If you were hoping for a "taste of summer", then today might be right up your alley (not mine).
But, you can rest assured we here in the Midwest won't be seeing huge cracks appearing in the ground, or flying rocks coming from any nearby volcano, so take some comfort in that, folks.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us possible showers in the morning, followed by clearing skies this afternoon.
Our temps will top out at a healthy 86 degrees, so you just KNOW the humidity will be right alongside that heat (yes, time to crank on the A/C).
Funny thing, we never used to mind the heat and humidity as kids...when did that change?
While we ponder that, lets get a refreshing morning drink as we take a look at what else has been going on...
*** First out of the shower is our "What the hell happened today, Bob? feature:
MAY 14 -
---It's National Buttermilk Biscuit Day
(add some butter and honey...yummy.)
---It's National Dance Like a Chicken Day
(sorry, NOT interested)
---It's National Underground America Day
(anything to avoid hearing those loudass boomcars)
---It's National Women's Checkup Day
(a good way to start the week, I suppose)
*** Next up, Wifey and I spent some time over the weekend to get the plants in the ground.
Nothing like gardening to relieve some stress (and make the body ache...heh)
I even planted the cayenne and tomato plants we got last week.
Goes good with the newly-planted dill nearby.
*** Next, from our "Department of the Obvious" Department, comes this story:
Okay, so distracted driving is on the UPSWING...when did we suddenly figure that out?
I mean, it's not like we have SO many ways to become distracted these days...right?
Oh, wait...we DO, and many people put a lot of them to good use, unfortunately.
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FWPD Lt Tony Maze. |
Sorry, this smacks back to something my Dad told me when I first learned to drive:
"Driving should be your second job, so pay attention."
Very true, but given the nature of a LOT of people who would rather be on the government dole than become gainfully employed, maybe their "second job" isn't even their FIRST one.
And the chronic display of impaired (or distracted) driving by some in Fort Wayne bears that out. Unfortunately, our judicial system hasn't been willing to pick up on this, as even repeat offenders keep getting RELEASED, many times with little to no bond posted (their own recognizance)...and that only perpetuates the problem, right?
Our society doesn't punish as much as it seems to reward, does it?
*** Next up, local gas prices keep us guessing, don't they?.
This pretty much explains itself as to the rise and fall of prices around our city.
But the BIG questions about fuel prices being higher than they've been in 3 years is THIS:
Seems no one has a valid explanation...did someone fart in one of the OPEC nations?
*** Next, one of the "blessings" (and I use that word in the most sarcastic manner) is when I get to go our almost every morning and police the property for various items that have been tossed there.
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Drink cups - a common thing. |
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2 Bud Lights, 1 Miller can (some trifecta) |
You see, everything is related here. All you have to do is connect the dots.
So far this year, we've only had fewer than 10 cans/bottle on the lawn, but MOST of them have been alcoholic in nature.
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And then we have the "mystery:" items (wear gloves) |
*** Next up, and speaking of the "locals", whoever is living next door (you can never get a proper head count with these mooks), had some visitors yesterday (Mother's Day).
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Nice panorama shot...good cut and paste. |
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They are SO ghetto, too! |
I don't LIKE to have to stand by my windows to make sure someone isn't where they should NOT be (like on our property), but such people have NO idea what a boundary is.
Thank God we got some rain, and that brought it all to a halt.
*** Next, time leave all the stupid at the curb, and go visit our "Kitten Corner"...
The kids had a pretty decent weekend (as did we for the most part).
Even though the weather wasn't perfect, it was enough to keep the kids looking out windows, or playing with tron grocery bags.
When they're not chasing one another (for no reason) they just watch each other.
Or, they just watch the inside of their eyelids. Hey, whatever works, you know?
*** Next up, let's take a minute to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
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"I'm here to...supervise." |
And nothing beats having them around when Wifey comes home from work to greet her.
Naturally, when we return from the grocery, they get some food. It keeps them around when they expect to get some.
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"And I'm here to just watch everything." |
When it gets warm, they get lethargic, and who can blame them. I get the same way...LOL.
*** Last back to the bath tub...how hard is it to make a choice?
I suppose that is a question best left to philosophers, and yet, the rest of us go through life every day, making various choices (decisions) that affect how we live and how things will turn out alter on. Seems simple enough, right?
And yet, there are those out there with NO purpose to any choice they make. It's like a crap game in their head...toss the dice and whatever comes out is fine.
Well, that might work better in some casino, but in real life, it's asking for trouble.
Every decision or choice worth making is done with intent and purpose.
We strive to make the right choice, and a majority of the time, that works out.
But, there are times when even the best choice winds up with a less than expected result.
Should that stop us from making those choices? Well, as long as it's not injurious or otherwise harmful to anyone, or breaks any laws, I say keep on plugging away.
No one gets anywhere if they never try. That's the key. Make the attempt.
And if it doesn't work, you didn't really fail...you LEARNED.
Life is curious that way...learning comes at any time, place or situation.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
"Funny thing, we never used to mind the heat and humidity as kids...when did that change?" Soon as we first felt AC.
National Days:
With you on biscuits...
Chicken dance: Saw Bebe Netanyahu do that in honor of the Israeli girl that won Eurovision Saturday. Don't know about the song but was worth it watching him...
Checkup: Yeah, tell Laurie...
Yesterday I was gonna pull weeds out front. Talked myself into doing it today. WINNING...
Cats lethargic? See today's post for the squirrels...
---That might well be, but as kids, we could always spend some time at the movie theater for those Saturday matinees, and then after that, run back out into the heat. That was long before we had ANY A/C in our house.
---Bebe did that? It might have been cool to see HIM do it (he DOES have a good reason to anyway).
---Laurie sounds a LOT like me...heh.
---Winning? The weeds are still there and making more. Wait long enough and they'll chase you BACK inside...LOL.
---D said that post was good...bet she's right (again).
Thanks for taking time to stop by and comment today.
Stay safe (and relatively dry) up there, brother.
Hey, Bob. Good thing is the kids were tossing around a ball and not out on the street shooting it up. I used to throw ball a little too far or crooked too and had to politely retrieve after asking permission to enter someone else's yard. Kitties are enjoying the fun sun. Love your garden selections!
Momma Fargo:
---Yeah, I guess. You know...there was a time when you COULD actually play in the STREET...loads LESS traffic around.
But these days, too many yahoos speeding all over. Makes it very disturbing, so the kids try and turn a very small front yard into a BALL PARK (or football field).
Sorry, the sheer PHYSICS involved won't flush.
---.POLITELY retrieving an errant ball (or whatever) had become another lost art. The kids today will just trespass, and then bitch when a yard dog bites them...imagine that.
---The cats are liking it for the most part (must be rough wearing a complete FUR COAT in weather like this.
---Thanks...Wifey does the selections.
I just drive the car, carry stuff and plant them...lol.
And thanks for rolling up today to comment.
You stay safe down there, dear.
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