I you liked yesterday (exclude me from the crowd), then today will be a close copy.
You can tell the days are still getting longer, as the sun keeps coming up sooner.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us sunny skies, and temps climbing to around 82 degrees.
Naturally, it will feel a bit "sticky" out there as we always seem to have the humidity in tow.
(and mosquitoes love coming out when the sun goes down, helping to ruin a nice evening)
Anyway, let's go grab a nice glass, cup, or mug of a refreshing drink to whet the old whistle, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the alley is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Every judgement of conscience, be it right or wrong, be it about things evil in themselves or morally indifferent, is obligatory, in such wise that he who acts against his conscience always sins"
This was spoken by Saint Thomas Aquinas - (1225 – 7 March 1274) who was an Italian Dominican friar, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church. And here is his WIKI:
((He was an immensely influential philosopher, theologian, and jurist in the tradition of scholasticism, within which he is also known as the Doctor Angelicus and the Doctor Communis. He was the foremost classical proponent of natural theology and the father of Thomism; of which he argued that reason is found in God.))
Now, if that intro doesn't get the old "curiosity" peaked...check your pulse.
You assignment, should you choose to accept it, will be to bone up on this man, and his influences not only regarding religion, but philosophy. It is a lengthy read, but you might learn something.
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 24 -
---It's Aviation Maintenance Technician Day
(wonder if the Southwest Airlines crowd is observing this?)
---It's Brother's Day
(great it 'ya got one)
---It's National Escargot Day
(snails...need I say more?)
---It's National Scavenger Hunt Day
(not even gonna go there)
---It's Red Nose Day
(that used to be the sign of heavy drinking)
*** Next up, WANE had a pretty good sendoff for anchor Heather Herron. Here's the link:
I really enjoyed the part with all the (other) former people she worked with wishing her well. Saw some names I had forgotten over the years Wish they had more of them commenting.
*** Next, can the city find some way to muck up other neighborhoods? Well, decide for yourselves with this story:
New (affordable) housing is being proposed at the old Francis Slocum Elementary School.
Now, while being able to utilize an existing structure is always preferable to blowing the wad of new constructs, you have to wonder WHO (or should I say "what"?) will be moving into them, if the renovation takes place? It's NOT going to be a senior living arrangement.
((Potential residents qualify by having all members of the household have a combined income of 60 percent or below the area's average median household income,.))
Sounds a lot like Section 8 to me. I guess this NE side neighborhood will follow in the footsteps of OUR part of town when it comes to decline?
((In February, the project, estimated at $1.7 million, was awarded $650,000 of the $5 million in Rental Housing Tax Credits awarded to Fort Wayne developments by Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. Tax credits help attract private investors to projects.))

Can't wait for that public hearing on 11 June.
*** Next up, we have another "task force" assigned to deal with Allen County's opioid crisis. Here's the story:
Does anyone know that while prescription opiods have DECLINED, the deaths from opioids have RISEN?
Doesn't that sound like more of a "street pharm" situation, rather than a formal doctor/patient gig?
((The Fort Wayne Police Department seized more than 1,500 grams of Fentanyl in 2017, an increase of 14,500 percent from the previous year. Police also seized 700 grams of heroin, an increase of 187 percent, and non-fatal drug poisonings were up 49 percent. The opioid crisis has cost Allen County more than $1.1 billion since 2003, the report states, and more than $43.3 billion statewide.))

And while this report does not a comprehensive program to combat this, it DOES say that additional programs to educate the public are warranted. SO we dump more money into things like education, when many of the drug users can;t read the increments on a damn syringe (which leads to overdosing)? Please...give me a break.
*** Next, time to drop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
Thankfully, both cats were nowhere near as crazy as they were the day before. But, they did have a few brief bouts of being less than well-behaved. I guess we can overlook that for the time being, considering they might be suffering from "spring fever".
I used to suffer that, but as I got older, I seemed to have cured myself...lol.
(Guess I'd rather shovel snow than cut the lawns)
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"..
![]() |
Where did she get to? |
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What's the problem? I'm here NOW. |
*** Last back to the driveway...I can't help it, but I'm growing increasingly annoyed at all the "programs" going on these days.
I suppose this is what happens when entitlement minds meet self-reliance. Talk about a head-on crash!
In some ways, it's just like that unstoppable force meeting the immovable object...what actually happens? (they create more programs, Bob)
It would appear we're stuck in a vicious cycle of spending without results to measure that expenditure.
We need better litmus tests than that, especially when it comes to those who can "game the system" to their advantage.
A shame no one knows what is REALLY needed...like getting people to stop sticking their damn hands OUT for the next freebie coming down the pike.
Try doing things FOR YOURSELF for a change. Yeah, be more self-reliant and more self-sufficient.
Because there may come a day when the government might not BE there for you...then what?
(a major decrease in the surplus population, it would seem?) You never can tell...but you should be able to once in a while.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
So see, I wasn't THAT far off on the quote, was I...I don't think I'll be boning up on the philosophy, though. I just left a comment on a Catholic post about heresy, that went: "Now, if you were sola scriptura like God intended, you wouldn't have to be burning people at the stake over the doctrines of men." And, he's outta there!
Red Nose- that comment reminds me of our old AD in high school. He was known to walk into rooms announced by the back row shouting, "Oly's for the house!"
Additional programs- that's newsspeak for, "Liberals wonder why they keep spending money to help them and it does no good. The right is just about content to let Darwin handle things."
She looks a bit miffed. Did you tell her a cat joke and she triggered?
I guess I shoulda saved my program comment for the closing, huh?
---I knew you were on the right track.
I find the philosophy of Aquinas pretty "less Catholic" than those who profess such today...As to the religion part...that's between God and man.
---I Keep thinking of the Andy Capp cartoons for some reason.
(makes me wonder if Rudolph was a "lush")
---Hadda feeling it dealt with SPENDING (doesn't it always?). And I wish DARWIN would work FASTER...heh.
---I think she looked that way because she was waiting to greet "Mommy" who didn't show up...lol.
("her majesty" was not amused)
---Nah...I'll just REREAD it...works perfectly.
Thanks for carrying the blog today by commenting.
Stay safe (and hydrated) up there, brother.
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