Starting off with some rain and wind, the temps are mild for now, and I believe the last remnants of winter will fade into history.
As always, I have those wonderful observation about my part of the ghettohood, but first up, we have THIS:
*** (( Fight leads to shooting on Oliver; 1 left dead FWPD makes arrest in Oliver St. shooting; victim identified
Updated: Saturday, 02 Apr 2011, 12:06 PM EDT
Published : Friday, 01 Apr 2011, 8:39 PM EDT
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) - A Fort Wayne man was arrested Saturday morning in connection with the shooting that left one man dead on Oliver Street Friday night.

According to the Fort Wayne Police Department, Antjuan M. Okey, 32, was taken to the Allen County Jail for aggravated battery. He was one of two men questioned by Fort Wayne detectives Friday as ‘persons of interest’ in the shooting. The other man was determined to be a witness and was released.
Police said the shooting happened just before 8:30 p.m. near the 5000 block of Oliver Street.
When police got to the scene, they found William Earl Derrick, 30, with a gunshot wound lying in the front yard of the home. Police said he died at the scene. The Allen County Coroner’s Office released his identity Saturday following an autopsy that confirmed Derrick died of a gunshot wound.

According to the coroner's report, Derrick was found outside a home in the 5000 block of Oliver Street after he was apparently shot in the 4900 block. Investigators said it appeared there had been some sort of altercation involving the victim that escalated into gunfire.

The FWPD also said Saturday, detectives believe to have recovered the weapon involved in the shooting.
There are no other suspects at this time and no other arrests have been made in this investigation. According to the coroner's report, Derrick's death is the 6th homicide in Fort Wayne and Allen County in 2011.
The incident remains under investigation with the Fort Wayne Police Department, the Allen County Coroner’s Officer, and the Allen County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. ))
Yes friends, homicide number SIX (we are on track to make that "magic" number of TWENTY FIVE...in case you've got your pool going on either at work or at home).
But, the tale doesn't end there.
Here is Antjuan Okey's rap sheet:
01/05/1996 - Criminal Misdemeanor - MINOR TRANSPORT ALCOHOL / LEARNER'S PERMIT VIOL
06/07/2000 - Local Ordinance Violation - VIOL NOISE ORDINANCE (FW)
03/13/2002 - Infraction - FAILURE WEAR SAFETY BELT
10/21/2002 - Miscellaneous Criminal - OPER WHILE INTOX W/5YRS / FAILURE TO USE LIGHTS
10/24/2002 - Class D Felony - FELONY & HCSO / OWI .08%: FELONY & HCSO
02/16/2011 New Haven City Court OV - Local Ordinance Violation Obedience to signal indicating approach of railway train/NHV
03/03/2011 - Infraction Decided 9-21-3-7/IFC: Disregard Lighted Signal - Signals Exhibiting Colored Light
*** And here is the William E. Derrick's rap sheet:
10/12/1995- Criminal Misdemeanor / NEVER RECEIVE LICENSE / FALSE & FICTITIOUS REG'N
10/16/1995 - Criminal Misdemeanor - MINOR CONSUMING ALCOHOL
01/03/2000 - Criminal Misdemeanor - NEVER RECEIVE LICENSE / IMPROPER HEADLIGHT
05/05/2000 - Infraction - OPERATE WHILE SUSP (INFR) / VIOL NOISE ORDINANCE (FW) 04/26/2001 - Criminal Misdemeanor - FALSE INFORMING (B) / MINOR CONSUMING ALCOHOL
06/11/2001 - Criminal Misdemeanor - OPERATE WHILE SUSP (MISD) /FAIL STOP AT THRU-HIGHWAY
11/01/2001 - Criminal Misdemeanor / NEVER RECEIVE LICENSE / NO OPR'S LIC. WHEN REQ'D 03/07/2003 - Infraction - NO SAFETY BELT/PASSENGER
02/13/2006 - Miscellaneous Criminal - P.C.HABITUAL TRA OFF(LIFE)
So, I wonder is this is less of a crime, per se, and more like a "public service" ?
I know, TWO "wrongs" (or in this case criminal histories) don't make a right (OR a better neighborhood).
Now there SHOULD be an addition to "Antjuan" (who the f*ck spells the names of these thugs???) sheet sometime today, that being the "aggravated assault" upon Williams. It was a homicide (no matter how justifiable, as can often be the case here), and it sure didn't look like an "accident".
Notice there were NO FORMAL charges filed yet. (and the clock's running...only have 72 hours right?) There had to have been some level of premeditation...somewhere. Still, nice to know that such things like MURDER go relatively UNnoticed in the south end of Fort Wayne. I suppose the CRIME STATS need to be "adjusted" to show that crime is "going DOWN", and lull all of us into that false sense of security. Sorry folks, I'm not biting on that hook. I know the TRUTH down here, nasty as it might seem and as unwilling as the media (here) might be to report it. And speaking of reporting...
*** Everyone is connected with the education system in this country.

