And, here we go once again...back into the post-weekend maelstrom.
We couldn't complain about this past weekend, as the weather was very cooperative here in he Midwest.
(can't say as much for those cleaning up the mess back east after their weather event)
We need to realize how fortunate we all are sometimes.
Our Hoosierland weather brings us sunny skies starting out, but clouds increase throughout the day. We expect a high of around 41 degrees along with windy conditions (up to 30 MPH gusts).
So, you might want to take that into consideration when venturing outside today.
With that behind us, let's get that hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa made, as we set forth into the day and all it has to offer...
*** First out of the flower beds is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---it's National Absinthe Day
(never had any, and not sure if I ever want to. I prefer traditional liquors)
---It's National Cheese Doodle Day
(they're not bad, if you like orange fingers)
---It's National Multiple Personality Day
(and we all know we have them, too)
*** Next, Sunday alcohol sales have finally come to Indiana, which means we've lost another vestige of morality.
Indiana's own governor "led" the way, by purchasing a couple 6-packs at a store in Indy.
(I guess leading by example works even when you're not doing some good)
Sorry, but there's something about this guy that bothers me...he's certainly no Mike Pence.\
*** Next up, a couple good editorials showed up over the weekend.
This first one is from Judge Andrew Napolitano, and has to do with our 2nd Amendment.
Here's the link:
The second one is from Star Parker, who speaks about Frederick Douglass and guns.
Here's that link:
And yet, we see those not wishing to stand up for a RIGHT in this country, but rather caving to those elements that would deny ALL Americans their Constitutional "right", like the people who pulled an AR from a gun raffle.
Here's that story:
Notice that while the writer mentions AR, there is ALSO the inclusion of "similar weapons". That tends to snealkpast a lot of folks, and that should bother a lot of us. This is the way things like this start...small, but increasingly comprehensive, until you lose the right to even have a weapon. Definitely a very slippery slope there.
*** Next, tonight marks the series finale of a show I've come to love, and being a Star Wars fan since it all began, it's got a bittersweet taste to it. I'm talking about STAR WARS - REBELS (seen on Disney XD channel).
It's been on for four seasons, and I talked about ti when it first aired (check the archives). but tonight, a 90 minutes show is going to air, closing this chapter of the ongoing saga of that universe.
The show was all CGI, and he characters were well thought out. We even had appearances by those we would later see in the original 3 movies (Tarken, Lando, Vader, Leia, Obi-Wan, Yoda).
It's been a good ride, but I'd have liked one more season to tie everything up.
Perhaps another "chapter" will be written in the near future to help fill any gaps between trilogies...
May the Force be with them...always.
*** Next up, time to stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
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Planning some devious intent, no doubt. |
Aside from that, they were pretty well-behaved (more than I say for the "locals"
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Where IS my toy, anyway? |
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Your toy is NOT in here. |
*** Next, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome did okay over the weekend.
There was a little concern yesterday morning, as Midnight wasn't hungry and was lethargic early on...why that was, I have no idea.
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More for ME? |
Fortunately, they were both back for midday and late afternoon meals (it was Soggy Food Sunday, after all), and BOTH of them were hungry,
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Feeling fine again. |
You can't help but become concerned for them (outside) as much as you would be for the indoor cats.
*** Last back to the finally dry patio...I'm a person that doesn't do well with surprises.
I don't mean that as a slight for any GOOD surprises, but rather those nasty-ass bad surprises that life tosses at us randomly. It's one of those Murphy's Law things.
Good surprises are ind finding a $5 bill on the lawn (that actually happened many years ago), for discovering your tax refund is LARGER than you expected, or when someone gets you something you didn't expect.
THOSE are nice to have in one's life.
But the flip side to that coin are the surprises that take you for a loop (and usually down a rabbit hole you wanted to avoid).
We all have had both in our lives,
And, I suppose at my age, there is little that does surprise me, good OR bad. Yet, there are those (people and situations) out there who do manage to get me saying "how about that?"
While not a surprise, it's usually something unexpected.
Today's world is a curious mix of the predictable and the unexpected.
We should always "Expect the unexpected", as the old saying goes, and with the right application of knowledge tempered with wisdom, we can pull that one off handily. And we can enjoy those good surprises a lot more, right?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Sorry I'm late, I got doing prelim research on next week's Wednesday Bible Study (this week's being in the can already).
Well, I can't say I'm bothered by Holcomb (yet), and I bought my Golden Monkeys Saturday, like a good lapsed Catholic.
Our weekend: Jessica slid off the road on an ice patch after picking up the kids after 3rd shift. Through a small yardside ditch and into a yard. She pulled up into the driveway and got out to examine the damage. When she leaned back in the car to check on the kids, a second car flew into the ice, the ditch, the yard, and plowed into the rear quarter, missing Jessica by about a yard. Everyone's okay, but yet another vehicle has bitten the dust.
Later, KC and Peanut came over (jessica had a cast of thousands over to put together a bed for Lilly, and KC needed an escape). Then Saturday we went over and checked out their new sectional (big ass sunuvagun) and more playtime with Peanut. Several rounds of this:
KC: "Isaiah! Isaiah... ISAIAH!"
Peanut: "DAAA!"
Today I had to get KC at his house and take him to Kruse to pick up HIS car (rotor work), and despite the fact I was in no mood for it due to the day, I found it a second chance to pick up some meds at Walgreens. Which is when I found out WHY God had me forget it the first time. Because if I hadn't been delayed at Walgreens, I would have likely been part of the 4-car pileup that I passed on the way home.
Oh, the day? Upcoming more OT, furniture covers by the bushel which are a low paying pain in the but waste of my time, oh, and a headlight blew out on the way.
But you know what? God teaches, God protects family, God rearranges the world to keep me safe. God is good.
---Being late here is like being late for one's funeral...(perfectly acceptable in my book).
---I realty need to try a GM one of these days.
Any bets as to when our 1st SUNDAY liquor robbery comes to pass?
---Your kids are rough on vehicles...or maybe the territory is rough on THEM?
Glad no one was and SUVs are MUCH easier to replace, after all.
---I'd love to have a sectional in our living room...only would BECOME the living room...period!
---Peanut has gotta be too cute.
---God does have a great way of steering His followers clear of a LOT of "stuff" we really don't need.
---I know what you mean about God being GOOD...
I can't keep count of the thanks sent upwards every day around here.
And, thank you for stopping by to comment.
Stay safe (and out of the ditches) up there, brother.
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