I think we can say we've left the crappy weather behind us, at least for today.
(that's always a welcome relief of sorts)
That snow we got did melt away before noon, but early on, it was a bit on the dicey side travelling about.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us sunny skies (so they're saying) temps reaching up to around 46 degrees, and no precipitation. Hopefully, no windy conditions, either.
Now, let's get that morning drink poured and parked close by, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the washing machine is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Civility, politeness, it's like a cement in a society: binds it together. And when we lose it, then I think we all feel lesser and slightly dirty because of it."
This was spoken by none other than Jeremy Irons (born 19 September 1948) who is an English actor. And here is his WIKI:
Irons was born in Cowes on the Isle of Wight, the son of Paul Dugan Irons (1913–1983), an accountant, and Barbara Anne Brereton Brymer (née Sharpe; 1914–1999). He was educated at the independent Sherborne School in Dorset from 1962 to 1966. He was the drummer and harmonica player in a four-man school band called the Four Pillars of Wisdom.
(bet you never heard about THAT on Chris Martin's Musical Time Machine...lol.)
The rest of the WIKI deals with ALL his professional career, which spans television, film, theater, other audio, and music.
It's worth a read, for I didn't know that much about him, other than the few times I caught him on TV.
Oh, and he was the voice of Scar in The Lion King Disney animated movie.
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 22 -
---It's National Bavarian Cream Crepes Day
(close, but no pie)
---It's National Goof Off Day
(what? ANOTHER political observance???)
*** Next, a very good column by Leo Morris. Here's the link:

We're from a different era, and some might find that disturbing, because we say what we feel and what we mean.
We don't beat about the bush, as they say.
In other words, people like us are suffering from a chronic (and potentially-terminal) political correctness deficit...AND loving it.
Emotions are fine, except when it comes to the realm of facts.
*** Next up, could there be a ray of hope for those of us who refuse to let their inner child disappear?
Yes, KB Toys could well be making a comeback in lieu of the recent closing of all the TRU stores.
BTW, I read where a liquidation sale for TRU begins today...might be a few bargains left.
I guess the toy suppliers are kinda honked off at that.
Still, KB had some good stuff in it's day, but was never a place to find substantial discounts. They did have a decent selection of diverse merchandise, I will give them that much. I wouldn't mind seeing them come back, especially now. We'll have to see how this all shakes out.
---Update - 1230 HRS: Oops, it's "bump in the road" time with TRU.
We knew it was coming.
*** Next, time to stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids did quite well and were very well-behaved throughout the day.
They have been less manic with chasing one another, instead preferring to chase the "sandman" when they nap.
(works for me)
Can't really have a bad day with them about the house.
*** Next up, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome were on time and on station with every meal (in spite of the foul weather in the morning), and I have to hand it to them, they are more predictable than the USPS.
I can set the clocks with these cats. And, if one of them is wandering (we know who that might be), I just shake my keys and there we are...two cats once again.
It's nice to see them enjoy the sun when it comes out. Today might net some good pictures.,
*** Last back to the clothes dryer...childhood is a fleeting thing, for the most part.
And don't let anyone tell you differently.
For some time now, our society has been quietly and slowly eroding the foundation of what it means to BE a child.
Naturally, we can always find out who is doing it - the usual suspects (the progressive left).
Children are growing up today being told to question their sexual identity...WTF is going on here?
Let kids be kids. Let them fall down, scrape a knee or two. Teach them it's okay to get back up and not wallow in self-pity, awaiting the next chance to repeat it all again, until such things become ingrained into those young minds.
![]() |
The old days - When a "posse" was role-playing. |
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A TEA PARTY? How "sexist". |
Kids are NOT Stretch Armstrong...you can't pull them in every direction and expect them to snap back right away, no matter how resilient they might seem. They learn from experience, just as adults do, and they take what they learn with them for a LONG time.
Their minds ARE malleable, and that means they can be more easily swayed by the winds of change. And change can sometimes be a bad thing, especially where kids are concerned.
They need to be brought up to KNOW who they are, to KNOW right from wrong, to KNOW how to properly interact with one another, and to KNOW how to behave at home, in school, and in public.
Such basics are what leads us all into adulthood, and without that firm foundation that needs to be built early on, we will create generations of people who know little, care less about it, and need to be led around in life.
We don't want to even consider going down that path, if we are to preserve who we were and, more importantly, who we are to become as a society.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Tip of the hat to Mr Irons!
NBCC Day- hmm, sounds good...
NGO Day- Thanks, I feel better about today now.
Morris: Great column. Expect to see his house burning on the 11 o'clock report tonight.
TRU- prolly a delay to see how much stuff they can peddle at close to regualr prices online before admitting the locusts.
Closing- KC and I had much the same discussion today about Peanut's older siblings. A deeper story I can't share right yet, but prayers KC and Jessica's way would be appreciated. (BTW this isn't a problem in house, it's the world that's screwed up.)
---Jeremy scored one for sure.
---Not a huge crepes fan, but what the hey, right?
---Goofin' off doesn't seem up your alley, but knowing your company...
---don't even think that...Leo's good people (as is his brother in TX)
---Maybe they want to wait until the bury the founder who dies today?
---Yeah, I understand. The world has a STRONG influence, and it CAN (and often does) enter through those four walls where it's NOT really wanted.
Thanks for commenting today.
Stay safe up there, brother.
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