28 February 2018

Humpday Happenings...
Well,  here we go again...BACK into the rainy day gig.
Maybe March will come in like a lion...and a SOGGY one at that, hmm?
Wonder what April will have in store for us after we use up our allotment of showers befoire then?
Our Hoosierland weather for today will be pretty EASY to figure out: RAIN, followed by showers and some more rain.
Expect very little sunshine today (unless someone turns off the "faucet" early), and temps will climb to around 56 degrees. Not a total loss, is it (unless it decides to snow on top of everything)?
So, let's get a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the rain gutter is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"I believed in studying just because I knew education was a privilege. It was the discipline of study, to get into the habit of doing something that you don't want to do."
In keeping with that theme of education (and where it might be going) I figured this seemed to epitomize what many people seem to be missing when it comes to learning.
So, who said that?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Berkshire Music Center in Tanglewood...
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Chocolate Souffle Day
( instant pudding is easier)
---It's National Floral Design Day
(not really into that one)
---It's National Public Sleeping Day
(ANOTHER political observance day???)
---It's National Tooth Fairy Day
(funny, I don't Dwayne Johnson around?)
---It's Rare Disease Day
(we got too many diseases as it is)
*** Next,  here is the FWPD call from the police blotter that woke us up the other night.
18F021868     00:53:04     20 PROBLEM UNK      48XX S MONROE ST
Yeah, it's listed as PROBLEM UNKNOWN, and yet, the one officer said that "someone" had called in a report (giving our address) of a child being beaten.
How effed up is THAT?
Somehow, the word "gullibility" comes to mind. Wonder WHY? I guess you can get people to believe anything, no matter how UNTRUE it happens to be.
*** Next up,  from our "Apple Never Falls Far From the Tree" Department, we bring you this wonderful story:
Yes, a father and son drug dealing "team" were busted. At least no one can say this boy didn't have a "father figure" around. He just had a CRAPTASTIC one.
This took place on the (where else?) SE side of the city at 624 Kimberton Drive just before 9 p.m. Part of the incident included a traffic stop where police found two guns, one of which had been stolen.
Well, how about that...a STOLEN handgun.
Now, I'd like to know what specific gun law we could create that would stop something like THAT? (short answer: NONE!)
Losers both.
They also found cocaine inside the suspects’ vehicle and home. Narcotics dealing paraphernalia and marijuana were also recovered from the home.
Carlos Ellis Sr., 39, was arrested and is charged with Dealing Cocaine, Maintaining a Common Nuisance, and Possession of Marijuana.
Carlos Ellis Jr., 19, was arrested for Carrying a Handgun Without a License and Possession of Cocaine.
Police said the investigation was a result of multiple complaints of gang and narcotics activity at the home.
Wonder if they'll get to SHARE a jail cell...being family, that would only be fair...LOL.
*** Next, a little background on the whole DACA line of BS that's being shoved down our throats:
Now, this recent mandate (under "executive-order" Obummer) is aside from ALL those illegals who came here in decades past, had kids who managed to assimilate into our society without our knowledge, Many are middle-aged by now.
Thanks to the socialist left in America
Plus, over the last 65 years (my age), we've had at least 300K illegals getting into our country (per year), so you can add it forward and do the math. The numbers you arrive at would be a very conservative estimate of ALL illegals, btw.
I just wanted to let everyone know how the feds have been taking care of all the real Americans.
*** Next up, students are planning another "protest" ...I mean RALLY for GUN-control in the Summit City. Here's the story:
Now, I can understand these kids NOT wanting to be gunned down...I really can.
Hell, I don't want to be gunned down either, and I've been out of school since 1970.
I just happen to live in a part of the city that our leaders have IGNORED for decades, allowing all the human flotsam to take over a once nice section of town.
People are gunned down, shot at, property damaged by guns, and yet, I'm of the persuasion that the BEST protection against bad guys with guns are good guys with guns.
But these kids can't (or won't) take the time to figure that out. It's another case of the whole "if you don't side with US...you're WRONG" mentality taking over.
That smells a lot like the leftist mantra, if you ask me.
And too much of our country is starting to stink bad enough as it is.
*** Next, time to leave the bad alone and instead visit our "Kitten Corner"...
I wonder what's in this box?
We had more of the usual good behavior yesterday, with both kids acting less like wild cats running all over. Cute and curious was more the tone.
It was a time for looking out windows, napping on a ledge at one window, or just taking things a bit easier. Now, who can argue with that, right?
HUZZAH! Daddy is happy.
Gallifrey and Violet were model cats, and it relieves me from having to chase, chastise, and chew them out for doing things they shouldn't be doing...everyone wins here.
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Time for a yawn...
Our furry twosome were taking time during the last couple days to enjoy the weather also, and that made things around here better by far.
We did have an unexpected "visitor" yesterday morning - a possum decided to partially climb between the fence planks.
Oh, hey guys, how's it goin'?
At first we thought it might be stuck, but after a squirt bottle dose, it backed out.
Midnight and Whiskers just watched it, and didn't take to "playing" with it, or messing with it, which was a good thing, as such animals can be possibly rabid.
We really wouldn't have them around, if not for the manner in which the "locals" toss trash and food scraps all about...that's an open invite (read buffet) for those critters.
Just catchin' some rays while I can.
Aside from that early on, the rest of the day was nice and peaceful, with plenty of lounging time for both cats.
Yeah, this IS the good life.
She was a bit late for the midday snacks, but came around soon enough.
Another win for the felines around the "Fortress",
*** Last back to the rainy streets...seeing and hearing these kids and their assorted protests really makes me uneasy.
I know at that age, we also had our protests (like the Vietnam war, which never amounted to much in the way of student protests, thanks to our lawgivers).
But, we were actively TRYING to keep our men and women from getting killed (in a place we didn't belong). Eventually, it was not a winnable situation over there and we pulled out, so we (here) felt some level of accomplishment.
In this new venue, these kids have NO idea what they are trying to do. All they can see is NO guns.
Let's suppose they manage to take away guns in general...will the schools be any safer from the determined lunatics?
Not a SINGLE gun or bullet used here.
No, they won't, because such crazies will find OTHER ways to do what they believe to be right.
Timothy McVeigh didn't use a gun...neither did the 9/11 WTC terrorists, nor the people who bombed the London tube a while back, or the person who attacked the WTC back in the 90s with a truck laden with explosives.
Today's kids don't seem to be well versed on the recent history of our country, and that's pretty sad.
Instead they demonstrate more histrionics than knowledge of history.
Making things HARDER for the law-abiding among us only makes things EASIER for the law-breakers among us. That should be OBVIOUS to everyone concerned.
It has been said that "when you outlaw guns, the only ones with guns will be outlaws", and that will ring truer than it ever has in times past.
Do we need more security in schools? Yes.
Do we all need to be more vigilant? Yes.
Do we need to pursue mental health problems more than gun issues? Yes.
Schools were once called institutions, and in almost every case, an institution was a place that was secure.
It would do us all good to understand the meaning and contextual usage of words, rather than toss them about without care,  thought or reason.
THAT is how we have discourse that produces positive results for everyone, as well as being able to maintain our liberties and freedoms for all.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

