21 September 2018

Friday Follies...
Yeah, it's still warm outside...in the mid-70s, and it's not even 7 AM yet. but at least we won't be AS hot as we were yesterday (93 degrees).
Thank God for the small stuff, right?
And the weekend looks to be bringing cooler temps. Might even have to break out the light jacket.
Perhaps summer will finally let go of is here.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us cloudy skies, temps climbing to around 83 degrees, breezy conditions, and the possibility of scattered rain throughout the day. I'd take the umbrella...just in case.
Now, let's all get that cup, glass, or mug (perhaps even a can) of Friday Fortitude poured and parked close by, as we see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the cookie jar is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Chai Day
(love the tea...very flavorful)
---It's National New York Day
(it's a far cry from what I remember back in the 70s)
---It's National Pecan Cookie Day
(pass the milk, please)
---It's National POW-MIA Recognition Day
(still have too many MIAs out there)
---It's National Trademen Day
(for those who built this nation)
*** Next, and since the end of the week has arrived, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours.
(this will be another 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag deal, so be warned)
---Saturday is American Business Women's Day
(showing men how it's done)
---It's the Autumnal Equinox
(that means FALL will arrives)
---It's Car Free Day
(ROFLMAO...yeah, right!)
---It's Dear Diary Day
(I'll pass on this)
---It's Hobbit Day
(I think I'm all Middle-Earthed out)
---It's National Centenarian's Day
(God bless 'em for making it THAT far in life)
---It's National Elephant Appreciation Day
(wonder if THEY know about this?)
---It's National Girls Night In Day
(Pass on this one, too)
---It's National Hunting and Fishing Day
(is it open season for dumbasses ALREADY?)
---It's National Ice Cream Cone Day
(as long as they're FILLED, not a problem)
---It's National Legwear Day)
---It's National Public Lands Day
(wish that was our back yard)
---It's National Singles Day
(Been there, didn't like ti that much)
---It's National White Chocolate Day
(as long as it's chocolate)
Cripes almighty...that was tedious.
---Sunday is Celebrate Bisexuality Day
(ROFL...yeah, right)
---It's Innergize Day
(one word - WHY?)
---It';s National Checkers Day and Dogs n Politics Day
(I'm starting to think THEY could do a better job)
---It's National Great American Pot Pie Day
(find me one, and I'm there)
---It's National Snack Stick Day
(they're called SLIM JIMS, dummy!)
---It's Restless Legs Awareness Day
(hear that, Wifey?)
---It's Teal Talk Day
(pay attention, ladies)
And there we FINALLY have it...what a frigging list. If you can't find anything in THAT group which suits your fancy...better check your pulse.
Oh, and always remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next up, the mayor of FTW (otherwise known as King Henry) reveals his budget for 2019
STILL good to be king.
So, we need even MORE cops out there, huh? We having a RISE in criminal activity in the Summit City (like I said was happening for the last TEN years)?
Looks that way.
And (as could be expected) this is an INCREASE of over 4% of last year's budget...big surprise with a DEM in charge.
How can an $8 MIL increase be a BALANCED budget, anyway? Sounds like someone had their thumb on that scale, if you ask me.
*** Next, it's official...a NATURAL GAS RATE HIKE is coming. Here's the story:
Add THAT onto the water rate hike over the next five or more years...and the electric increase.
But, the best (read worst) part of this gas rate hike...it takes place NEXT MONTH.
They say it's for improvements...whatta crock of sh*t.
More like covering the costs of ALL the gas lines ruptured when workers break them every year.
*** Next up, and since some downtown are wanting cash and others are handing it out like it's going out of style, we have THIS:
ANOTHER $10 MIL...from the LEGACY FUND? We won't wind up with ANY moolah in that jar if this keeps up...will we?
Sorry, but if it looks like crap, and smells like crap...it must be crap (no tasting necessary).
*** Next, time to stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids had another good day...this might become a habit for them (and a nice one at that).
I can't say they have really BAD days...just days that are not AS good as others, but they are still young, so we can excuse any excess energy they might have (and refuse to give to me).
*** Next up, our daily check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
The furry twosome pulled a surprise on me. Perhaps I should say that Midnight was the culprit here.
He actually showed up for LUNCH. I was crossing the street, getting the mail and I hear his meow. He met me in the street, and I told him to go to the patio for lunch...which he did.
Whiskers just acted cute on or near the patio all day.
After that, they were both around for dinner and last call treats.
It's a trade off with them. We don't get the squirrel and bird "traffic" we used to enjoy, but the cats do their best to make up for that with the affection they show to us (and we to them).
*** Last back to the pretzel bag...I read where household income has hit an all time high.
Here's the link:
There we go...more for you, the people..
I don't hear anyone blaming president Trump for THIS, am I? This is all his fault...lol.
Now before we all go and blow the wad on useless crap, this reflects a lot of things other than JUST (folding money) income.
The article says as much, and the data is not adjusted for inflation (which we know keeps rising).
Naturally, with a rise in household "worth" will inevitably come the rate hikes for damn near everything, like utilities,  property and other sundry taxes. We should all know the drill by now.
I would not be surprised if the poverty level ALSO rises (artificially inflated of course).
Since WE, the consumers are making out with this, you'd think that consumer spending will also rise.
Well, there are some who will spend like there's no tomorrow, but I will go so far as to say that we might see LESS spending (yes, even with the coming holiday season a couple months away), and that's because many people are taking to SAVING money...in case of some unforeseen catastrophe (like another democrat in charge).
Now that makes sense to me. And, it would seem to make sense to a lot of other folks.
My parents used to say that "it's always better to have money when you need it, than wish you had it when you REALLY need it".
But, people are often fickle when it comes to finances with saving and spending.
Time will tell, as it always does.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Funny it's fall and not a tree is turning yet... and Al tells me it might snow in New England this weekend...

"Girls night IN day?" WTH...

"...wish that was our back yard..." Yeah, good luck with the mowing...

Singles: Me neither...

Celebrate Bi: or alternatively, I could just try to climb backwards through a light socket...

IDK about doing a better job- look at Michelle O, Hillary and Pelosi...

I got burned out on pot pies a while back... now they look good when I buy 'em but not in the freezer.

These rate hikes are such a circle jerk. Ask for higher, settle for what you wanted in the first place, the dumb plebes celebrate a win, and the CEOs and regulators shake hands on the way out of the building.

"Looks like crap": Scrappy says, "Stand aside, I'll taste-test it..."

I see you just answered yesterday's comment, so I guess I'll shut up and see what you told me...

Bob G. said...

---I said earlier that the leaves might go from green to brown with little colors in between...hope I'm wrong on that.
---Another contrived observance, no doubt.
---WHAT mowing? LOL!
---Another great minds moment.
---How about a less terrible job?
---I agree. Frozen ones don't do them justice (now the ones MOM used to make...ahh, the stuff of LEGENDS).
---Bingo...you nailed THAT one down tight!
---Aww, geez...no, no, no, noooo.

Thanks a lot for taking time to drop by and comment.

Have yourselves a good weekend and do stay safe up there, brother.
(and no crap-eats for Scrappy).