02 May 2018

Humpday Happenings...
Okay, so we had a nice HOT day yesterday...I've had my fill of summer. let's get back to cooler weather.
Yeah, that's what happens when you get older. It's always easier to stay warm than to keep cool.
But comfy is the state you are always seeking, not that things work out that way all the time.
Our Hoosierland weather brings us partly cloudy skies, temps reaching to around 83 degrees, and gusty winds.
There is a chance of rain coming later in the day, also. So let's get that morning drink poured and parked close by, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First  out of the gutter is our "WHO SAID THAT?" quote for the week:
"At the end of the day, you're responsible for yourself and your actions and that's all you can control. So rather than be frustrated with what you can't control, try to fix the things you can."
That's a very true assessment of how we should be looking at ourselves.
The self-control aspect of the statement speaks volumes, so WHO said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in Greenville, South Carolina...
*** Next up, time to look into our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 2 -
---It's National Life Insurance Day
(doesn't it really pertain to DEATH instead of life?)
---It's National Truffle Day
(love these things..like mini cakes)
(as long as yesterday's list was, this one is short, so have fun.
*** Next, an update on the Rudisill shooting:
Well, it SURE ain't Abbey Road.
Yep...the police RESPONDED to the shooting.
I miss the days when law-enforcement actually were in the business of ENFORCING our laws, rather than showing up after the crime was committed. Then again, we have a much different society, don't we?
*** Next up, Ben Shapiro had a really good column that you might find interesting. here's the link:
Yes, it's no longer about teaching kids...or encouraging kids...it's about CONTROLLING kids. Imagine that.
We know they can't control themselves all that well.
And parents don't seem to be in the business of controlling them (as much as they used to) either, or we'd see fewer problems WITH those kids...right?
((Parents care more about their children than do the members of the bureaucracy. But parents are being gradually curbed in their authority by precisely those bureaucrats across the West.))
If you think this has anything concerning the case with Alfie Evans (in the UK), you'd be correct.
It has a LOT to do with that situation...and others like it.
There is a very nasty scenario that seems to be repeating itself, and it's that those in government know what's best for your children more than YOU do.
The "icing on the cake"?
Now, if you're fine with that, then just go about your business.
Funny, somehow the days of 1930s Germany comes to mind when I think on this control thing...
*** Next, what is one of the favorite pastimes of our local idiots?
If you said causing a standoff with police, go to the head of the class. Here's the story so far:
I know this area...used to have a Phil's Hobby Shop right near that corner (parking was a bitch).
but that was over a decade ago...the area seems to have gotten a bit more "rough", as crime spreads up the EAST side of town (as I predicted it would).
((Neon Latross Frazier, 43, is preliminarily charged with felony domestic battery and felony strangulation in connection with the incident, according to police spokesman John Chambers.)) That's one NEON that's not so "bright". Just TNB.
I guess firing 30 rounds (according to one account) in an apartment in that area is STILL frowned upon. Good for us.
*** Next up, time to swing on by our "Kitten Corner"...
On the dining room chair.
I think the kids didn't like the warmer weather much, as they were both a bit on the "lazier than usual" side...
When it's cooler out, they're both more active indoors, and that's okay.
On the window perch.
I know when I opened the back door screen this morning, they both had their faces there, looking out and sniffing the air.
(doesn't stink yet...the locals are STILL asleep...lol)
*** Next, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome were also not taking to the warmer conditions, as both of them stayed on the patio most all day (except for those "patrols".
It's a wee bit shadier under the table.
Neither one missed a feeding, and he even followed me out front when I was doing some weeding (I hate that chore).
And, when Wifey got home last evening, both of the cats were waiting (with me) to greet her.
Not a bad deal at all.
*** Last back to the sidewalk...we've a curious problem on our hands these days.
(that's in addition to ALL the other problems we've created over the last several decades)
We have permitted people to ignore this "cause and effect" aspect to our society.
We overlook things we never used to, allowed worse behavior than before, and we've managed to create a population that sees little value in anything lasting.
And then, we pat ourselves on the back for such "ingenuity"...gimme a break.
Millennials (for the most part) aren't even thinking of saving, especially for retirement.
And the kids growing up today seem more detached from what we (o=f my generation) used to call a family. That creates a heavy burden for the uninitiated.
That was then...
Perhaps that's why we see kids tossing ice cream wrappers on lawns (like mine) when (back in my day) we were told to eat it in front of your house (we were in grade school), and "don't make a mess".
THIS...is now. They love to litter.
Well, so much for THAT rhetoric...kids are never shown HOW to behave, so they "wing it", and then wonder why older people find the behavior they exhibit reprehensible. And the parents of these kids don't seem to care about any of it, because if they DID, we wouldn't have near as many issues as these kids grow into adulthood.
It's little wonder the government is "taking control" of our youth (and parents aren't as bothered by this as they SHOULD be).
There is no easy answer to any of this, and undoing what has already been done will take time...and patience.
Both of which are not in as abundant supply as many out there want to believe.
What needs to be done here is what should be done...for the sake of everyone.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

ah... the rhetoric out there. It never ends, does it? I was born to be alive during the Cleaver times. LOL. Stay safe out there. Those kitties are going to get a little sunshine before the wind sweeps them into Kansas. Batten down the hatches!

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---I know I really need a sabbatical from the rhetoric!
(indefinitely would be a good starts)
---I WISH we had the Cleaver years BACK!
(everyone was a lot better behaved)
---Those cats found places where the wind isn't trying to send them to the next county...lol.

Bet those wind farms are spinning their propellers off!

Thanks for rolling up today to comment.

Stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

Quore: How long it took me to learn that. I had thought adult= controlling the things you can't control...

Truffles might be a bit melty today... (edit: first time spelled "turffles"...)

"parking was a bitch"... no kidding!

Other than that, all I got is- I'm with Mama on proper eras...

Bob G. said...

---I know I was pleasantly surprised when I found out WHO said that...never hurts to keep learning something new every day.
---That's why you keep 'em in the fridge...heh.
---One time I went to Phil's...I orbited the block several times before I got a space not that far from the front door.
Another time, I parked behind the place (in someone's lot...lol). It certainly was a challenge.
Traffic along Lake was "fun", too.
---She's right...today's world is certainly not much to write home about.
AT least back in those "good old days", everyone was a LOT better behaved, and bad people were actually SCORNED (horrors)...
Yes, it's true...all of it.
Also, the ONLY privileges ANY of us had were ones we EARNED!!!

Hey, thanks for stopping by to comment.

Stay safe (and no trifling with truffles) up there, brother.