Another day with no precipitation, and hat means another day of WARM weather. Looks like summer really wants to get here, and I would feel better if it were indefinitely postponed, but...
(you can't have everything, I know)
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies, temps climbing to the low 80s, and hopefully, a slight breeze to make it tolerable out there.
Now, let's all get that refreshing beverage to start our day, because it pays to stay hydrated when it gets hot, right?
*** First out from under the bed is our WHO SAID THAT? quoie for the week:
"Every judgement of conscience, be it right or wrong, be it about things evil in themselves or morally indifferent, is obligatory, in such wise that he who acts against his conscience always sins"
Sounds like it really does pay to let your conscience be your guide, for many people who create mayhem act more impulsively and with an intent that seems to counter conventional wisdom.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the first Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino...
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 23 -
---It's Emergency Medical Services for Children Day
(well, it IS EMS week)
---It's National Lucky Penny Day
(oh, to have a truckload of THOSE about now)
---It's National Taffy Day
(make mine the slat water kind)
*** Next, for some folks (and school systems) the freebies never seem to end. Here's the story:
Free BREAKFAST and LUNCH for FWCS students starting next year?
(we must have some very lazy whatever is passing for parents out there)
I'm sorry, but with ALL the programs available for those in some form of poverty, I don't see ANY reason to bilk the taxpayers further with all this free food crap from the public schools. Makes no damn sense at all.
SOMEONE (always) has to pay for this, right?
How about you have the schools TRY and build a sense of ETHICS into the kids...or MORALITY, rather than give them something they SHOULD be getting at their damn homes?
*** Next up, a very revealing story from WPTA's "Digging Deeper" series:
I guess having a "top-heavy" school system IS par for the course these days?
All the while, teachers are leaving the educational system. Well, none of those educators with FWCS are making SIX figures, are they? But the administrators sure seem to be doing that.
The story also shows a side of Dr. Robinson I've never seen. As for spokesperson (for life) Krista Stockman...she was running interference (in the video), and didn't much like having to provide answers to questions that NEEDED to ba asked.
I think that Alexa Shear did an excellent job of reporting (and fact-finding).
It's kinda odd when the the head of FWCS makes more than the mayor (who is the highest paid one in ALL of Indiana) or even the governor...guess we know that liberals run the school system here, hmm?
*** Next , a veteran gets cited when he brings his service dog to a VA center. Here's the story:
((Brandon Rimmer was a K-9 handler in the Air Force. He served two combat tours in explosive detection.
"You can't adjust back to civilian life. You can't explain it unless you've experienced it."
When Rimmer was admitted to the Cincinnati VA hospital for tests Wednesday, Old Glory went with him. "My PTSD service dog, it's not recognized by the VA," he said. "It's recognized by the ADA, but it's not recognized by the VA. So I'm in violation of federal law."
Cincinnati VA Police Chief David Bartos said he believes the dog is a puppy, not a service animal trained to perform tasks for people who are disabled.
"Emotional support is not a task," he said, citing federal VA regulations.))
We permit things like this to occur, an by the same token, hand out free food to kids hand-over-fist. Something is drastically wrong here. Wonder if those vets get free breakfast or lunch?
At least THEY served their country and sacrificed much to EARN it!.
*** Next up, John Rosemond had a good article last week about parental "attitude".
Here's the link:
I think much of that column is self-explanatory.
Maybe we wouldn't need ALL the free meals given out at schools IF parents had the right attitude, not only when it came to discipline, but also when it comes to doing what a parent SHOULD be providing a basic breakfast (or lunch) for their children like OUR parents did.
*** Next, time to get away from all this mental clutter and visit our "Kitten Corner"...
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Too pooped out to open my eyes. |
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I iz all spazzed out now. |
*** Next up, let's take a minute to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
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A cute little fur circle. |
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Each has their own "spot" for napping. |
*** Last back to the linene closet...Wifey is taking another trip to visit her dad down in Vincennes today (...great...), and that means it's back to "Bachelor Bob" mode at the "Fortress" for the next few days.
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Heading out once again... |
Yes, the "fun" never ends.
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Well, it hasn't come to THIS...yet. |
More to worry about...guess that's what wives are supposed to do?
My family was never big on taking trips during any holiday...maybe that's why I'm still here.
And those who really NEED to take a trip (away from our part of the ghettohood) NEVER do so, but instead stay around to annoy the hell out of the normal folks. Justice, anyone?
It's like all the people being shot in the city lately...the ones who NEED to be shot never are.
The evil just finds more ways to manifest itself, and that alone is cause for concern.
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If ONLY more people would... |
But what we have to keep doing is trying, for in that, we can make progress against those forces.
Might not be a giant leap every day, but enough baby steps will work well enough.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and..,
Stay SAFE out there, America.
With all those commas in that quote, I got a little lost. If I didn't know better, I'd guess it was the Apostle Paul, lol...
I don't think I've used a penny in a constructive way in at least five years... likely longer.
A FB buddy posted the top-heavy story yesterday. Funny how the "oh, free stuff" story came out just before 21 broke this one. Let me share with you my comment on the post:
" What a fantastic article! Makes you want to ask questions like, "How has it gotten to this point?" "Why has the teacher's union just kind a shrugged it off with "FWCS is a little top-heavy", " and "Why is Wendy Robinson so ashamed of the money she makes?" "
With your pic of Alexis, maybe you should run a Beauty Contest at the end of the year like I do on Time Machine...
Lord is there a single solitary thing I pray about every day that Satan isn't allowed to make a mockery of? (the VA dog story). I simply cannot fathom how it is that the "heartlessness" box has to be checked off before you can get a job in a bureaucracy.
Weekend: Well things could get worse. Oh, not THIS weekend, but next? Our co.s owner is making a deal with the dev... er, a new set of bankers. To get it to fly, they require a 6-months early physical inventory at ALL plants. They want us to do ours Saturday June 2 and possibly SUNDAY June 3. Anything more than $200 off is to be recounted. Hell, with our crap system and fudged up paperwork, we were recounting about 3/4s of everything in December with a limit TEN times that high! This is that "Battle of the Bulge" mentality- we spend all year working around the mistakes in engineering and bill-of-materials, and it bites us in the ass because NO ONE ever goes back to the "hard targets" we went around and FIXES them! One hopes the bankers won't be on-site to observe the event... I doubt they'd enjoy the humor of the situation...
Chris:'re on the right track, just a bit before the time the quote came to be.
(blame the TARDIS...I always do)
---You'd be surprised the uses I found for them over the years (aside from collecting 100 at a time for a BUCK).
---Those are EXACTLY the questions that SHOULD be asked...
Accountability? NAH.
Transparency? Well, does "being able to see THROUGH the obfuscation" count?
---I could do that. Alexis IS a cutie (and recently wed...darn). Where were the ones like her say FORTY years ago?
---I don't know if I'm more astounded at the dipshittery (my lexicon) OF the "system" or finding new ways to become pissed AT it.
It's a travesty of humanity.
---Uh oh...someone is wanting to roll the dice on the Monopoly board...heh.
(hope they pass GO for the sake of you folks there)
---I hated phys Inventories...used to do it at the end of January (yearly). Talk about TEDIOUS!!!
---If the bankers show up, an "impromptu" pizza and beer venue MIGHT soften the blow...
(used to work with ME very well...I'm a "cheap date"...LOL)
They may not laugh, but their misery will be easier to "swallow".
Thanks for taking time to stop by.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe up there, brother
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