04 May 2018

Friday Follies...
Here we go again...end of another week. Took long enough to GET here, too.
I'd still keep that umbrella handy...at least for the first part of the day.
You might want to batten down the hatches as well, for I hear it's going to be quite windy today.
Our Hoosierland weather brings us more chances for rain early on, with mostly cloudy skies. Temps will be climbing back up to around the mid 70s, and those gusty winds will abound (when driving, be mindful of stuff blowing around, or branches coming down).
Now, let's all get ourselves that liquid dose of Friday Fortitude, so we can better greet the day and the weekend, as we see what's in store for us elsewhere...
*** First out of the rain gutters is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 4 -
---It's Bird Day
(go look at some)
---It's National Candied Orange Peel Day
(sorry, not gonna try that)
---It's National Orange juice Day
(now THAT I have tried...and liked it a LOT)
---It's National Renewal Day
(I could use my sanity renewed...almost daily)
---It's National Space Day
(it's not just what a lot of kids take up in school, either)
---It's National STAR WARS Day
(may the FOURTH be with you)
---It's National Weather Observers Day
(how's that forecast coming?)
---It's School Lunch Hero Day
(I thought they were talking sandwiches here)
*** Next up, and because it IS week's end, let's see what we might observe over the following 48 hours...
MAY 5 -
---Saturday is Cinco De Mayo
(I'll pass on this as I'm an AMERICAN. I do like mayo, however)
---It's Free Comic Book Day
(might have to give this one a shot again)
---It's Join Hands Day
(and buy some comics?)
---It's National Astronaut Day
(same day as it was last year, too)
---It's National Bombshells' Day
(I'm sure it means something different along the Golan Heights)
---It's National Cartoonists' Day
(making daily smiles for decades)
---It's National Hoagie Day
(okay, NOW we are seriously talking here. Load me up!)
---It's National Homebrew Day
(how IS that progressing, Chris?)
---It's National Scrapbook Day
(guess they're digital these days, too?)
---It's National Silence the Shame Day
(and some people need to be shamed out loud)
---It's National Start Seeing Monarchs Day
(I'll keep an eye peeled)
---It's National Totally Chipotle Day
(toss in the cinco de mayo bin, please)
---It's National Train Day
(miss the days when we had REAL trains around)
MAY 6 -
---Sunday is National Beverage Day
(we all need THOSE, don't we?)
---It's National Crepe Suzette Day
(who exactly IS this Suzette?)
---It's National Infertility Survival Day
(sounds a bit confusing)
---It's National Lemonade Day
(goes with the beverage thing)
---It's National Nurses Day
(always good to have them around)
And there we have it (finally!)...all you need to know for the weekend. Remember to always observe responsibly.
*** Next, and now that we're done with that HUGE list of things, we have this humorous story:
Another one of those "click it or ticket" deals...the SEATBELT thing.
You know, if law-enforcement took to dealing with ALL the LOUDASS vehicles on our streets, rather than playing the old seatbelt gig, life in MANY neighborhoods in many cities would be a LOT nicer, and might actually promote a higher level of civility. Or maybe go after all those on cellphones while driving?
Such ideas sure beat having animosity for police because they gave you a citation for the stupid seatbelt not being fastened. Anyway, most vehicles have those "reminders" to tell you to buckle up. I think your life should be your own. You wanna roll the dice with safety, go right ahead. I never had a problem one way or another.
*** Next up, a pretty big beef recall that affects Krogers. Here's the details:
We tend to buy the 1 lb TUBES of ground beef,  so I think we're safe here.
Still, all those flat packages need to be checked. I hate blue plastic chips in my burgers...don't you?
*** Next, wanna get a lightsaber...or Decker's gun from Blade Runner? Here you go then:
So, they also have Charlton Heston's CHARIOT from Ben Hur...well, you also might need FOUR HORSES to go with that (sold separately, naturally), and the maintenance costs are astronomical...gotta pass on that.
*** Next up, your "Friday Leininger" column speaks about religion AND politics. Here's the link:
Yeah, I can understand how a conundrum could easily crop up over this.
Funny, how a lot of GODLY men (with good spiritual conviction) helped to CREATE our nation...and how far from THAT concept we have "drifted" over time. Now, it's not about GOD, but that OTHER "almighty" aspect of society...the DOLLAR.
The biggest war-chest tends to get the office...sounds a bit ELITIST to me, but I'm just a "regular shmoe".
*** Next, time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
Keeping all the shoes company.
The kids didn't do badly yesterday. They deserve commendation for that.
Plenty to do when the rains came along (dig out some toys), and nothing much was outside to stare at other than raindrops.
I see you snickering over there.
Both cats spent a lot of time taking it slow, as did I, and together, all of us had a good day.
*** Next, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome spent a good part of the day trying to stay dry. She was in the shelter, and he was nearby on another property (wish he'd stay closer), but came back when it was time to eat lunch and dinner.
She went on patrol and didn't get as much attention as he did whenever I went outside (between the showers).
Still good to know that THEY know where they can come to feel safe.
*** Last back to the umbrella stand...Tomorrow is FCBD.
And I was thinking of hitting the place we went to last year...DCBS on S. Calhoun St. Seems they're no longer at that location, as their phone had a full voice mailbox. A shame, as I thought we had something a bit closer than W. Washington Blvd or Maplecrest Rd.
Never heard anything about them closing, but the address listed was in MEMPHIS, TN...WTH is that all about?
It's businesses like these that close unexpectedly...and we never hear about them. All we DO hear about is the damn downtown deals, and how they alone will seem to bring this city to some kind of golden-age, god-like status. Sorry, Atlantis sank LONG ago.
Any city isn't just about ONE particular part (or should be)...it's about every area that it encompasses...all the neighborhoods, and as I like to say: "A city is ONLY as good as it's WORST area". All the bells and whistles added are good as long as that rose is in bloom.
After that, it's just another thing to drive or walk past.
Anyone who believes that catering to ONE part of the city (like a downtown) while being ignorant to all the other parts that are slowly eroding, is a fool of the first order. Cities need to be kept viable (revenue-producing) in as many places as possible, lest they become like Detroit.
That means crime has to be dealt with, and not swept under city hall's rug.
Businesses need to feel confident that they will thrive, and not fade away due to
criminal activity. People need to feel safe walking the streets, and not locked behind their own doors.
THAT is what really counts when it comes to a city that is moving forward.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Hi! Glad to see you survived too, lol!

