Welcome to the middle of our week, such as it will become.
Have to say yesterday's weather was a day when we had damn near everything mother nature could toss at us (within reason). It changed by the minute for part of the day...crazy stuff.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us similar conditions with partly cloudy skies, scattered snow showers, and temps reaching up to around 39 degrees (well it's a tad warmer). And yes, it might be a bit on the breezy side.
So, let's start the day with a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we take a look at what else has been going on...
*** First out of the sleeping bag is our "WHO SAID THAT?" quote for the week:
"In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office."
This often reminds me of the common sense is so rare, it should be a super-power quote...the thoughts behind both are quite alike. Not to mention, this person has "local" ties. So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in Kosciusko County, Indiana...
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 14 -
---It's National Children's Craft Day
(I always say there's nothing better than "crafty" children...heh)
---It's National Learn About Butterflies Day
(a bit early, but it could be a nice way to pass the time)
---It's National Pi Day
(no matter HOW you slice it, it's still mathematics to me)
---It's National Potato Chip Day
(I have got this one SO covered...usually with onion dip)
---It's National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day
(What's a dietitian? And what's a nutritionist? Pass the potato chips)
---It's National Write Your Story Day
(mine might rival War and Peace...lol)
*** Next up, News-Sentinel columnist Kevin Leininger had a very good read about the safety in schools issue. Here's the link to the article:

It speaks to something that FWCS has been doing for a while - not punishing troublesome students equally, and this ias based on (you got it)...racial overtones. We can't have all the disruptive minorities punished, because it's "not fair" to them.
Well, how fair is it to the REST of the students who ARE behaving and might actually WANT to get an education, hmm?
There's a lot to ponder there.
*** Next, we might be looking at 8 homicides, if the coroner makes the call. Given the information already, sure looks like homicides.
Here'are two stories that unfortunately involves a child and an infant.
---Here's the sirst story about a 2-MONTH old:
This took place at a house (not a home) located at 225 W. Pontiac St (still the south side), where 19-year old Julio Carrillo was arrested and charged with felony neglect of a dependent resulting in serious injury.

You can read the details for yourself, but it clearly shows what we have living down here, and how some people choose to view life. Sorry, but this turdbucket doesn't exactly give me a "warm and fuzzy' feeling when it comes to child-care.
Weird thing, the infant WAS his child.
---The next story deals with a 5-year old. Here's that story link:
This took place at a house located in the 1200 block of Gay St. (this is SE).
Not many details have been provided (so far), but the child was taken to hospital last Thursday.
The child died this past Monday. Obviously, the child is in a better place.
Now, not to be macabre here, but I'm all for decreasing the surplus population (as Dickens wrote), but THIS is NOT the way to do it.
I'd much prefer to have society rid itself of the criminals...NOT the innocent.
*** Next up, it's time for the "Great FWCS Student Walkout". Here's that story:
Yeah, today, students will protest...I mean "memorialize" those fallen in the Florida shooting by taking 17 minutes from their (otherwise) busy school day to demonstrate their solidarity when it comes to (gun) violence.
This story includes letters regarding how this will be handled by the various school districts around the area.
My take on this is that these kids ought to be focused (more) on getting a good education, and learning to make those GOOD choices, so they don't wind up becoming a person who resorts to violence for violence sake.
But, I'm so Draconian along those lines...
*** Next, Stephen Hawking as left us to become one with the cosmos. Here's the story:
And here is his WIKI:
Considering he defied all the rules and managed to live as LONG as he did speaks volumes.
The WIKI is a lengthy read, and features all his awards, honors, and publications (and there are a LOT of them).
Somewhere, I know Sheldon Cooper is in mourning...
*** Next up, time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
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Why yes, I am cute. Thanks for noticing. |
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She's' such a show-off. |
Sometimes, they're both under there, but that's fine...we have four chairs.
*** Next up, let's take a moment to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome were trying their best NOT to get snowed upon (and why they didn't go to the shelters beats me.
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It's NOT dandruff...it's SNOW! |
Whiskers does her thing against the patio door screen every day...she uses it as a yoga stretching area.
Who knew cats were into that sort of stuff?
*** Last back to the comfy chair...we all have to deal with death. That's one of life's inevitabilities.
Dad used to include TAXES with death as something none of us could avoid.
And yet, here we are, a decade into the 21st century, and too many people are having difficulty with life, and their behavior often leads to death, which is something they can experience in some video game.
Only in LIFE, there is never that elusive "reset" button, is there?
More and more, we see evidence that people (and age is not a factor here) cannot (or will not) discern between reality and fantasy...they meld the two, and that's never any good in the way they choose to handle it.
If we took ALL the problems of mankind, and whittled them down to just TWO words, what would they be?
Those two words represent every problem we (as a species) can imagine or create.
Now, I've never known a bad person to make good choices (with one exception I will mention farther down), but good people do make bad choices, yet there is one factor that determines the outcome for the good person...they LEARN from that bad choice (usually), and therefore try to not duplicate such things. The bad people CAN make good choices and turn from their path, if they are willing to also learn and grow from the experience.
It would serve us all well to choose wisely, remain steadfast in doing good for ourselves first, so that we can do good for others. That would seem the best path for anyone to take.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE iut there, America.
National Days: Woke up this morning to a text informing me of Hawking's death and how strange it was he died on Pi Day. I'd have rather slept.
Chips/Dietician: Preach it, brother!
"I'd much prefer to have society rid itself of the criminals...NOT the innocent." I agree, but depop has never been selective on that basis.
Walk-Out: A FB friend said it best:
"The school walkouts today accomplishes nothing. Just enough time to walk out of class, pose for the cameras then walk back into class. It's disruptive to class time.
If the goal of a school is to teach students, why not have a national day to talk about the pros and cons of gun legislation, the second amendment and school safety? Make a whole day of it with each class. You'd have different students and teachers, all with different perspectives and ideas. Get the ball rolling in a positive way that involves students in an interactive way.
That would be the purpose of a school. Not a staged walkout for a short time that proves they "care." We all care. Today was a sham. The same thing could have been done before or after school and accomplished the same thing."
That same friend was shamed by Christians on social media rejoicing at the death of an atheist (Hawking). I don't enjoy the death of anyone, BUT... This was a man who had more intelligence and reason than most to see the hand of God in everything, and he (seems to have) willfully rejected it. So while I am not anywhere close to where even at least one of my own friends are in "rejoicing", I find it hard to be overly sympathetic. If I live to be 500, I will never understand the drive for scientists to couch all of their studies on the basis, however understated, of "disproving God."
Trust me, cats INVENTED yoga.
---And that's why I have a "dumb" phone...no texts or alerts.
(was odd he died TODAY, though...give 'ya that one)
---LOL...had a REAL STRONG feeling i'd hear from the front pew on that!
---I know...and that's why we have law-enforcement.
(it just sucks when SOCIAL justice supplants NATURAL justice)
---I think your friend made a good call w/ what took place today, and also is a very well-informed person who has perhaps chosen the BEST course of action for this issue.
---If you notice, I did not delve into Hawking's views on religion for that reason. While his work in theoretical physics is perhaps some of the best that's come along in recent times, he didn't enjoy the YEARS that GOD bestowed upon him and failed to see HIS hand in any of it.
(that's my thought about that)
I totally see your point.
Science AND God can co-exist, and should, but science should never take the place of the Almighty.
(there's a week worth of posts attached to that thought)
---Ahh, so it WAS cats who invented yoga...well, that explains a lot. I do admire their penchant for REST, however.
Thanks to stopping by today and commenting.
Stay safe (and grab some chips) up there, brother.
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