Hell, we ALL had to go through it in some fashion, so you all might find THIS series from the Philadelphia Inquirer more than a bit "disturbing"...
The series in entitled: ASSAULT ON LEARNING. Here's the link to the series (and it is one HELLUVA read, trust me): http://www.philly.com/philly/news/special_packages/inquirer/school-violence/118812644.html
And so many people think it's primarily the schools and the educators to "blame" (erroneously) for many of the problems encountered by students today...think again.
It's like that TRIANGLE I mentioned a few weeks back. It takes ALL THREE sides to make it work, and TWO of those sides are PARENTS...and the STUDENTS.
Therein lies the biggest problem with education today.
I must say, it sure wasn't like that when I went to school, and it should make you more aware of the difficulties encountered in every classroom.
*** Japan's reactor woes continue.
If it's not one damn thing it's another, and I can fully understand the anger the people are beginning to feel there. Radiation is now leaking into the ocean, thanks to a crack in a holding tank away from the reactor (proper).

Sealing that will be another challenge to face, along with irradiated crops. Workers on site have actually run low on protective gear...because you just can't do the "wash 'n wear" gig with such items.
THEY also have to be disposed of like any radioactive material.
And although the people are starting to hold protests to nuclear power there, there is STILL none of the looting or rioting we would have seen here (and for a lot less severe problem). Remember, here the people are free to riot at the drop of a hat, such as when a doctored video of police arresting a suspect is looped to look as if the police are beating a man senseless..which led to the L.A. arsons and looting. Just wait until politicians start cutting ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS...! Can't take away ANYTHING from WELFARE, can you?
*** Which brings me to my next item...
Why is it whenever politicians talk about cutting an entitlement program, they ALWAYS mention either MEDICARE/MEDICAID or SOCIAL SECURITY (or both)? Why is WELFARE NEVER mentioned? SSI is something working-class people have been FORCED to pay into, rather than being allowed to take the money and place it somewhere else for retirement? The money has (instead) been used to pad the pockets of those who can already afford to pay for their own retirements PRIVATELY.
Now, this isn't in ALL the cases, but it happens in more than a few. With medicare, much of the cost is from the pharmaceuticals AND fraud committed against the system. Yet nothing is EVER said about WELFARE (and all the fraud THERE)...wonder why?

It's because it would cause all these "poor folk" to take to the streets and riot and loot to get what they want. (kind of like what's happening now) Remember the post I had that included how a baby-mama becomes the "breadwinner of the family"? It was because of having KIDS and passing them on to grandma (who "volunteers" to be a FOSTER PARENT), and then spending that undeserved money and perks.
When you're "on welfare", you DON'T have a 52 inch TV in the living room NOR a new ESCALADE in the damn driveway...do you? Apparently, it's normal now for such government handouts.
That produces a whole new class of slave in America, because someone DOES "own yer ass". And what better way to tear a nation apart than by CLASS-warfare.
*** I think I might have a new "weapon" in my arsenal to combat the slugs in my ghettohood passing as human beings...
Now, these "people" believe that I could be considered racist...so, let's unveil the TRUTH here.
THEY are the racists...period.
We don't really bother a soul in the area (who'd really want to?), and we keep to ourselves, because there is actually NO ONE to talk with or be neighborly towards. It's the entitlement-driven renters with their whole lotta LOUD and annoying habits that would make aborigines cringe that are the racists...as in REVERSE RACISM.
It's just never mentioned...until now. I am going to start playing MY "race card", and as often as I feel I need to.

