01 March 2018

Thoughts for Thursday...
I hope all of you didn't stow away the umbrella, because you WILL be needing it today.
And keep the jackets handy as well, for temps will be falling a bit.
We get to start another fun-filled (?) month today, so you know today's post will be a rather full plate of stuff.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us rain with mostly cloudy skies, and temps topping out around 51 degrees, which is taking place early on. We'll eventually wind up in the upper 30s by evening and we could see some wet snow showers.
DO take the proper precautions, and drive safely out there.
Now, let's get that cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa poured, as we see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the rain barrel is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"I believed in studying just because I knew education was a privilege. It was the discipline of study, to get into the habit of doing something that you don't want to do."
This was spoken by one Wynton Marsalis (born October 18, 1961) who is a trumpeter, composer, teacher, music educator, and artistic director of Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City, United States. And here is his WIKI:
It's not that long a read, but this is a good way tp finish up Black History Month.
I've always enjoyed his music, and I think he's done REAL well for someone who has won 9 Grammys.
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National DADGUM That's Good Day
(well, I have the gum part nailed)
---It's National Fruit Compote Day
(that's compote and NOT COMPOST...got it?)
---It's National Horse Protection Day
(yes, people DO abuse them as well)
---It's National Minnesota Day
(and I care about that WHY?)
---It's National Peanut Butter Lover's Day
(a nice PB&J sounds pretty good)
---It's National Pig Day
(how about that - a day devoted to my "neighbors"...lol)
*** Next, let's see how MARCH shakes out with monthly observances:
March is:
National Breast Implant Awareness Month
Asset Management Awareness Month
Endometriosis Awareness Month
Irish-American Heritage Month
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
National Caffeine Awareness Month
National Brain Injury Awareness Month
National Celery Month
National Cheerleading Safety Month
National Craft Month
National Credit Education Month
National Flour Month
National Frozen Food Month
National Kidney Month
National Noodle Month
National Nutrition Month
National Peanut Month
National Sauce Month
National Trisomy Awareness Month
National Umbrella Month
National Women’s History Month
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
National Music in Our Schools Month
National Professional Social Work Month
Please observe responsibly.
*** Next, another one for the SOUTHEAST side of the city, or as I like to call it: "The crotch of Fort Wayne" Here's the story link:
Cute and spunky.
Thanks to some trash haulers who were alert, a 5 month old puppy (since named "Pearl") was found in their trash truck by the men. They're guessing that the trash in question was picked up (with the pup) somewhere along Reed St. That should narrow things down a bit.
There was no ID tag on the dog, (nor was the dog "chipped") and it was injured, but has recovered AND has already been adopted.
Love to see the person (or persons) involved in tossing this pup so they can get their JUST dues...
Somehow, taking the pup to the shelter for adoption didn't seem to be easy ENOUGH for this jerk (or jerkette).
But, we have come to see how CHEAP life is down here, by the manner in which it is taken with such a cavalier attitude. Remember that we already found a dead female body in a trash bin.,
This was back in 2015
So, you don't even HAVE to have FOUR legs to know that to be the truth.
There IS a happy ending for Pearl...that's a good thing.
*** Next up, a Belmont Beverage store (near downtown) was robbed. Here's that story:
Hey, we got us a WHITE asshole this time around...will wonders never cease?
This took place Tuesday around 1400 hrs at the Belmont Beverage store at 929 S. Lafayette St. when police responded to a report of a strong-arm robbery there.
That shirt says "affliction"...ironic.
Desperation can take many forms...this was just one of them.
Might want to check out the area near 4th st...seems to be enough "activity" over there with meth and other things.
We know he wasn't interested in booze (like the black thieves usually are) He just wanted (and got) money.
*** Next, the News-Sentinel has a good article concerning WARRANTLESS SEARCHES.
Here's the link:
In many cases, this just makes a lot of sense, especially when time is of the essence.
(and when an active shooter is involved, it certainly IS).
Any hostage situation might allow these to occur as well.
I don't believe this is a law-enforcement tool that would be unjustly used, but it could be.
That would not be a good thing at all.
*** Next up, we have us another study that ranks Indiana, and you'll love this one.
Here's the link:
Seems important enough to ME.
Oops, our "quality-of-life" ranking in Indiana has DROPPED (say it ain't so).
((Indiana's inaugural score landed the state 48th out of 50.  Indiana released more toxic chemicals into the air than all but five other states in the U.S. in 2016.
Though Indiana scored 48th out of 50 in the quality of life category, that category has the least importance in the rankings.)) 
LEAST important? To hear our "king" (mayor) that's the ONLY thing that matters...at least in OUR city. To him, it's ALL about "quality-of-life", which is something I'm STILL waiting to see improve. For the full list, visit:
*** Next, it's time to drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Are the birds coming back?
Our kids weren't too bad yesterday.
That grocery bag we gave them to play in has become a totally torn up picee of brown paper...lol.
But, they still find amusement with it.
I want a NEW bag to play with.
And with the nice weather, both of them spent a lot of time taking it easy.
They do tend to make one envious of such a life.
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome were really enjoying the day...AFTER the rain went away in the morning,
NO trash for me- food's much better and plentiful HERE..
They spent all afternoon also taking it easy.
And neither of them missed a meal.
NO "trash-diving" for me, either.
I did have to advise both of them to stay AWAY from trash bins...for the obvious reason.
Somehow, I don't think other people could get close enough to pick them up anyway...just got that feeling.
They both are comfortable with Wifey and myself...and that's fine with us.
*** Last back to the puddles along the curb...I have to wonder what possesses some people these days.
We are supposed to be the most "evolved" species on this old rock, and yet, the evidence to the contrary becomes all too clear...why is that?
Every other species on Earth is predatory to some degree, and usually dependent upon a lower species as a food source. Some species even devour one another on a regular basis.
We're supposed to be ABOVE all that, right?
Perhaps a bit of both?
Yet, by nature, ALL of us are killers...every single human being in existence, and yet, we possess something no other species on the planet has, and that's the ability to CHOOSE.
We wake up, and perhaps WANT to go kill some deserving idiots, but we instead say "Today, I will not kill", and we're done with it. And we do this every day, because we know about consequences of actions.
We don't arbitrarily act upon EVERY "instinct" but rather temper our judgment with reason...and morality. Those are traits the animal kingdom doesn't have going for them.
Out of the mouths of puppets...
And yet. there are a few of us who, for whatever cause, have abandoned reason and morality and give into the "dark side" of humanity. Many do it without batting an eye.
When people send up warning signs of abnormal behavior, we need to take them away from society so they can get the help they need, and to keep them from harming themselves or others.
And we don't do that by removing whatever devices such people choose to employ.
We concentrate on the PERSON...not the tool
We can't move forward as a society until we decide to place our collective focus on the people doing the killing.
Sure, it sounds like an old-fashioned idea (like what we used to do with institutions for those with mental problems), but maybe we need some of that old-fashioned right about now...for the sake and safety of everyone.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

