Okay, who forgot to tell Mother Nature that Spring was here?
She must not be getting all HER memos, either...heh.
In any event, it's not going to be that bad a day, but it will remain on the cold side.
Our Hoosierland weather today brings us partly cloudy skies (perhaps a sunrise is in order?), temps reaching to only around 44 degrees, and greatly diminished winds...but we will see rain/snow showers later on this afternoon into evening.
So let's all get it in gear, and grab ourselves a nice cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we take a look at what's been going on...
*** First off of the drying sidewalks is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values - that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control."
This should have been an easy one to guess, given the significance of yesterday.
This was spoken by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, And, if you need or want a refresher, here is his WIKI:
Well, some people maintain we have a LONG way yet to go.
It's stories like this that make me question the reasoning of some.
We have guaranteed that ALL men (and women) black OR white (or any other hue) have EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to any job, or level of education. Many just do not see it, and I have no idea as to why.
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Alcohol Screening Day
(I usually screen all MY alcohol...by PRICE...lol)
---It's National Burrito Day
(and tomorrow is "national crap it all out day"?)
---It's National Caramel Day
(I love it...all of it)
---It's National Deep Dish Pizza Day
(three words: Keep it coming!!!)
---It's National Go For Broke Day
(refer to the pizza thing)
---It's National Raisin and Spice Bar Day
(make a good finish to all that pizza)
---It's National Read a Road Map Day
(this is also becoming a lost art)
*** Next, it's time to dig into the graveyard of forgotten "hits" with a little spot I haven't used here in quite some time...
Sit back, relax and let me drive for a while, as we take a look at some of the REALLY stupid sh*t going on out there.
---Item - Seems we have some people up in arms over a bible study...(again?)
So, these bible study folks (seniors, I hear) can't use a COMMON AREA at their condo?
No christian music allowed as well...wonder if hip-hop is also banned (as it should be)?
I thought America still had FREEDOM of SPEECH...and RELIGION...and EXPRESSION?
I smell a nice big lawsuit coming...and where is the ACLU?
I thought there were here to PROTECT the rights of ALL individuals?
Oh, wait...I forgot...it's the wrong agenda.
---Item - While we're talking about banning stuff, take a look at THIS:
So, Deerfield, IL is wanting to ban "certain" semi-automatic weapons...
And, naturally they want to start with the AR-15 sporting rifle...but they're opening the door to include most ALL firearms (especially handguns).
Well, that leaves revolvers and black powder muzzle-loading firearms being the primary exceptions). I guess shotguns are also an exception, as long as they're of the PUMP variety (or double-barreled).
Does anyone at that city hall think for a moment that ANY criminal is going to obey such a law...in any way, shape, or form?
It's an upscale area north of Chicago, and drug dealers are buying into such communities because they got "da money". to do it. But they don't mention that.
Naturally, those LAW-ABIDING people of that "village" will be fined daily (if need be) until they get rid of THEIR semi-auto firearms.
Sorry, not seeing the LOGIC here.
---Item - We're hearing all about this "deep state" stuff a lot, so what IS it...really?
This might shed some light on it:
I look at it as the "black ops" of the legislative branch of our federal government, and that a very scary premise.
These people operate with impunity, and I'm one of those (other) people who believe that NO part of government should have THAT much power and control over anyone.
---Item - When you're bored (and a thug) how do you get your "kicks"? How about running through a hotel shooting at one another? That's what took place in Philly circa 2014. Better late than never, hmm? Here's the story (from our "way-back" files):
![]() |
Must be having fun, 'cause he's smiling. |
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Marco...Polo...Marco...Polo |
They're doing better these days...in 2015 the place was involved with human trafficking:
And just two months ago, this happened:
Yeah...((rolls eyes))...it's getting better.
---Item - And speaking of mooks, we have another public display of crazed behavior by a member of a minority.
This "gurlrilla" took to going wild at a McD's in Wisconsin because someone "didn't get her order right". Hey, it happens...get over it, turdblossom.
Another punk-ass teen rages at another fast food joint. A pretty common thing with such people.
Maybe she needs to stop frequenting such establishments (judging by her girth)?
Or maybe she could just learn HOW to behave in PUBLIC?
Now, I take a different path...I usually go inside and explain nicely that what I got was not what I ordered, and the problem gets solved straight away.
No fuss, no muss, no bother, and certainly NO bat-shit crazy behavior on MY part to get the problem resolved.
Must be that "white privilege" I enjoy so much...LOL.
(nah, it's called rational behavior and common sense)
Her rap sheet includes prior convictions for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, pot possession, driving without insurance, and driving with a suspended license. (2 pages).
Wonder how Dr. King would view her actions and what he would say? I think all of you already KNOW that one.
*** Next, time to stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
The kids handled themselves well enough, and were nicely behaved for most of the day.
