And, it's another springtime day...which feels like February outside.
I'm thinking Mother Nature took the week off or something.
(didn't know she needed to work on her tan)
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly sunny skies (got a nice sunrise going on), with increasing cloudiness as the day progresses, and temps reaching to around 43 degrees awith continued windy conditions.
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Needs more ice. |
*** First off of the frost-covered windshield is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Caramel Popcorn Day
(we called that stuff Cracker Jack)
---It's National Student Athlete Day
(never was one, so no point of reference here)
---It's National Tartan Day
(hail to the Scots, baby)
---It's National Teflon Day
(didn't know they had a day dedicated to John Gotti?)
---It's Sorry Charlie Day
(poor guy never got a break)
*** Next, and since it is the end of the week, let's take a look at what we can observe over the next 48 hours...
---Saturday is National Beer Day
(I think Chris and I have this one covered)
---It's National Coffee Cake Day
(well, there's breakfast)
---It's National Girl, Me Too Day
(WTH? Never heard of THIS one before)
---It's National Handmade Day
(some of the best things are not mass-produced)
---It's National Love Our Children Day
---It's National No Housework Day
(funny how things will pile up, though)
----Sunday is National All Is Ours Day
(sounds a bit too "possessive" doesn't it?)
---It's National Empanada Day
(ANOTHER Spanish food day again? Pass me a pizza hot pocket)
---It's National Zoo Lovers Day
(our neighborhood IS a zoo, and I don't love that)
And there you go then...plenty of stuff to keep you busy. Just always remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next up, let's start the weekend off with a BANG...or several, shall we?
It looks like we have homicide number 13 in the books. Here's the "411":
This took place in an alley off Harmar St between Berry and Wayne Sts around 1900 hrs last evening. A man was found with multiple gunshot wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene.
This area has seen FOUR such shooting deaths since last May (popular location, no doubt).
Funny thing...this time LAST year, we only had SIX homicides, and we still had a total of 49 for the year (highest number on far).
Cripes, at this rate, we COULD surpass even that, which tells me we have a SERIOUS problem with a lot of violent people.
And I'll wager most of them might be black (I only bet on sure things anyway).
The victim is listed as Malcom Robinson, 40, of Fort Wayne.
*** Next, there is a "whiteness" problem in America (did not know that one).
And Bill O'Reilly has an excellent take on the whole deal and how misplaced it is. Here's the column:
Those fostering this nonsense are the same ones touting the "white privilege" crap.
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The REAL racism in America. |
And that is a type of racism that could prove most insidious in the long run.
*** Next up, since we're on a roll with columnists, here's Kevin Leininger with a good piece os the demise of the plastic straw...but with a possible GOOD ending (who knew?). Here's the link:

My only complaint was that they used to "collapse" when they got too moist (as straws will do when you use them). Hence, we tossed them out after using them. No big deal.
They were a lot more biodegradable.
Now, if you want to replace plastic straws with paper ones, I've no bitch about that. It's when the libtards in CA seek to FINE places that serve plastic straws that pisses me off. Hell, that place is screwed up enough as it is.
A Fort Wayne business could make out, though, as they've made paper straws for a long time.
As a sidebar...anyone remember those FLAVORED straws?
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Another "blast from the past" |
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Looks JUST like our neighborhood. |
*** Next, I do believe that the city has FINALLY got our street light problem resolved.
(crosses fingers)
And, it ONLY took over SIX FRIGGING MONTHS...imagine that.
Oh, and at our "Fortress", we got a wonderfully TORN UP curb strip in the process...TWICE!
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Thanks, Street Lighting Department! |
Can't even get a damn lawn mower over that mess.
*** Next up, time for a little spot I call: "What on God's green earth has Bob purchased on eBay THIS time?"

And I got it for UNDER half price (a loose figure, of course).
It's not a bad rendering of Chris Evans, and the overall figure is well articulated, and comes with the Wakandan shield.
Since it retails for around $20 (some places higher), it was a good find (all that packaging costs too much
*** Next, time to stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our cats were a bit busy yesterday, watching the weather change minute by minute.
They also busied themselves with some good solid nap time, which went over quite well.
Gallifrey tires himself out trying to be at every window downstairs, and that's funny to he's gonna miss something. He almost missed a
Violet is the clever one, she parks on a dining room chair (near the heating vent) and gets girl.
She does have her "follow me" time where I have to watch where I step, lest we "meet by accident".
He just jumps into my lap while I watch TV...(doesn't bother to let me ASK him to come up...heh)
*** Next up, time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
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I did so miss lounging ON the table. |
Sure, we fed under the table to start out, but later, Midnight got his food on the table.
And naturally, had to spend some time chilling out near the side garden.
Whiskers just stays out of the weather when it's between meals by staying in a shelter.
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I LOVE when it's not wet outside! |
Always there for a free head rub...and he follows suit often enough.
*** Last back to the family room...this city has a growing problem.
I could say it has a crapload of problems, but let's stick with one for the time being.
Aside from the street lights, and the trash, and th parking issues, and the loud music, which are all incredible noticeable banes in this city, the worst culprit is the CRIME, which, despite what you may be told IS on the increase.
While some crimes are seeing a drop-off, others are climbing in number and frequency, and the worse part is that it's no longer confined to the "badlands" in Fort Wayne (the government-sponsored ghetto-esque areas on the SE side).
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We got all 3 (in abundance). |

Call it an over-extension of apathy to the solutions this city NEEDS, versus the WANTS of those in power.
It's not hard to see it, and it's not that hard a problem to the moment.
But, it IS getting more difficult to keep crime at bay.
When this city starts (in earnest) to address all the small things that people are being allowed to get away with, then, and ONLY then, will a message be sent that crime is not a profitable "occupation" in Fort Wayne.
Just something to think about...
Have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Beer day- may well be in the cards..
We observe Nat'l No Housework months around here...
On Sunday, it should be All Is God's Day. Screwed up world...
Damn, I thought that WAS a pizza hot pocket...
I don't even remember PAPER straws...
We're in the midst of Song Night- I'm on a CB chart from 1960 and Laurie's randomly picking chart numbers to play. Perry Como's Delaware was retarded, FWIW.
---Somehow, I HAD a feeling.
---I just observe Housework PROCRASTINATION Day...more often than I would prefer.
---Yeah, I LIKE that a lot more. It's all HIS anyway.
(we're just here for comic relief)
---I know...sure looked like one to me as well.
(now I want several)
---Never heard a GOOD song about Delaware yet. but a few feature Philly (sans it's problems).
Thanks for stopping by to comment.
Have yourselves a good weekend and stay SAFE up there, brother.
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