15 May 2018

Tuesday Tidbits...
Well, we had two out of the three items for a Monday. We had the hot and humid, but I didn't see the hazy.
And today, we'll see a lot of clouds and more rain (which makes the lawns grow...oh, joy).
You might want to take the umbrella with you, as well as be aware of road conditions out there. Ounce of prevention time, kids.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies, temps climbing to around 78 degrees, and yes, some rainy conditions with scattered showers.
Sounds like a winner kinda day...if you're a duck!
In the meantime, let's get ourselves a nice morning drink to chase the blues away, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the rain gutter is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 15 -
---It's Natronal Chocolate Chip Day
(got me some cookies just for that)
---It's National Nylon Stocking Day
(ah, yes...very smooth, ladies.)
---It's Peace Officer Memorial Day
(remembering the fallen who wore the shield)
*** Next, and because this IS Tuesday, let's take a look at all the important FWPD calls that went out last week (and we never heard anything about)...
MAY 7 - MAY 13:
((23,113 - vandalism by gunfire))
18F053440 05/11/2018 12:42am 113 SHOTS FIRED 3600 LILLIE ST
18F053466 05/11/2018 02:48am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2500 BLK S HARRISON ST
18F053465 05/11/2018 02:48am 113 SHOTS FIRED S CLINTON ST & E CREIGHTON AV
18F053467 05/11/2018 02:55am 113 SHOTS FIRED 400 MCKINNIE AV
18F053545 05/11/2018 10:01am 113 SHOTS FIRED 5300 ROTHERMERE DR
18F053576 05/11/2018 11:39am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1100 E PONTIAC ST
18F053878 05/11/2018 10:52pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 200 S CLINTON ST
18F053892 05/11/2018 11:34pm 113 SHOTS FIRED BUCHANAN ST & SMITH ST
18F054357 05/13/2018 01:33am 113 SHOTS FIRED 5800 BLUFFTON RD
18F054363 05/13/2018 01:54am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1100 CINNAMON RD
18F054389 05/13/2018 03:24am 113 SHOTS FIRED 4300 WAYNE TRACE
18F054391 05/13/2018 03:37am 113 SHOTS FIRED 4300 WAYNE TRACE
18F054437 05/13/2018 09:57am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1700 FREEMAN ST
18F054553 05/13/2018 03:53pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 400 W LENOX AV
18F051592 05/07/2018 01:43am 113 SHOTS FIRED ELMWOOD AV & TENNESSEE AV
18F051603 05/07/2018 03:11am 113 SHOTS FIRED E STATE BLVD & N ANTHONY BLVD  
18F051910 05/07/2018 06:43pm 113 SHOTS FIRED S HANNA ST & E RUDISILL BLVD
18F051984 05/07/2018 08:56pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2600 HUBERTUS AV
18F052031 05/07/2018 10:52pm 113 SHOTS FIRED W STATE BLVD & JESSIE AV
18F052399 05/08/2018 06:04pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 400 W JEFFERSON BLVD
18F052471 05/08/2018 09:03pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 300 E RUDISILL BLVD
18F052490 05/08/2018 10:00pm 113 SHOTS FIRED COLERICK ST & WINTER ST
18F052496 05/08/2018 10:03pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2300 NEW HAVEN AV
18F052515 05/08/2018 10:47pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3500 CONGRESS AV
18F052864 05/09/2018 06:31pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4900 BOWSER AV
18F052869 05/09/2018 06:34pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4700 HOLTON AV
18F052940 05/09/2018 09:37pm 113 SHOTS FIRED WARSAW ST & RICHARDSVILLE AV
18F052980 05/09/2018 11:46pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2800 HOLTON AV
18F053004 05/10/2018 01:53am 113 SHOTS FIRED W DEWALD ST & FOX AV
18F052155 05/08/2018 09:19am 23,113 300 E PAULDING RD
18F052407 05/08/2018 06:13pm 23,113 3400 WALDEN RUN
18F053155 05/10/2018 01:14pm 23,113 500 BAXTER ST
18F053374 05/10/2018 09:29pm 53 ARMED ROB 100 W BAKER ST
18F053501 05/11/2018 07:10am 53 ARMED ROB 1600 E RUDISILL BLVD
18F054384 05/13/2018 02:54am 53 ARMED ROB 200 KILLEA ST
18F051601 05/07/2018 02:45am 56 MOLESTING 300 RADIAL LN
18F052450 05/08/2018 08:04pm 56 MOLESTING 8000 COLDWATER RD
18F052626 05/09/2018 08:09am 56 MOLESTING 5400 MEXICO DR
18F051942 05/07/2018 07:42pm 58 SHOOTING 6100 CHADDSFORD DR
18F052472 05/08/2018 09:03pm 58 SHOOTING 3900 BOWSER AV
18F052473 05/08/2018 09:06pm 58 SHOOTING 400 E RUDISILL BLVD
18F054359 05/13/2018 01:44am 58 SHOOTING 4500 ATWOOD DR
18F054683 05/13/2018 09:45pm 58 SHOOTING 1800 FOX POINT TRL
18F054609 05/13/2018 06:11pm 59 CUTTING/STAB 700 E COLISEUM BLVD
18F051584 05/07/2018 12:46am 61 RAPE 2900 ALEXANDER ST
18F052400 05/08/2018 06:04pm 61 RAPE 1000 BROADWAY
Plus 15 narcotics calls
Fireworks calls MAY 7 - MAY 13:
18F053799 05/11/2018 07:21pm 44FW E WALLEN RD & COLDWATER RD
Always gotta be ONE a-hoie.
*** Next up, and while we're talking crime, there's this story:
A real P.O.S. in my book, and for a lot of reasons.
((David Lee Fowlkes, 38, was charged on Monday with unlawful possession of a firearm as a felon and dealing marijuana after Fort Wayne detectives followed up on an earlier investigation that tied him to the death of the 3-month-old puppy.))
Got a couple questions with this jerkwad...
WHY is it all the violent felons (who happen to be black) with priors carrying handguns?
HOW the hell can you look in the eyes of a puppy (or any domestic animal like this) and kill it?
And WHAT is a person who NEVER got a license doing driving a car in MY part of the city?
That is one majorly-disturbed individual...look him up and toss the damn key away!
*** Next, the "Supremes" struck down a ban on sports betting. Here's the story:
It should not be up to THESE people.
So, this means we could sooin see nationwide betting on sporting events?
Do we REALLY need this. Do those with betting addictions NEED to ahve more enticements stuck in their faces?
This is just like handing out free heroin and syringes to drug addicts...or free booze to those afflicted with alcoholism.
We have people out there who have serious problem with betting, and the best our Supreme Court can do is not only condone it, but spread it further and in greater abundance?
We really need to rethink this manner of ;lawmaking, because we're asking for trouble.
*** Next up, we have our official starter for the 102nd running of the Indianapolis 500 race...
It's none other than THOR himself. Here's the story:
That's right, Chris Hemsworth will be starting the race this year.
Personally, I think in lieu of the overwhelming success of the Avengers movie, this is kismet.
I suppose this will put a totally new slant on the term "Put the hammer down", when it comes to racing those indy-cars.
*** Next, time tos top by our "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were a bit on the crazy side yesterday...must have been the coming rain setting them off. Funny thing, they do calm down when we have a thunderstorm.
They're not scared really, just aware that "something" is outside, and they're glad to be inside.
Then again, a good nap solves a lot of such issues.
*** Next up, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome were there for breakfast, but Whiskers chose to be absent for lunch...of sorts. Wifey spotted her across the street, and I shook the keys to get her attention. she came flying across the street, up the lawn and into the patio area.
We had to do something similar with Midnight later on...
Both of those cats can run, that's for sure.
But at last call, both were there to get some hand-held treats.
*** Last back to the downspout...straight up, I detest people who kill pets of any sort.
When people start killing animals for sport, you KNOW there is some psychological problems at work there.
Hunting is quite another thing, however.  We have lkicensing and regulations fo that, plus it helps to feed people (venison, anyone?).
Shooting a 3-month old puppy in an alley (on the SE side at that) is NOT hunting. It's barbarous (at best).
And, it should make you wonder what type of person would do this, and what will they gravitate to when they get their fill of small animals.
Many of the shooters that go on rampages and kill other people started out abusing (and killing) animals.
Can't blame guns here, so don't even try.
Strangulation is a popular form of killing to these cretins, and that often take to doing likewise to people (women) when they move into their houses or apartments.
One has to think our world needs to look a lot closer at the MINDS of people who actively choose to leave death in their wake...and do something about it, before it manifests itself in ways we've seen on the news.
Such crimes dictate we ensure the proper consequences are meted out ALL the time, and not when we "feel" like it.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Me and Scrappy used to eat choc chips by the bag. Apparently not a good thing for either of us.