THEY are the racists...period.
We don't really bother a soul in the area (who'd really want to?), and we keep to ourselves, because there is actually NO ONE to talk with or be neighborly towards. It's the entitlement-driven renters with their whole lotta LOUD and annoying habits that would make aborigines cringe that are the racists...as in REVERSE RACISM.
When WE are disrespected, scorned, and looked down at...I'm sorry, but that's racism.
And we have done nothing to give anyone that impression. If anything, we do the OPPOSITE.
We live (and teach) by EXAMPLE. We keep OUR place nice. We don't toss litter on THEIR property, or play OUR music so damn loud the police have to come (and warn someone for the 4,286th time). That's not US (but it is them). Yet, through all that, "we" still get the shit end of the racial stick down here. So, in lieu of fairness to everyone, I will now begin using their RACE CARD...ON THEM, and anytime I "have" to encounter one of these intellectual indigents, I'll just call THEM racists. Hey, who knows, this could be the start of a real movement in this country...one that could lead to a lot more EQUALITY among people. I mean, there IS more black-on-white crime than the other way around...that's documented as FACT. You never know until you try.
I would love to see this area turn back around, with DECENT people moving back here, but as long as some parts of our society are permitted to do as they please, that's not going to happen...and change (for the better) will be long in coming.

Be nice to recapture some of that good old MIDWESTERN charm that I used to read about (instead of recapturing escaped convicts that move here)...be REAL nice.
Yeah, I can ALWAYS dream, because the price is right.
Have yourselves a great week. Be well, make a difference to someone, and... Stay safe out there, America
Bob G:
I am beginning to like what I see here. The blue-gray trim line around everything is good and your blog is now easier to read (don't remember whether that border was there before).
The outside pattern that goes with this template is not showing up because you got rid of the "2" from the JPG address but, as I mentioned in my last comment, you need to change the file name (if you want the border pattern on the left and right).
needs to change to:
I decided to delete the "roses" background jpg...
And that mini-border was something I added to break up the pastels and add a bit on contrast.
I'd like to find some other jpg to use as a background...later.
For now, I like the FONT (simple and easy to read), the colors are a LOT less "taxing" to the eyes and the overall look to the blog, although far from looking "professional", gets the message across.
Lord knows I'm not in this for the MONEY...LMAO!
Got a lot of things to occupy me (in the ghettohood) as it is without having to fret over a "perfect" blog....LOL.
Somehwere down the road, I'll be doing some "fine tuning"..right now, it's up and running.
(mission accomplished)
Hey, thanks for stopping on by. Glad you like what you see.
Have a good week.
And stay safe out there.
Looking good! Easier for these old eyes to read. Thanks for the rest of the story on the shooting. You always seem to give us the facts that are NEVER published in the paper.
I guess when you KNOW one thing to be true...and you hear anough from other sources that either EVADE the whole story, or conveniently OMIT that which we (the readers) need to know...or at least SHOULD be aware of, you've little choice BUT to be the messenger of truth.
And many times, you "reap the whirlwind" when you cheese someone off in the process.
But we're lied to WAY TOO MUCH, and by too many people!
(especially by those we SHOULD be allowed to have a level of confidence in)
An INFORMED public is one which can make a LOT BETTER decisions, not only for THEMSELVES, but for anyone and everyone else.
Next life, I PROMISE (on a stack of Bibles) to go into JOURNALISM...lol!
Thank you much for your kind words and for taking time to drop on by today.
Stay safe and dry down there.
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