I do believe we're not going to have any rain today...for a change.
But, on the down side, it IS colder than it has been the last couple days.
Can't seem to catch a REAL break, can we?
Still, we soldier on.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies, temps reaching to around 43 degrees, and some breezy conditions out there.
Now, without further delay, let's get that refreshing drink to steel our resolve, as we get this show on the road...it's the weekend...
*** First off of the rooftops is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---it's National Banana Cream Pie Day
(be nice to have one for breakfast)
---it's National Dress in Blue Day
(dig out the jeans, right?)
---it's National Employee Appreciation Day
(why did they never have this when I was working?)
---it's National Old Stuff Day
(got plenty of that, and I carry it all around with me...heh)
---it's National Read Across America Day
(otherwise known as Dr. Seuss Day)
---It's National Speech and Debate Education Day
(I can see the leftards lining up already...bwahahahaha)
*** Next, and since it IS the weekend, let's see what we should look forward to over the following 48 hours.
---Saturday is National Anthem Day
(Just have people sing it CORRECTLY)
---it's National Cold Cuts Day
(I still miss Blimpies in this city)
---it's National I Want You To Be Happy Day
(no one in OUR neighborhood wants me to be happy)
---it's National Mulled Wine Day
(raisins in my wine? Nah, it's more a Christmas drink)
---it's National Soup-It-Forward Day
(this better not be a SEINFELD thing)
---Sunday is Finisher's Medal Day
(is this where those participation trophies got started?)
---it's Marching Music Day
(so where can I go to hear some on Sunday?)
---It's National Grammar Day
(how's your vocabulistics goin'?)
---it's National Hug a G.I. Day
(does my G.I. Joe action figure count?)
---it's National Pound Cake Day
(with strawberries and whipped cream...perfect.)
And there we are then...please remember to always observe responsibly
*** Next up, more monkey shines down on the city's SE side. Here's the details:
Yep, another person shot, as well as another car and a house. Does the "fun" never cease?
This took place in the Village Woods area, Tuesday evening around 1942 hrs. when an FWPD officer was in the area of McMillen Park and heard about 8-10 gunshots. Soon after, 911 communications received a report of a shooting in the 5000 block of Salem Lane.
Two officers found a man sitting on a chair with a gunshot wound to one of his heels, according to a police report.

There was also a tan Chrysler 300 that was struck with bullets.
It's people like this (who have nothing better to do than shoot guns in residential areas at people, houses and cars) you really NEED to take guns AWAY from...and not the law-abiding among us.
*** Next, a "private" meeting among the FWCS capos regarding school security. Here's the lowdown:
Granted, there needs to be discussion about school security (should have had this years ago, imho), but more importantly, there also needs to be MUCH more discussion about how and what the kids are being taught, and how to better achievement scores without all the meddling mandates from state and federal entities.
I mean, what good is a SECURE school, if all you're going to put into the formative minds of our youth is socially-engineered MUSH?
*** Next up, a really good story about a pioneer in electronics from right here in Fort Wayne.
I'm talking about Philo T. Farnsworth - the father of television. Here's the N-S story:
This was, quite possibly one of the most important inventors of the 20th century, who went more unnoticed than he should have been. In some ways, it smacks of Nikola Tesla, but, as history has shown, Tesla has been elevated in prominence over the last couple decades.
Perhaps the same should be said of Farnsworth. Time will tell, as it always does.
*** Next up, finally a really nice feel good story...about animals. Here's the link:
It's good to see our own SPCA get such an award for this innovative project.
The project, Cat Pawsitive Pro, introduces positive-reinforcement training to shelter cats.
Highlights of the program include:
---Improving cat “adoptability” and feline social skills, particularly for shy or fearful cats and long-term residents
---Enriching day-to-day life for cats in shelters with physical and mental activity
---Promoting the human-cat bond
---Teaching and empowering animal shelter staff and volunteers
The Jackson Galaxy Project is a signature program of GreaterGood.org run by the star of the show "My Cat from Hell" on Animal Planet. I personally like the show as well as Jackson Galaxy, who manages to tame some of the wildest cats I have ever seen inside a house or apartment.