How can he do it? They're being raised with no thought to the beauty and sanctity of life... like everything else in their lives, it's just garbage to them.

Sports betting- technically I agree. Does that mean I have to pull my DraftKings fantasy account?

"Put the hammer down". Ha ha!

IDK that hunting is that much different anymore. A three legged doe that hunters had left alone for years got killed in January by some jackass. He was arrested after tips this week. But I get your point. What these mutants do to animals, they'll soon be doing to men. Hopefully he'll get Darwined pretty soon too.

Bob G. said...

---I thought anything chocolate wasn't good for dogs & cats?
---Excellent call on that...and yes, their lives ARE garbage (much like they are)
---I dunno about THAT, but I miss the days when it was all (on the side) betting (sponsored a lot by the local mafia). You knew who lost by whose arm was in a cast after some game...LOL.
THAT alone was enough to keep a lot of people from betting.
This whole "Lottery mentality" NEVER works for any society...it's like a form of indentured servitude.
---Figured you'd get a smile over that.
Welcome to "Bob's memes for ANY occasion".
--- Agreed that some aspects of hunting are not what they USED to be.
And, if they don't get "Darwined", they SURE will get "Almightied" in the NEXT life!
(and not in a good way, mind you)

Thanks much for taking time to stop by and comment.

Stay safe (and keep cool) up there, brother.