14 November 2018

Humpday Happenings...
The wonderful "winteresque" conditions continue here in the heartland.
And I hear we're getting a "snow-event" tomorrow...with some accumulation.
That should make driving "fun" (not!).
Yes, it IS cold out there this morning, too.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies, temps only reaching to around 37 degrees, and clouds moving in by tonight (oh, joy).
Now, if this isn't reason to get a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, I don't know what is, so let's all take a minute to get some, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the fireplace is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"The Internet is just bringing all kinds of information into the home. There's just a lot of distraction, a lot of competition for the parent's voice to resonate in the children's ears."
Sounds like this person seems to have a handle on what is taking place in much of society. And much of it is not as "good" as we're being led to believe.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in Vinita, Oklahoma...
*** Next, is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Pickle Day
(just try not to get into one, as the saying goes)
---It's National Spicy Guacamole Day
(sorry, don't eat the regular kind, so I'm gonna pass)
---It's National Education Support Professional's Day
(another long title that means what, exactly?)
*** Next, from our Making Mountains Out of Mole Hills department comes this:
Nazi salute? Gimme a break!
Yeah, this is from one of THOSE news sources - NBC (National Bullshit Company). They're right up there with ABC (American Bullshit Company) and CBS (Communist Broadcasting System).
Guess because of a few people (who want to see something that is most likely not even there), everyone else will be FORCED to ban class photos (or at least have them HIGHLY scrutinized)..
Add that to banning prayer during commencement along with the VALS and SALS (everyone is SO equal, remember)...yep, some more equal than others, apparently.
*** Next up, from the WTF Are We Screwing With NOW? department comes this:
Ho, ho...no.
When did seeing (and having a picture taken with) Santa cost money?
Sure, take away another vestige of childhood memories...take your OWN photos, you lazy asses.
Glenbrook Mall still has a free Santa gig going on...whoop de-friggin do.
Looks like it's goin' to the dogs.
Well, we are rushing the hell out of the holidays...it's to be expected I guess.
All we need now is for the Salvation Army bell ringers to be cited for solicitation.
*** Next, from our Man's Best Friend department is this story:
There's a good boyyyyyyyyyy. Someone's getting a well-deserved treat fest.
*** Next up, time to swing on by "Kitten Corner"...
No, it's NOT time to grocery shop.
The kids had a run of crazy yesterday...no reason behind it...they just had a half hour of "nuts" going on. Luckily, a few sharp words to them got things back to normal.
Whazzat red dot on the ceiling???
Plus, the good old laser pointer still works wonders (and keeps the cats grounded, as in not up ON anything...lol.
*** Next, let's do our check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Miss a free meal? You crazy?
Our furry twosome again stayed close by the "Fortress" all day. In fact, both of them made a "nest" in the leaves alongside the house right outside the patio door. Why they don't huddle in a shelter is beyond my understanding.
I know...right?
In any event, they made ALL the meals and hand-held treats. Also, when Wifey rolled home, they were both there by the back steps to greet her...and got some more treats.
Are these two spoiled? Sure...why the hell not?
*** Last back to the log pile...we're fast becoming a nation of major nit-pickers, and for all the wrong reasons.
Well, THIS explains a LOT
Yes, there are those times and things that need specific attention, and it's fine to point those out, but with all the access to social media, the 24/7 news cycles, and cameras in damn nar everyone's phone, it's become a nuisance (at best), as well as a near continuous distraction.
People, with apparently no real life to speak of, take to looking for things that don't exist, and seeing things that aren't there...makes any conspiracy theorist pale in comparison.
And these people are not only adamant about how they make what they believe to be real known...they're often down right bellicose in the manner in which they face down everyone else who doesn't think, feel, or act in like fashion.
Some are side-stepping THIS.
This is NO way to move any society forward.
And we simply cannot let one bothered individual to dictate their wishes to change or deny something to everyone else in the process. It's sure not what freedom means.
That's not a civil way, nor an ethical way, and certainly not a biblical way to proceed.
The hard part to all this is having such people WANTING to discuss or debate and reach an amicable agreement or conclusion, but as long as they continue to have tunnel vision, that's not going to happen anytime soon.
But, the rest of us can always hope, can't we?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Agree both on the quote and your synopsis. How far in the gopher hole shall we burrow...

Pickles AND Guac? Suck day for food thus far...

Oh, yeah, saw that yesterday (the false Nazi salute thing). I don't really know what to say, other than how sick I am over people making livings on telling lies.

Santa: FB was about to declare war on Glenbrook when that rumor came out. If they hadn't said something, someone would have burnt the place to the ground. Thankfully, if I really needed a Santa, I know a darn good one who'd help me out at a phone call.

SIX pounds? Bet it was ditchweed.

Bob G. said...

---Thanks. Like I said, some of these quotes just (literally) JUMP at me and give me a GIBB'S SLAP! You then GOT to go with it.
--- I like dill and Jewish pickles...hate the sweet pickles (but I love relish on hot dogs)...go figure.
---O know...it's a total mindf*ck with these morons. And THEY get all the (undue) press time. Very sad.
---Same here. I never had a pic taken with the jolly old elf. Cried my butt off (was VERY young) and Mom learned to keep a safe distance when we went shopping during holiday season...and to stay away from Santa....LOL.
---MY guess is that it was that "recreational" pot I mentioned a few days ago...PANDORA'S BOX...heh.

Thanks for taking time to stop by and comment today.
Much appreciated.

Stay safe (and pickle-free) up there, brother.