As dreary as yesterday was (for the most part), today will appear to make up for that. We might actually have a pretty decent day ahead, until someone comes along and screws it all up...heh.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly cloudy skies, temps climbing to around the 80 degree mark, and...(ready for this?)...NO RAIN. How about that?
So, let's get this show on the road with a nice refreshing morning drink, as we see what has been going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the low-hanging branches is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week.

I think this says a lot when it comes to the best way to stave off ignorance. Knowledge is still power, and ignorance is still the root of all evil. You do the math there.
So WHO said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the First Constitutional Convention...
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 16 -
---It's Honor Our LGBT Elders Day
(oh, we can't honor all the REGULAR elders? WTH?)
---It's National Biographer's Day
(Are we not our OWN biographers in many ways?)
---It's National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day
(all I need to know is that it has SCALLOPS in it...done deal)
---It's National Juice Slush Day
(I guess Slurpies count here?)
---It's National Love a Tree Day
(I'm NOT hugging any or wearing tie-dye shirts)
---It's National Piercing Day
---It's National Sea Monkey Day
(they're called brine shrimp)
*** Next up, time for more of Ft. Wayne's CRIME TIME.
1) We had a double shooting at the Belmont Beverage store on S. Anthony near Pontiac (yep, that's in the ghettohood SE side)
((Police were dispatched to the Belmont Beverage on South Anthony Boulevard near Pontiac Street around 0230 hrs for an audible alarm indicating broken glass. Police responded to the liquor store about the time several people called 911 to report gunshots in the area.
Police began checking the store when they found several pieces of evidence indicating a shooting had taken place.
Around 0240 hrs police were notified of two people who arrived at a hospital who had been shot. A woman was in serious condition and a man in critical condition. The woman drove both victims to the hospital.
Officers located a vehicle at a gas station near Wayne Trace and Drexel with a woman inside. The woman told officers she had dropped a man off at a home in the 2500 block of Ormsby Street who was involved in a shooting.))
And that's we know at this time. But wait, there's MORE...
2) A dead woman was found at the Regency Inn (the Relax Inn in the 3500 block of W. Coliseum was involved) located out on W. Coliseum Blvd (aka "the strip" - another hot spot in recent years).
(( it's not clear how the woman died, but detectives and crime scene technicians were talking with possible witnesses and canvassing the room for potential evidence.
Police arrested 35-year-old David Adrian Fabela in connection with this case. He is preliminarily being charged with Felony Aggravated Battery.))
Well, at least they caught THIS creepy-ass perp (they think). This could well become homicide number EIGHTEEN. We're not quite done yet, though...
3) A SE side (where else?) drug bust nets SIX along with lots of other "goodies"...
((clockwise - Edwin Calligan (21), Kashawn Shelton-Grigsby(19), Coreiontae Gentry(19), Zaetarvis Hogue (22), and two juveniles were arrested. The home has been condemned.))
Police also found marijuana, an AR style rifle and several handguns.
If I were the FWPD, I'd be looking into THIS person:
Owner: Shelton, Sharon K
Property: 2805 S Lafayette St
And, I'd be checking out EVERY OTHER property her name appears on...just to be sure there is no "pattern" here. Doesn't hurt to play it safe, does it?
4) A shooting also took place (earlier this week) at Webster and Butler sts.
This time, a man was shot in the neck. He was listed in serious condition.
Police did have one person in handcuffs (for questioning), but nothing else reported on this incident.
5) A multiple shooting TODAY also took place around noon.
This took place in the 4400 block of S. Harrison St (yep...(south side once again).
*** Next, time to lose all the dumbassery, and instead stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
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"Why iz daddy upside down again?" |
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"He looks right side up to me." |
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome braved the elements yesterday to be where they should...on the patio.
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"Someone's gotta hold down the edging." |
Uh, oh. Someone was a naughty cat.
Having properly disposed of the victim (and notified the avian "Vatican" of their loss), we set about making sure the cats prefer OUR food to that of nature (I know it's an "instinct" thing, but we try)..
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"He sleeps in funny positions". |
*** Last back to the rooftop...we never seem to run a deficit when it comes to ignorance, do we?
Curious thing about knows NO boundaries, nor does it respect class, religion, sex, ethnicity, social status, economic status, political name it.
It can be found ANYWHERE and at any time.
Why people choose to be that way should baffle all of us. But, to be ignorant is to be more self-serving than anything, I suppose.
And we know how well THAT works out, don't we?
Unfortunately, there is no "vaccine" we have that can immunize us to ignorance, but there is a "cure"'s called KNOWLEDGE.
And when you temper that knowledge with WISDOM, all that ignorance seems to fall away.
Add in a healthy dose of MORALITY, and you're well on the way to being a better person.
Yeah, ignorance is bliss, as the saying goes, but that's one road that doesn't go that far, and certainly has no destination.
Make sure of the road you're on, and allow that journey to become worthwhile.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Ignorance is a choice and boy howdy, there is a lot lately. Makes my head hurt and my brain spin. Is that backwards? LOL. Love your kitties! You need a force field at the Fort, Bob. People out of control up there.
Momma Fargo:
---I'm so glad I'm not the ONLY person that notices SO much of the rampant ignorance people choose to embrace.
Yeah, it's getting kinda "hairy" up here. I added another shooting that took place less than an hour ago (same part of town...OUR part).
MY eyes are bleeding from all this unneeded insanity from the typical "playas" out there.
---The cats are a calming effect...EXCEPT when they get into stuff...LOL.
Thanks for rolling up to comment today.
It is appreciated.
Stay safe down there, dear.
Okay, LGBT elders? They HAVE no honor, and I'll be hanged before giving them any. I bet when Mad Jack comes over, he'll say the same thing.
I have to say the last few weeks have soured me on even reading news. I can't imagine that if Noah lived in this day and age he wouldn't be building a boat, and I'm good and ready to turn on all the faucets to help.
The ignorance closing sounds a lot like a Sunday message upcoming... batten down the hatches, my friend...
---My very FIRST thought was BIBLICAL in nature...the elders of the OLD Testament.
(and how they, be they with the same sex in those days, would get STONED...and NOT on anything from the fruit of the vine or cannabis variety, if you get my drift). That's how that USED to be handled, but we're so "warm and fuzzy" these days (sorry, makes me sick).
---Sounds like a plan, but can you IMAGINE the UTILITY BILL the city will levy at you?
(that makes my skin crawl)
---Glad you liked the ignorance gig. Thought it was high time to bring it to light.
(maybe we're allowed to notice and speak on ALL this for a specific REASON.)
---I look forward to YOUR slant on those who take ignorance to new levels.
Should be a fun ride.
Hey, thanks for dropping by to comment.
You stay safe up there, brother.
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