Bob, this post if full of amazing common sense. Not that you don't always have common sense, but you see what I see. This especially, "We don't arbitrarily act upon EVERY "instinct" but rather temper our judgment with reason...and morality." Yes. That. And I love your kitties. I fear we are going to have some knee jerk gun control reaction. Lord, help us.

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---I do appreciate your compliment.
(and no, once in a great while, even I slip off that common sense horse...lol)
---Without our morality guiding our choices, and without ethical behavior overseeing our actions, we will screw ourselves over royally.
It doesn't get any simpler than THAT, does it?
---Yes, the kitties are always a delight.
---I also think we're heading in the WRONG direction, and I don't want to see our Constitution, and our liberties and freedoms suffer as a result of impetuous decisions or actions by ANYONE, especially in our government at ANY level.
We need some CLEAR thinking on this, and not some "feel good" BS tossed around to satisfy the over-emotional.

Thanks much for taking time to roll up today and comment.

Stay safe (and armed) down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

Funny to have you talking Wynton Marsalis while I listen to Count Basie and Sinatra...

Not compost. Yet. Got it.

Saw that perp clip. We are all siners and fall short, etc. I wonder if there really is that much difference in evil across the races, or if its just the CHOICE of sins, and opportunity thereof...

Well, I bet that is due to a drop in the number of basketball hoops again, lol...

Bob G. said...

---Yes indeed. Nothing like some GOOD music that brings everyone TOGETHER (instead of putting people at each other's throats).
Basie & Sinatra...now THERE is a REAL matchup!
I think I might have some vinyl with them on my Dad's Sinatra 2LP set...have to look and see.
---Sin has NO color, ethnicity, race, now even religion and you are correct...CHOICES PLUS OPPORTUNITY. That's the primary cause.
The devil NEEDS a "playground".
---QOL=fewer hoops...ROFLMAO...you might be onto something.
(it could also be sales on ammo. Who can say with THESE mooks, right?)
As an aside, I'd be interested what your take on my "close" was. It did pretty much type itself.

Thanks for dropping by and commenting.

Stay safe (and dry) up there, brother.