Now how's THIS for the first FULL day of Spring, hmm?
Yes, that's SNOW you see outside this's no illusion.
And we have schools delayed around the area to prove it.
Crazy stuff, right?
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly to mostly cloudy skies, temps climbing to around 43 degrees, and yes, the snow will be melting a bit later on.
So how's about we get that hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa to warm us up, as we see what's been going on elsewhere?
*** First off of the countertop is our "WHO SAID THAT?" quote of the week:
"Civility, politeness, it's like a cement in a society: binds it together. And when we lose it, then I think we all feel lesser and slightly dirty because of it."
This is the sort of thing we SHOULD be hearing a lot more of, because it's TRUE.
So, who said that?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back on the Isle of Wight...
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 21 -
---It's National California Strawberry Day
(yes, the land of fruits and nuts does it again)
---It's National Common Courtesy Day
(another lost art of humanity)
---It's National Countdown Day
(a countdown to what, exactly?)
---It's National Fragrance Day
(a smelly proposition, perhaps?)
---It's National French Bread Day
(and that has a nice fragrance when it's baking)
---It's National Kick Butts Day
(oh, you mean THOSE. I thought something more apropos)
---It's National Single Parent Day
(ah, yes...the dissolution of traditional families continues)
*** Next up, This is one of THOSE stories, and you'll see why. Here's the link:
Yeah, this can ONLY take place on the SE side (it would seem). A man shoots himself in the ass while working on his girlfriends car (changing brakes).
Unless the car was in a driveway or garage, it's not permitted to work on ANY vehicle along a city street (and that's also why we have mechanics).
So, it must be THAT unsafe down here to have a person keep a LOADED weapon on their person (and apparently with one in the chamber). Must be a touchy trigger that made the gun go off (my guess it wasn't a revolver).
Got that special kind of stupid going on, doesn't he?
*** Next, it would seem that the IPFW bridges are SAFER than the one that collapsed on Florida. Here's the story:
Well, not having crossed that bridge, I will admit it LOOKS safer.
You know, when a person tells someone (either in person or by email or text) that a bridge has CRACKS in it...people need to LISTEN...that tragedy could well have been avoided (as most such occurrences can).
*** Next, Kevin Leininger has another good column and here's the link:

It's the "people living in glass houses shouldn't cast stones" kinda thing.
Wonder how good that "humble pie" tasted to Joy Behar when she cut a huge slice of it recently?
*** Next up, another one of those "knee-jerk" reactions over guns.
Here's the story link:
This time, it's none other than Kroger, who has decided to REMOVE all magazines that have mention of "assault weapons" in them. Now, just HOW stupid can people get?
This almost makes me want to stop shopping there, but there are too few alternatives, which is a problem for me when one company has such a monopoly when it comes to a specific venue (like groceries).
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They must think pictures kill people. |
*** Next, time to put this insanity behind us, and drop by "Kitten Corner"...
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I iz in my "happy place". |
I don't need to have the kids acting up...we have enough with the morons living alla round us taking care of that "department".
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Now THAT is peaceful. |
*** Next up, let's all check in with "Midnight and Company"...
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"This is the friendliest place around." |
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"Yes, it really is, and the food's good". |
I keep saying the nicest ones around our neighborhood have FOUR legs, and I've yet to be proven wrong.
*** Last back to the kitchen sink...Where do we draw the line with all this insanity?
When will we decide that enough is truly enough?
And, do many people even care at this point?
Well, there are many of us who DO care, and want to see this idiocy come to a screeching halt.
I think the reason allow this dumbassery to continue is that we have become way too desensitized against things we used to look at as more or less taboo.
That doesn't make us all tea-totaling, just makes us better people for not allowing things we know can be detrimental to the society which we are part of in this country.
I look at the Kroger move as a sort of "book ban", and what did such things lead to in Germany say around the 1930s?
First the ban, then the burning, and then ...well, you know the rest.
I'm not saying we're headed in THAT direction, but we're sure not headed AWAY from it either.
We need to stop being too permissive with the wrong things, because that is not making any of us better people, or promoting a better society.
And if we're not all careful, we'll lose much of who we can become in the process.
That won't bode well for a lot of folks, will it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Well, it's 'decide who debuts this week on the M10' time here at the Martin hacienda. Don't suppose you want to come flying over and help?
Quote: Unfortunately we have a society that enjoys wallowing in the mud anymore. The results are far from surprising.
Courtesy Day: Ironic combined with the quote...
Wednesday is Always M10 Countdown Day...
Speaking of single parents, my co-worker that lives by you got t-boned this AM coming to work by some uninsured douchebag. Bounced off her, hit a house, tried to get away and failed. C is okay but banged up; her 8-y-o is fine but got a good scare.
Bet ol' boy the brake-fixer goes out and buys a darn holster now, eh?
Well, I've been over the river bridge many times- solid as a rock. Not tried the Ivy Tech connecter yet, because, why would I want to?
I hate to be insensitive, really, but it amazes me the number of Jewish persuasion who have no respect for those who love THEIR God.
Magazine section I generally ignore anyway. And it usually looks like the only ones that do are the jobbers who change the stacks out every month.
---When it comes to TODAY'S music I'm more clueless than anyone you'll meet.
If it's not a composed soundtrack, I got NO idea who's even ON the charts.
---I know what you mean.
Used to be a time when getting "muddy" was unthinkable, and if you DID, you got cleaned up straight away (both physically AND metaphorically).
---Figured you'd pick up on that one.
---Glad you make use of the countdown thingy.
---I thought I didn't see a car at her house.
Good to hear she and her child are okay.
I'm ALWAYS on Wifey about drivers down here...even more than bad weather.
It scares the heck outta me most days, and that's why we always try to get our shopping trips done EARLY...before the mooks fall off of the mattress and drag themselves behind the wheel.
---He HAD a holster, but took the firearm out and stuck it in his waistband...eventually placing it on the seat.
(whatta dumbass, hmm?)
---When you major in architectural drafting in high school, you learn what LOOKS sturdy...and what doesn't. IPFW's is a good design.
---That's a very valid point, but since many of those particular Jews are of the Hollywood or Media persuasion, it's little wonder they act the way they do (and why gentiles tend to dislike them). Anti-Semitism? Not hardly.
Anti-dumbass, perhaps.
---It's never a crowded area at the Kroger we go to, and never was. They only carry a handful of gun magazines as it is.
---Maybe they should ALSO stop carrying those CAR magazines, too. I mean over 50K people are KILLED by automobiles EVERY year...right?
(see how the lunacy can easily run amok?)
---People give things undeserved attention and yet ignore the important things. Go figure.
Hey, thanks for taking time to stop on by to comment.
You stay safe (and M10-bound) up there, brother.
You sure on the music thing? I was just listening to a band out of Cambodia (yes, Cambodia) called the Cambodian Space Project. I'm not sure I can pout up long term with the "twanginess" of the Khmer language, but they play a MEAN House of the Rising Sun...
---See, that's exactly what I mean.
To me, only Eric Burdon and the Animals can do HotRS...
Can't say I'm into Cambodian musicians these days...LOL.
I couldn't tell you who is on Billboard this week, and I more than likely would NOT know who the heck they are, either.
Yeah, I'm a throwback (WAY back, that is).
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