Welcome to that wonderful mid-week crisis we lovingly refer to as Wednesday.
And finally, it will begin to feel more like Springtime today.
I was starting to think we'd never get there.
Our Hoosierland weather for today has us enjoying partly sunny skies, temps reaching ALL the way up around 62 degrees (that is NOT a misprint), but we will also have windy conditions (as high as 30 MPH). Wonder if the "satin-short" brigade will out and about?
You can dig out the light jackets at last, but be aware of the wind, as it love to bring down branches (not to mention in our area, trashbins can become a road hazard.
Now, with that behind us, let's get that refreshing morning drink to chase the blahs away, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the refrigerator is our "WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"I got taught a lot of great lessons by superhero comics as a kid about virtue and self-sacrifice and responsibility. And those were an important part of imprinting my DNA with ethical and moral values."
No, this is NOT something I said, but I will admit that I agree with it.
Perhaps society as a whole can learn a valuable lesson from such words. So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in Hueytown, Alabama...
*** Next up, let's delve into our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
APRIL 11 -
---It's National Barbershop Quartet Day
(Good to see it's still alive and well)
---It's National Bookmobile Day
(that was always fun at our schools, but those paperbacks were a LOT cheaper then)
---It's National Cheese Fondue Day
("So, do you...fondue?" - Steve Rogers to Peggy Carter)
---It's National Eight Track Tape Day
(nothing like hearing "Born to be...(pause to change rtacks)...Wild" on the car stereo...lol)
---It's National Pet Day
(SA-LUTE to our four-footed friends...and other critters we take in)
---It's National Submarine Day
(yes, that IS the Nautilus from the Verne novel)
*** Next, here's something I didn't see on the television news sources:
Imagine that...another house shot up on the SE side of town.
This took place yesterday morning around 0407 hrs at a house in the 1100 block of Colerick St (near Smith St).
A man inside was struck twic in the thigh from bullets that tore through the front of the house.
((The man’s mother told police that the family keeps to themselves and didn’t know why someone would do this.))
But the victim has an idea who might be to blame for this.
Goes to show too many of the wrong people are awake (with illegal guns) to all hours.
*** Next up, Those office buildings at Rudisill and Calhoun are pretty much history, as they have been torn down:
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Going...going...GONE! |
*** Next, this goes to show that SOME people never seem to learn anything:
Corey Tyrell Tate is the perp-in-question who admits he had cocaine while on PROBATION.
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Amazing how being in jail makes one "happy", isn't it? |
Luckily, he still faces an upcoming jury trial (so perhaps the system can put this one away for a LONG time).
Maybe the court system should ERASE the "time served", as an additional punishment?
(just a thought)
*** Next up, time to leave all the stupid at the curb, and instead visit our "Kitten Corner"...
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Looking for "divine guidance", buddy? |
Funny thing, you kinda get used to their "antics" about the house, and hen they get (very) quiet, you go around the house looking for them, to make sure they're fine.
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That's ONE way to view things... |
*** Next up, time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
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Better late than never, Sweetie. |
Feedings were back to normal, actually.
Whiskers was late for her morning food, however. She showed up about 5 minutes after I fed Midnight. Where she was at I don't know (or want to know).
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Hey, I'm always here on time. |
And yes, such "loyalty" gets wonderful rewards...that's the way we roll here.
*** Last back to the stove-top...having a pet is another form of responsibility,
Having a child is an even MORE intense demonstration of one's ability to be responsible.
Truth be told, having damn near ANYTHING in life comes with a level of being responsible.
If you're working a job, driving a car, making dinner...you name it, and there it is: RESPONSIBILITY.
And you always hear me say we should try to become better people every day.
Taking responsibility for oneself is perhaps the most daunting challenge, because that entails ALL those decisions we make (sometimes) on a minute-by-minute basis.
Being able to think critically, and tempering that thought with wisdom and past experiences goes a LONG way to ensure those decisions are better than average, and help to better define who you are, and who you will become.
But, most of you already have found that out...right?
Good things bear repetition......
Be well, make a difference to someone, and,...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Hey Save the Fort! You need to start protesting. Save those historical buildings. Top of the day to ya, Bob! Love the kitties!
Momma Fargo:
---In too many cases, the city already has made up their minds...even the historical society can't stop the demolitions.
When THEY can't save buildings, you KNOW something's wrong there.
Thanks for rolling up to comment.
Stay safe (and comfy) down there, dear.
That quote is basically something I've said, over and over. But I'll defer to whoever the copyright holder is.
I guess I've kinda kept my grumbling to myself today. Despite a beautiful day and an enjoyable walk later, Scrappy and I have had a "shared disappointment" since, and I am fighting ye olde "why pray when I keep getting the opposite of what I ask" battle.
And to think I was praising God hours before by toughening me with just such results.
So basically, being tried here. It'll be okay in an hour or two when we get it worked out for the umpteenth time.
---I think you'll figure out why you use that quote when I disclose it's author tomorrow.
(you should enjoy it it)
---That's just Satan trying to get you off-track. He's good at doing it to ALL of us. Don't fret over it...it's ALREADY been taken care of.
---As many times as you have a bit of a slip (my pastor called it a backslide), it's just AS easy to get back up and into the fight.
Thanks for taking time out to drop by today and comment. It is appreciated.
Stay safe (and grounded in HIS mercy) up there, brother.
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