So what WAS I supposed to renew? Anything that really needs renewal would require regeneration...

IDK about CDM but Laurie just went out to fetch Taco Bell...

On the Golan, it means, "Helen, wake up, the neighbors are up..."

I really need to get some more stuff from Mr Beer. Haven't thought much about it...

What shame are we silencing? Man, nobody ever clues me in...

Hey! There goes Charlemagne...

Suzette is actually my sister. True fact.

Your "National Nurse" looks like that guy that loves to give enemas...

I fought the seat belt battle. I lost. I gave up.

Thankfully I bought a pack of White castles this week...

I have been getting the Bible studies that the White House Bible Study gets by e-mail. He's a straight-up pastor and his lessons are spot on, if a bit wordy. One can only pray that some of it actually takes.

Bob G. said...

---Yeah, we're due for an upswing in the way things are going on THIS old rock.
---Maybe she's blowing it off EARLY?
---Definitely agree there.
---You should shoot for your OWN version of Golden Monkey.
---I know...I was like "WTH?" is this about? Shame on THEM for not telling us, hmm?
---Oh, so SHE makes those crepes then.
---LMAO...I think some of them MUST (no other comment required).
---Me too...police SHOPULD be doing better things...like getting all the IMPAIRED drivers off the road, so we don't NEED seatbelts (I keep trying).
---White Castles? Ah, man...make yer OWN...much better!!
(or, try Penguin Point...not bad at all)
--I'm praying that a WHOLE LOT OF IT TAKES.
Lord knows we NEED it more than ever.

Hey, thanks for stopping by to comment.
(we now return you to your regularly scheduled STAR WARS movie: THE FORCE AWAKENS on TBS)

Have a great weekend.
(say hi to Laurie & Scrappy for us)

Stay safe up there, brother.