They still do have this need to chase one another.
And they will wrestle a bit (no one's gotten hurt yet, thank God). You'd think with all the toys available, that messing with each other wouldn't be that high on their list of "things to do".
As long as they're both healthy and happy, I can't ask for more.
*** Next up, time to check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome got snowed on a little yesterday, and feeding was done on the ground for Midnight, rather than on a snow-covered table. Can't blame him. Who wants cold paws, anyway?
Whiskers didn't seem to mind it all, and she spent some time in the smaller shelter.
Wet-Food Wednesday is something ai think we ALL look forward to when it'd feeding time.
They sit and wait by the door while I prep the dishes to take out to them. And, we also have to thaw the water dish out.
I admit they get up earlier than I do, because when I took out our trash bin around 0530 hrs, they were BOTH there, awake and meowing at me. That will always get a neck rub, but no pictures (too dark)...lol.
*** Last back to the patio garden...This whole equality thing is something I've talked about (here) for some time, and yet, I'm seeing little progress by those who need to find the truth.
They've yet to even look for it, let alone find it.
Those who want MORE done about equality miss a very important point here - you already HAVE equal opportunity, but there is NO way on God's green earth you can have equal RESULTS, and for the obvious reason:
We're ALL different!!!
This has nothing to do with anyone's so-called "privilege"...it DOES have to do with one's PRIORITIES in life.
Without a working knowledge and practice of morality and civility, not much progress to the achievement of REAL equality will ever occur. That's why the left keeps wanting MORE money dumped into education, housing, and such.
A strategy like that will NEVER result in equality, but it will develop a better form of class-warfare.
Change the minds and hearts of the people FIRST...let everyone realize that they are alredy equal to each other in many ways.
Stop trying to change all the "things" in their lives, because no one can take any of that with them when their time on earth ends.
Stop trying to set one group against another, and stop crying the blues when you choose to not be a production person.
And please stop with all the hate against those who DO make better choices. Try emulating them instead.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Okay, I just got back from Mad Jack's place and he had me busting a gut. Which is ironic because I just put the next Bible Study in the can and... well, you'll find out then. So I hope we can get some seriousness back here. (rolls eyes)
Screened by price- HAH!
I like your three words. ASs ol' Tex would say, "Them's EATIN' words!"
Oh Wow! BIOE is back!
Oh the judgment these idiots are bringing on themselves...
I've an idea- have the Philly boys have their next "convention" in Deerfield... preferably city hall...
I wonder if your Macca's girl-illa is related to the dude who got a drive up order, and after getting his food, tossed a smoke grenade in?
"You'd think with all the toys available, that messing with each other wouldn't be that high on their list of "things to do"." Says the man who never had kids...
And a BTW- we got the long-expected news that we will be starting a second shift on April 16. As a result, we will soon be out of the 9-hour weekdays business- but into the 8 hour saturday clan. As usual, it is Missouri holding up the works. They can't keep people between trying to work them stupid hours (whereas our boss fights tooth and nail to cap us at a 48-hr week and we have the lowest turnover in the company) and their big customer Tracker paying Dowco sewers more to come work for them- resulting in what my boss told me was 90% turnover (which pisses away any gains the OT gets them). We've been busy enough we couldn't help with Tracker, and while the other plants HAVE been helping, all the stock they've made is now ALL SHIPPED OUT. And Missouri is now 1,200 covers behind.
Next week I start training a cutter for 2nd shift. I was told, "You'll like her. She's bubbly." I replied, "That's not a big plus first thing in the morning."
---You come to MY blog for "serious" when you KNOW I usually deal with cynicism and irony?
(plus superheroes and cats) - HA!
---Best way to screen the booze I choose to purchase.
---And that's EATIN' FOOD, pardner.
---Yep. I might have to add it a couple times a month if all this dumbassery keeps up (which we all KNOW it will).
---I hope WE get a good seat at THAT event!
(no "nosebleed" section at the pearly gates)
---LOL...I would not put it past them...
Can't wait to see who gets fined first.
---I didn't hear about the smoke grenade gig, but I'd bet good (folding) money they probably ARE related...heh.
---Never had kids, just WAS one (a LONG time ago)...and still have a LOT of toys!
I refuse to grow up THAT much where I lose touch with my "inner child".
---Goodness...leave it to the "show me" state (again).
Yeah, training another person...I personally enjoyed it...probably because none of my newbies were "bubbly".
(I don't do that either in the A.M.)
Good luck with that. I know you could train me, so it should be easy enough for others to follow your lead.
(my check's in the mail...right? LMAO).
Nah, you'll do OK.
Guess stopping down here for your Christmas stuff will take a while longer.
Thanks for swinging by and commenting.
Stay safe (dry, warm, and not too tired) up there, brother.
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