03 May 2018

Thoughts For Thursday...
If you like it warm and rainy...have I got a day for you (today, in fact).
Yeah, you might want to keep the foul-weather gear and umbrella nearby.
At least we won't have any burn advisories announced...heh.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us cloudy skies, rain showers throughout the day into tonight (might even grab a thunderstorm), with temps reaching up to around 78 degrees, and increasing winds as the day progresses.
That should make things interesting out there.
I think we might need to get that refreshing beverage for ourselves, while we take a look at what else has been going on...
*** First off of the rain barrel is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"At the end of the day, you're responsible for yourself and your actions and that's all you can control. So rather than be frustrated with what you can't control, try to fix the things you can."
This was spoken by Kevin Garnett  (born May 19, 1976) who is an American former professional basketball player who played for 21 seasons in the National Basketball Association.  And here is his WIKI:
Now, I'm not a follower of the sport of basketball, but you can read about his life, which is rather amazing, considering the longevity of his career.
Not bad for a boy who grew up in a family where dad left mom shortly asfter his birth (shape of things to come?).
And, I didn't see any bad press about him, either. He married his longtime girlfriend and has two daughters.
I'd say compared to many of today's "athletes", he's cut from a mold similar to Shaq, Jordan, Magic Johnson, or even Julius Erving.
Personally, the sport could be better with more men like Garnett.
*** Next up, it's time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 3 -
---It's National Chocolate Custard Day
(chocolate AND custard...sign me up!)
---It's the National Day of Prayer.
(I'd have to concede that's every day for me)
---It's the National Day of Reason
(again...every day for me)
---It's National Garden Meditation Day
(not during a thunderstorm, thank you)
---It's National Lumpy Rug Day
(ahh, another GOVERNMENT observance where everything is swept you-know-where)
---It's National Paranormal Day
(I see...stupid people...lol)
---It's National Raspberry Popover Day
(well, there's breakfast)
---It's National SAN Architect Day
(sorry, not into this)
----It's National Specially-Abled Pets Day
(sure...why not?)
---It's National Textile Day
(got clothing?)
---It's National Two Different Colored Shoes Day
(doesn't apply to me...EVER)
Whew...that list was a bit exhausting...
*** Next up, I do believe we've found our "WTF???" winner for the week (or is that year?)
Here's the story link:
Okay, so WHO are all these dimbulb numbnuts that DO NOT KNOW that the LEFT LANE of traffic is supposed to be for... PASSING?
And why are these idiots even on our roads (in that left lane)?
I encounter such jerks a couple times a month, and I can say that IF I wanted to BE in a funeral procession, I'd have a purple magnetic flag on the car...and I STILL wouldn't be in the LEFT lane.
The only time I will use the left lane is for PASSING (a given...for decades in many places, obviously OTHER than Indiana), or when we have a construction area on the RIGHT side that dictates we merge left...simple, huh?
Maybe we need to include such questions (again) in the DRIVER TEST in this state...'ya think?
*** Next, the "Boy" Scouts are changing their name. Here's the story:
Yeah, it's now called SCOUTS BSA, but being an EAGLE SCOUT won't have the same significance that it used to have for the previous ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT YEARS...just saying.
I still haven't heard a sound from the GIRL SCOUTS and whether or not THEY will allow BOYS into THEIR ranks?
I mean...fair IS still fair, hmm?
*** Next up, a story that shows what REAL law-enforcement looks like.
Here's the link:
Yes, in Kokomo, a city-wide bunch of drug raids nets a LOT of perps and other fun stuff.
Now THAT is some great police work. I guess in THAT city, they DO care about regular law-abiding people and THEIR "quality-of-life"...unlike in parts of Ft. Wayne, where the opposite could be said.
Wonder when these teams hit OUR city? We could definitely use it.
A really good haul by all agencies involved. Nice work, people.
*** Next, let's stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
Gallifrey and Midnight staring contest.
Our kids were a tad more animated yesterday, with juggling cats toys, wrestling one another, and spending time in various windows about the house. And there was even time to cram in some of that "follow daddy around" thing.
Violet checking out the "surf house".
Of course, we had the obligatory meal time and nap time. squeezed in between all the other stuff.
Not a bad day for everyone involved.
*** Next, let's take time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
NEVER a long wait at this eatery.
Our furry twosome were awaiting breakfast as usual.
And the wet food was a welcome treat...the plates were cleaner than when I washed them off.
(yes, they have their own unique talents)
At midday, Whiskers came "flying" across the street and up the lawn to get her food (I wish she'd take time to look both ways).
A well-deserved post-meal stretch.
Midnight was content to spend most all day nestled in among our lily bed just outside the side gate.
It's okay, that area is also fenced in. And both made last call and got hand held treats.
*** Last back to the hat rack...you always hear me talk about our part of the ghettohood.
A once nice neighborhood that's been turned into a den of human flotsam...that's our area today.
The city doesn't really FIX what's wrong...they prefer to slap another band-aid on something and call it done.
Like the street lighting that tore up OUR curb-strip...or yesterday when our alley was "regraded" by a dump truck that blocked the egress of Wifey when she was leaving for work. She had to get out and ask the person in the truck to move.
He came back through after Wifey left, too.
It's becoming a CHORE to get out of your OWN DAMN DRIVEWAY...that was NEVER the case before. But, I digress. This isn't Washington or Coliseum Blvd.
A mess that sits for MONTHS.
I also talk about how the "inhabitants" of our nearby streets LOVE to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what most of us would call normal and adherent to the local ordinances and laws. Littering, parking, you name it, they find the opposite of what's right.
Well, one Latino family (2 doors down) has gotten a quad-runner, and took to riding up and down the freshly graded alley last evening. It's noisy, too.
NOT for "urban residential use".
Now, it's well known (or should be) that riding such a vehicle ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS is a no-no. That would also include the alleys attached to those streets. The vehicles can't be licensed, so it makes total sense.
But those people, who speak in a language other than English must have a problem with such ordinances.
If you live in the "sticks" and have a chunk of land to roam about on...fine...have at it.
Just don't ride those things (or those micro-bikes) around here...kapeesh?
Wow, a violation. Who'da thunk that?
If it persists, I might have to get this local pissed at me for calling it into police.
(naturally, they'll have to SEE it happen...lol)
Yeah, and if we had PATROLS in our alleys, as we USED to have, this whole thing would be academic, right?
As goes our ghettohood, so goes much of the rest of our country in too many cities of every size, and that's a sad commentary on how "evolved" we're becoming. The laws are there for one reason: for the LAWLESS...not for folks like us. Remember that.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Like you, not into hoops that much, but Garnett is one of those you never hear bad about.