*** Next, and speaking of cats, let's stop by our own "Kitten Corner"...
Well, the kids certainly are not from hell, even on their worst day. In fact, yesterday did have more running about, as they seem to get this way whenever the weather changes.
Nothing a handy laser pointer can't cure, though.
Both of them have their own way of "wanting" (read demanding) attention. Violet will come over and quietly rub against you. If you're "chosen", you can scratch her neck.
Gallifrey will actively seek you out (like a cruise-missile) and jump right up onto you and start nuzzling his head against you. Kinda hard to ignore THAT.
Hey, whatever "gets the job (of attention) done", right?
*** Next up, time to check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome didn't like all that rain yesterday, and I admit that neither did I. It made feeding less enjoyable, which is a departure from our usual fare.
Still, we have that patio table which blocks a good portion of the rain (as long as it's not windy), so we can get the food dishes down under it to keep the cats dry for the most part. When the rain stops, then we get back to the way it's supposed to work, and that includes hand-held treats.
Both of them made every meal, too
*** Last back to the basement...yesterday, I mentioned a study that spoke to how Indiana was ranked 48th out of 50 (states) when it came to quality-of-life.
And for what that's worth, I do agree with that assessment, especially when it comes to our fair city.
I get to see lots more than the average citizen sees (or cares to see), and so much of what takes place COULD be avoided...with better choices made by what passes for people down here.
Now, I'm certainly NO saint (although many have told me that by living down here, I must have the PATIENCE of one...lol), but I can follow rules, laws, and guidelines...it's how I was TAUGHT by my parents, teachers, relatives, and various mentors throughout my life. And you know what? THEY were right in everything they taught me.
It's not hard to be a good citizen, and it's not hard to be an informed citizen.
It also helps when your life's priorities are in their proper order, in that you realize what is a NEED, as well as what is a WANT. All of this is what's missing with the locals down here.
The proper family upbringing, the desire to learn, the ability to make good decisions...all of this (and much more) is just plain missing from the lives of these people, and the worst part is that they DON'T SEEM TO GIVE A RAT'S ASS about any of it.
We can't make any real, positive change with more programs, more giveaways, and more "stuff" to anyone.
But, we can make such progress possible by changing the hearts and minds of such people.
And that implies a better sense of morality. You can't be perfect (no one can), but you CAN be better...IF you choose to be.
Therein lies the lesson for the week.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
I know why your cats love you! You are feeding them extra goodness. Hope you do not get any of that tail wind from the lake effect nutso stuff going on in Ohio. Nice down here. Have a great Friday, Bob!
Momma Fargo:
---Ya gotta take care of the "less-fortunate", right?
(btw, the 4-footed ones are MORE appreciative than the 2-footed ones getting all that "free" SNAP/WIC stuff)
---What goes on in OH can STAY in OH< as far as I;m concerned.
Used to live in Columbus...even that place has gone downhill.
WTH is left for normal folks, huh?
---Yeah, nice here, too (no gunshots or driving over our lawn...yet...ROFL)
We take whatever we can get these days.
Thanks for rolling up to comment today.
Have yourself a nice Friday and an even better weekend down there, dear.
Well, they didn't seem to appreciate ME today...
I AM old stuff...
I bet their class is heavy on speech and negligent on debate...
School: Bravo! Excellent!
Farnsworth will never get what he deserves from this age. Tesla has the advantage of a Russian name (for the lefties) and a space age ethos- and Farnsworth is named PHILO.
Okay, putting the '56 Time Machine together, have a nice weekend- I'll be at work AGAIN...
---Nah, they rarely do...even way back in the 80s. I did once work for a publisher in Philly (family owned) who really DID appreciate their employees. Something else fallen by the wayside.
---Ditto, except I'm OLDER (stuff)...lol.
---Yeah, that BULL HORN on the picture kinda told me plenty.
---So, we call him "Phil" and get on with his accomplishments...right? He was ahead of his time (for sure).
---Geez, not another weekender.
They must appreciate your ability to solve THEIR problems, hmm?
Have yourselves a good weekend.
Stay safe (and not burned out) up there, brother.
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