09 May 2018

Humpday happenings...
It's the middle of the freaking week...which seems to be flying on by.
And it looks like we have a bit of a change in our Midwest forecast as well. Our Hoosierland weather for today starts out fine enough with mostly sunny skies, but clouds will increase throughout the day with breezy conditions, which means rain will be stopping by later on. Temps will be climbing into the 82 degree range.
That's fine...helps drown out the damn boom cars (or gunshots)...heh.
Now, what say we all get that refreshing morning drink poured and parked close by (not too close), as we see what else has been going on, hmm?
*** First off of the hat rack is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"I profoundly believe it takes a lot of practice to become a moral slob."
There you go then...short and sweet, and more importantly...TO THE POINT.
It seems  to epitomize a lot of the root cause of what we are saddled with in our nation today.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back with the Knights of Malta...
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 9 -
---It's National Butterscotch Brownie Day
(not as good as coconut cream pie, but it works for me)
---It's National Bike to School Day
(wonder how many bikes will get stolen by the usual people?)
---It's National Lost Sock Memorial Day
(you know we're screwed up when we memorialize lost socks)
---It's National Moscato Day
(NOT to ever be confused with mosquito...bottoms up)
---It's National Receptionists' Day
(greeting people and loving it?)
---It's National School Nurse Day
(It's changed a LOT since I attended school)
---It's National Sleepover Day
(LOL...that happens at too many ghetto cribs way too often to be normal)
---It's National 3rd Shift Workers' Day
(saluting those pulling a graveyard shift. There is a pay differential)
*** Next up, we start the day with a bang...or several, as we notch homicide number FIFTEEN  for the year so far.
---Oh, wait, make that SEVENTEEN...I miscounted - my fault (hard to keep track of the recently deceased).
You KNOW the coroner will agree with my call on this. Here's the 411:
So, WHO'S doin' the coffee run, sarge?
This took place last evening around 1919 hrs when police were called to the 3900 block of Bowser Av (SE side...where else?) and found a male (most likely black?) in the middle of the street. He was taken to hospital where he died a short time later.
((While officers were investigating at the scene, a second shooting victim arrived at nearby Fire Station 11 at East Rudisill Blvd and Lafayette St with a gunshot to the leg. That man was taken to a local hospital and is expected to survive. Due to the timing and proximity of the two incidents, Detectives believe the shootings are related.)) 
Two men were spotted running from the scene. Sounds right to me...probably ARE related. Would not surprise me in the least, knowing these "people".
*** Next, a Fort Wayne couple get some "bling"  from law-enforcement. Here's the lowdown:
Looks like stupid just got two new faces.
ISP pulled over a Tahoe (LaGrange County toll road) that had an equipment malfunction (could have been a busted tail light...they DO enforce such things in OTHER places).
Some people should NOT procreate.
The officer smelled marijuana coming from the passenger area while talking to the driver, Adam Swygart, 39,
((A search of the Tahoe turned up nearly 120 grams - 4 oz. - of marijuana in various packages, bags and in chewable/edible form, along with a loaded .38-caliber revolver in the glove box that allegedly belonged to the passenger, Heather P. Swygart, 37. The Swygarts didn’t have a valid handgun permit.)) OOPS! The couple was arrested and child servcies was called to find family members to take custody of their three children. Nice work by ISP...maybe we could borrow a few troopers to patrol the SE side of our city?
*** Next up, two strong-arm robbers get busted. Here's the link:
Nice pair of white-trash LOSERS!
((Justin M. Snawder, 23, of the 1300 block of Marion Street and Curtis E. Thomas Jr., 26, of the 900 block of Third Street, are accused of jumping the man about 8 p.m. Thursday in the same block where Snawder lives, according to court documents.))
All this drama for only $25 !...yeah, THAT is pretty damn stupid, too.
An officer just happened to be in the area when he heard yelling...so the arrests were due to LUCK. It kind of bothers me when luck starts replacing good proactive, problem-oriented police work.
Life on the streets isn't a casino, although there are some who view their lives as just another turn on the roulette wheel.
*** Next, time to leave the stupid behind, and drop on by "Kitten Corner"...
Hey...turn around, buster!
Our kids had a good day (for a Tuesday), and that meant that Wifey and I also had a good day. I tried to get a close up of Gallifrey, but he happened to turn his head away. I gave up after several attempts, and he gave up sitting in my lap...
Violet strikes a pose.
Violet is another story. You might catch her sitting for a few seconds (gotta be fast). She climbs up and curls up between your legs when you're on the couch (and the camera is out of reach), so she's the REALLY sly one of the duo.
Gotcha! Finally.
But she can't avoid getting a picture forever, and neither can he.
*** Next up, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome were at their appointed locations...he was at the back door, and she was at the patio door.
Nice to be SO "protected". Midnight stayed close to the house while Whiskers left sometime during late morning and missed lunch. She came back before dinner, though.
These two love those "treats" they get. In some ways, they get treats our indoor cats don;t get, but our indoor cats get more attention. It's a happy trade off, and one that works for ALL concerned.
*** Last back to the coat closet...America was founded by people with a level of moral virtue.
And, for the most part, such virtue has served this nation well for a very long time.
So why do we seem to see a lot LESS of those aspects of human behavior today, and not just in our country, but (seemingly) everywhere? When did being a person of moral conviction make one a pariah?
Well, if there was one clear cut answer to that, we';d solve a LOT of issues facing us today.
Let's just say that with a loss of moral virtue...comes a lack of caring, and a lack of concern, and a lack of self-discipline.
We can see evidence of this every day when out in public, or whenever we pick up a paper, or turn on the news.
Why such behavior from supposedly the "highest evolved life form" on the planet grows with every generation just baffles the hell out of me. That is not moving forward, but all the technology makes it seem, that way.
It really makes it EASIER to  have less virtuous behavior, and yes, like the quote today, is turning many into moral slobs.
Maybe, it's time to comb our hair, tuck in that shirt, and shine our shoes.
Being a better person doesn't mean you have to sacrifice anything EXCEPT the ignorance which is at the root of all our problems.
Seems a worthwhile venture in my book, if it makes you a virtuous and moral person.
The world can sure use a lot more folks like that.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

