28 December 2018

Friday Follies...
Sorry for the tardiness of today's post...had soem moirning things to attend to with the Missus. Better late than never though, eht?
Here we are at the LAST Friday of this year. At some times, it seemed to fly by, while at other times, it looked as though the year would never end.
Crazy how that works, isn't it?
But, we soldier on, carrying hope in our rucksack.
Our Hoosierland weather today bring su mild conditions to start, with dropping temps through the day and a possibility of some light snow showers by nightfall. The high today is the current temp (low 50s), so expect things to cool down as the day progresses.
Also, the rain will be tapering off to a drizzle for a good part of the day.
Now, let's grab that glass, cup, or mug of Friday Fortitude and toast the weekend, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the fridge is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Holy Innocents Day
(worth a Google or two)
---It's National Card Playing Day
(Milles Borne anyone? LOL)
---It's National Chocolate Candy Day
(a day w/o chocolate sucks...period.)
---It's Pledge of Allegiance Day
(Say it...go on...say it)
*** Next, and because the last weekend of 2018 has arrived, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
---Saturday is National Pepper Pot Day
(never to be confused with Pepper POTTS...got it?)
---It's Tick Tock Day
(hard to find ANY timepiece that ticks OR tocks anymore)
---Sunday is Falling Needles Family Fest Day
---It's National Bicarbonate of Soda Day
(getting a bit ahead of ourselves, yes?)
And there you go...enough things to keep you occupied and out of jail.
Just remember to always observe responsibly.
*** Next up, Wifey is making another trip down to Vincennes this weekend to visit dad, so it's back the BACHELOR LIVING, and that means east whatever you want whenever you want...lol.
It'll be just me and the cats (all four of them). Talk abut being outnumbered (but in a good way, mind you).
Hopefully, I won't have to shoot anyone for doing stupid crap (I am referring to the "locals" in that regard).
*** Next, yet another case for a BORDER WALL. Here's the story:
Yes, another  instance where a LEO is killed by an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, but this has a twist to the story...the officer was ALSO an immigrant (from FIJI)...and had come here LEGALLY.
A border wall is a damn good start.
It was in FRISCO where this happened...the premier sanctuary city.
How's that make you feel, Pelosi? Bet you didn't even bat a botox-laden eyelid. Bitch.
*** Next up, I&M has a new plan for people to help people. Here's that story:
I thought customers ALREADY paid for other "customers"...aka the "government-sponsored" crowd.
Sure, this sounds quite altruistic, but things are not ALWAYS as they seem...sometimes.
*** Next, time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
The "children" had a nice day, and spent most of the evening in the living room with me watching Doctor Who eps (although one of them slept through most of that.
Other than this, wonderfully typical and without bad behavior...
*** Next up, let's check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Our furry twosome did well and they did almost make it to every meal. Lunch for the both of them was delayed (due to rain...like a ballgame...he).
But they did come out (or back) for dinner and we even got some treats time on the back step (the rain had let up).
Good to have the two of them around outside, even if it DOES chase off a majority of the birds, squirrels and even rabbits.
Can't have everything, right?
*** Last back to the stove top...been a helluva year so far. And not much more of it to go.
(thank God)
A "step" in the RIGHT direction?
Sure, our city touts it's accomplishments - the biggest being that riverfront white elephant.
The Coliseum ends this year in a deficit (doesn't happen all that often, either).
A "crime summit" is planned early in 2019 and that should be amusing to read about.
The city's had DECADES to try and improve the SE side (now we can include the SW as well), and nothing has come to fruition.
Maybe next year we'll be able to turn THAT corner (if shots don't ring out).
We shall see.
And if anything is to be gleaned from this Gordian Knot called Fort Wayne, it's this:
There is ALWAYS hope...and that's where I'm standing.
Do have yourselves a very good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out ther, America.
See you all next week.


CWMartin said...

Uh-huh... being naughty, hmmm...

No need to google Holy Innocents here... well know what that commemorates...

Milles Borne... just let me hide the accident card...

"Hard to find..." Just hit our upstairs bathroom, that clock tocks...

Wall: But see, these bleeding hearts get these half-dead kids the druggers bring up as shields in their eyes and can't see that.

The Coliseum ran a deficit? I'd like to know how that is since they've priced the Komets clear out of my range...

Bob G. said...

---LOL, Nah...more like grocery shopping.
( had to get the foods for New Years day dinner)
---And we should all take time to think on that (and them).
---LMAO...next time, we play TEAMS (you and me v. the ladies)
---We have one Garfield (alarm) clock that you wind...and I wonder if the KITCHEN TIMER counts? (that ticks...before it goes "ding")
---I know...it's getting SO ridiculous for those of us who take the time to learn the TRUTH about this.
---I think the hikes are meant to minimize their deficit (higher utility costs...couldn't see THAT coming, could they?)...can't wait to see what rises next. Parking? Concessions? Pay toilets?
(probably all of the above, and then some...heh)

Hey, thanks for stopping over and commenting today.

Have ourselves a very good weekend and do stay safe up there, brother.

Unknown said...

Team play milled borne!! Double the chance for us to have all the accident cards.
If you want a good perspective on the pledge, look up red skeletons version.

Bob G. said...

Red Skelton had the PERFECT perspective on the pledge
(and he was from INDIANA).

I featured that on my archive post from 14 APRIL 2016.

Thanks for the comment.