19 November 2018

Monday Musings...
And, we're off for another fun--filled week in the Heartland (and pretty much everywhere else),.
Got a heavy duty lineup coming our way, what with Thanksgiving (Thirsday) and Black (eye) Friday staring us in the face.
I'm sure shoppers have already started to "camp out" at whatever stores are having those special sales. No matter, I'm not into that sort of crap.
I am into eating a very nice meal, and for that, I'm already thankful.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly cloudy skies once again, with temps staying in the mid 30s. You might see some light rain south of "the Fort", so be aware of that stuff.
Oolong tea? Haven't had that in a while...
Now, without any further ado, let's have that comforting beverage to get our day off on the right foot, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the leaf-covered lawn is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?' feature:
---It's National Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day
(keep that Dr. Pepper coming)
---It's National Play Monopoly Day
(city hall does that all year, right?)
*** Next, from our Departments of the Over-Obvious comes this:
As I suspected...our DO NOT CALL list isn't working as it used to.
((Indiana has 2.1 million phone numbers on its Do Not Call list, which is stricter than the federal list. When it went into effect in 2002, Hoosiers were stunned by its immediate effectiveness. But that's gone now.))
Tell me about it. And yes, it WAS initially quite effective.
It's all well and good for "domestic" robocalls...they can get fined, but seems nothing can be done regarding OVERSEAS scammers.
Another case where the technology outpaced the ability of humans to properly adapt and take action.
*** Next up, from the We're NOT Getting Any Younger Department, we have this story:)
I need one of these.
((Nearly 1 in 5 people living in Allen County is projected to be 65 or older by 2030, according to Indiana Business Research Center at Indiana University.))
Well kids, I already made it to THAT milestone.
((The older population grew 32 percent the last 10 years in Allen County, where about 53,000 people 65 and older live. Between 2015 and 2050, the increase is projected at 73 percent.))
And I WANT one of these.
If we can just get rid of the crime, THAT scenario might be something I can actually LIVE with.
In the meantime, where can I start getting me all those "senior" discounts"?
*** Next, something I neglected to mention when Wifey came back from Vincennes last Monday...she managed to get the K-Mart holiday bear for 2018, and it was no easy task.
We have the PINK one.
She had to stop at one of the LAST K-Marts we have in the state of Indiana (near Indy of all places).
But, we got us one. There's no guarantee how many more years we'll be able to get these bears...another "tradition" goes down the tubes? Hope not.
*** Next up, and speaking of Wifey's travels...she stopped at a Waynedale tobacconist (need my little cigars) yesterday afternoon.
While there, she was talking to the store manager, who told her the (nearby) Advance Auto Parts place along Bluffton Rd. had been robbed earlier on Sunday.
The weird thing, is not ONE news source mentioned it...at all.
I guess if you DON'T report it, it "never happened"?
Yes, even Waynedale isn't what it used to be some 20 years ago, all because of the wrong people moving into the area (Winchester Woods is not a place I would prefer to live these days). The criminal element has taken root in this part of Fort Wayne.
That's damn sad to see, but the evidence is plain. We see it at the Waynedale Kroger (formerly Scotts).
If you want to know HOW an area is doing and where it's headed, look no further than the local grocery stores
*** Next, time to leave that stuff at the curb, and instead stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
ACSPCA photos (aka mugshots)
It was TWO years ago (today) that we drove down to the Allen County SPCA, and brought our "kids" into the "Fortress" and made it their forever home.
Back then, they were (originally) named Debbie and Russell, and it wasn't long before they made our home their own.
When they first arrived home.
We renamed them Violet and Gallifrey, and they've been a wonderful source of amusement and joy ever since.
We iz all growed up now.
Since cats can't taste "sweet" the way we do, we didn't get any mini cupcakes, but we will have wet food for breakfast (chicken and liver...yum).
And there will be plenty of love and care for the both of them...,that's the way WE roll.
*** Next up, let's take a minute to check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
The furry twosome spent a good part of the weekend near the house.
Hey, I'm just watching him guard stuff.
In fact, Whiskers was in the (smaller) shelter for most of the weekend (especially when it was drizzling or a flurry came through).
I will guard this patio.
Midnight was content to curl up right next to the house in his "leaf-nest", but he did go on patrol and missed a lunch.
Nice and dry under here.
Some meals were served under the patio table (as is the case when they stand a chance of getting wet). No muss...no fuss.
And, in case you were wondering, everyone gets TURKEY this Thursday, whether they have TWO legs of FOUR...lol.
*** Last back to the leaf-filled fire-pit...it's good to have the cats around when the holidays come calling.
I can't imagine this time of year without a pet, and maybe that's because family (for me) is in short supply (as in non-existent)., so any friendly face is a welcome addition that "makes the season bright" (as the song goes).
I always look to such times of the year as being more family-oriented than a time to shop my ass off. But, it was like that when I was growing up. It was just Mom, Dad, myself, and whatever dog (or dogs) we had. Later it was Mom and our cats (and one dog)
When you're that closely knit as a family, holidays take on a deeper meaning.
So when such days come around, no matter what time of year, you derive happiness from being thankful for what (and who) you have in your life. Works out quite well, in fact.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Hah! I WAS here Friday!

"Carbonated beverage with caffeine?" Can't just say "soda" (or local variant) anymore?

DNC list: Man builds better mousetraps, Satan builds better mice.

I make 65 in 2027. No skewing the stats here!

Christmas bear: Maybe you can contact the manufacturer?

"Debbie and Russell"? Good God, people, they're CATS!!!

Excellent close. We do our bird on Saturday...

Bob G. said...

---LOL. I'll bet there are days when you even amaze YOURSELF!
---Nah...probably some PCBS thing for the millennials.
---HA! Very well put, my friend.
(and we certainly don't NEED better mice)
---Here's to the day you join "the club":.
---I know, right? Good thing they weren't named after FOOD!
(The SPCA has a rather "unique" method of naming their charges...I've yet to figure it out.)
---Hopefully, the rest of the week will provide more in the way of Thanksgiving thoughts.

Thanks for stopping on by to comment.

Stay safe (and never PC) up there, brother.