Great post, Bob G. How is up there in the north? Sunny and 60s down here. Have a good one. Keep those kitties happy! And keep those thugs away.

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---We had the sun peeking out a little. Temps in the low 60s, and plenty of morons playing loud music (while cleaning out garages)...that is when they're not having too many cars in a driveway, effectively blocking the sidewalk.
(a ticket writer's DREAM, hmm?)
SO, things are "as usual' for the ghettohood...lol.
---Keeping kitties happy is the EASY part.
(keeping the "barbarians" from the gates is a whole other thing)

Thanks much for rolling up today to comment.

Stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

So here goes attempt #3 at reading this. Distractions, distractions- the last a former SS student of mine now a missionary! God blesses us more than we ever realize...

And also, trying to get the M10 set- AND put in a Thursday post SOMEtime toninght...

"Public Sleeping Day?" And this is good why?

Well, the family that sells drugs together... no, just skip that...

Leftist Mantra: Like Rush said today (paraphrased)- "I cannot understand how you can live with all this hate- and the hate you have to feed it every day- and stay sane." He was garcious enough not to say, Gee, maybe that explains some things. I, however, am not.

I saw the possum on FB last night... loved that D told her friend that the next time she "sends it over" to have it bring beer!

Bob G. said...

---As long as any distractions come from the ALMIGHTY...yeah, I can live with that.
---Like I said...it's a POLITICAL observance...lol.
(they've been asleep for DECADES, imho)
---No, you're right...SPEND JAIL TIME TOGETHER...that's what you WANTED to say.
---I heard that, and that is SO very true with those people.
Oh, I'm also not as gracious...heh. You're in good company there.
---I'll admit that there are days (here) where I see things I thought I'd NEVER be witness to.
(luckily, a few are NOT that bad)

Hey, thanks for taking time to drop by and comment.

Stay safe (and keep the umbrella close by) up there, brother.