I DON'T like to ever give up.
The blog sure looks "different", but I couldn't find a practical way to "lighten" the damn background...so I dumped it in favor of something a bit more "user-friendly" to the eyes. (especially when using dark font colors on a dark background...must be that printer's ink in my veins from my Father).
I do have to give a thumbs up and a hat tip to both MSNRKEY and GADFLY for their assistance, as it got the cobwebs cleaned out of my brain to think back to a time when I used to work with "hex" on large mainframe 1st gen computers.
That was a couple of lifetimes ago...LOL.
In any event, let me know how this "new look" works for you.
I might be "tweaking" it and ironing out some kinks for a while until it suits MY stringent "requirements". I like to have something that goes "BANG!" every single time riding in MY holster, if you get my drift.

Have yourselves a great weekend.
Be well, make the difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
AAhhhhhh so much better. Looks fantastic to me. Been reading about the latest murder in your city. I look forward to Monday when you give us the rest of the story. Have a great weekend.
Bob G:
I think I found your problem:
Go to Edit HTML and do a Find search for "www2" (without the quotation marks please).
Delete the "2" wherever you find it from your HTML script because the www2 addresses are no longer valid, but the "www" addresses are fine. Then click the preview button. I cannot test it but it is likely that all of your missing lines and background pattern will reappear.
You have been messing with the background color codes, so you may or may not have to convert them back.
The old color codes can be obtained from:
Right click on the right side of the page and select "view page source" where the old color codes can be hunted down.
Remember what Yogi said:
"It is over over 'till it s over."
What happened to you is exactly what happened to me a year or so ago -- somebody did in the JPG files.
I have to admit the "new" background, although lacking in "style" is WAY easier on even MY old eyes...
(I'm at that PASTEL stage of my life...LMAO).
Thanks for your help.
Have a great Sunday.
Thanks for the updates, I'm going to save your comment as a TXT file, so I can refer to it when I began the "tinkering" process in the HTML editor.
Found a great wenbsite that had SCORES of colors to choose from AND a NEX number code...fantastic!
Again, thank you for your help.
"Heute Blogger, Morgen Die Welt!"
(today Blooger, tomorrow the world)
Like THAT would EVER happen...LOL!
Have a great SUnday!
To correct one thing that I told you, the background address:
needs to change to:
BTW, these changes will likely not require you to change your color codes, since these JPG files have the parchment and brown colors already included in the files stored at the remote blogger site. I believe that only three other www2 addresses need changing. The correct names for them are:
Yep, those were the EXACT lines that I was working with...
I'll look into the www2 aspects.
Thanks again for all your help.
Have a great Sunday.
Looks good, but I'm somewhat hung over.
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