How come I never noticed Violet's mustache? Cracks me up. Looks like Charlie Chapin. Some nice mug shots in there. You can keep those up north. Wait...I think 15 homicides is low for the Wayne is it not? That's only 3 a month. Is it improvement?

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
--_Well, we try to keep that toned down. Don't want her to feel "self-conscious about it...lol. And I'm not even thinking of "bleaching" it...!
---You can bet those "locals" will remain UP here (sad to say, but good for you).
Fifteen homicides is right on track to reach THIRTY by year's end (if not more).
We're seeing an upward trend each year with a few more homicides.
(Detroit south, anyone?
---Personally, I think we could make 40+. if the idiots keep effing around.
Three a month is becoming the AVERAGE per year anymore...Used to be LOWER than that about 2 decades ago.
(consider the SOURCE...right?)

Hey, thanks for rolling up to comment today.
Much appreciated.

You stay safe (and get some gardening done) down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

So I forgot to watch NCIS Tuesday, so I watched it Wednesday, which is why I didn't get here till today.

What is a "moral slob"? I seem to cover the regular one effortlessly.

I don't lose socks- my feet eat them, though...

Two men spotted running from the scene. In two weeks, they'll be the body on the street and the nitwit in the ER.

4 ounces? That's a couple of months of partying back in the day, just sayin'.

Ol' Turtleneck there seems familiar. What's he out on bail from?

That head turn is Scrappy-patented. Gal will be hearing from a doggie lawyer in the next week...

Zipping over for round two next...

Bob G. said...

---Hey, I managed to see Abby leave, The end was so damn touching.
---It's like a physical one...but deals with morals (wild guess...lol)
---I didn't need to know that...and now, my mind's eye can't UNSEE it either.
---Well, we can certainly hope, can't we?
---Yeah, even THOSE times have changed, haven't they?
---"Turtleneck"...LOL! MY guess would be poor artistic sense?
---Every time I got the camera ready, he'd hear something and turn away. Finally, he got off my lap...problem "solved".

Thanks' for commenting here today.

Stay safe up there, brother.