Speaking of hoops, the boss that won our work March Madness bracket got fired before he got his prize, so guess who a $20 gift certificate at the company store devolved to...

NDO Reason- that, I believe, is the atheists typically stupid reply to the day of prayer. Which makes your picture for it just perfect, lol...

No, I think the WTF got snatched by the story out of Jersey. Seems a football coach called the cops after finding fresh human excrement on his field every day for several days. So they set a trap, and who did they catch? The school superintendent of the next district over...

If you have nothing nice to say, then I keep my yap shut abpout the Scouts. And quad runners. Should be illegal in city limits, IMHO.

Bob G. said...

---Right you are, and from what I saw in the photos...he's not another one of those "illustrated men" (of the courts)...no tatts that I noticed.
---It better be YOU! Don't spend it all in one place, Buster!
---Granted that that pic of NDoR sure reminds me of a liberal...LOL. But I'm one of those who feels that prayer and reason GO TOGETHER, ergo my personal daily routine...I pray with REASON. Don't need a "special" day for either.
---That IS pretty stupid (and "WTF-ish" - my lexicon), but smelly as crap (because it WAS).
---Agreed on the scouts...however shameful it has become (while they cheese off the GSA).
Quad-runners I believe are illegal in city limits, as are those teeny micro-bikes (you can't see when they pull up alongside your car).
About time to start CITING the law-breakers, right?
(no, we're not holding our breath on that one, either).

Thanks much for taking time to stop on by and comment.

Stay safe up there, brother.