEN CTY LOCKUP as his address for a time...
I was ROFL on THAT one.
What amazes me is the cracks these guys fall through.
(more like a GRAND CANYON "crack"....yeah, THAT type.)
Gnomes in the system?
And here I thought they were ONLY in my garden...and packing heat!
(have to down here)...LOL.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting.
DO have yourself a good weekend.
(right back at'cha, as we say).
Tell Scrappy we say "hi".
Bob G:
Although Google bought Blogger on April Fools Day, I don't think that blogger is to blame for your blog problem. Your blog template is -- and I don't how to put it any other way -- f*cked. If you have a backup copy on your hard drive, load it in place of the current HTML script under Design, Edit HTML. All of your posts are safe in this procedure.
If you don't have a copy, then your blog is going to have to take on a new look, since the new Template Designer doesn't include the old templates like yours.
You can go outside of Blogger for a Blogger template as I did on my blog, but there have been major kinds of problems that that I ended up having to fix including having to find a new source for all the JPEG drawings that make up my blog design. Fortunately, another blogger using the base design had already moved the JPEGs to another location on the internet. I didn't know anything about HTML before this adventure, but I do now.
If you use the new Designer templates, I like the transparent background feature because you can load a picture that will always be able to see through the lines of text.
Good luck on fixing your blog.
Bob G.
Here are a couple of really nice blog designs done with Blogger Designer.
http://blog.noaesthetic.com/p/blogger.html (don't worry about this not being a blogger address because this guy does template designs for a living.)
THanks for the help.
I'm going to try something I haven;t done in AGES.
Gotta do some "spring cleaning" through my BRAIN and see if I can work with some of the HEXIDECIMAL numbers for the colorings.
If I can only CHANGE hte BACKGROUND color to a lighter hue, THAT should work out great.
Used to work computers a LONG time agao, but HEXIDECIMAL is something that hasn't really changed in 40 years.
Gopnna need a whole loya luck on this one.I forgot more than I learned...LOL.
THnaks again for the help, and for stopping on by to comment.
Have a great weekend.
(crosses fingers)
Here's hoping, eh?
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