07 January 2019

Monday Musings...
Well, I've had better weekends, and judging by the way things are starting out THIS morning, I have DEFINITELY had better Mondays.
For some reason, I can't access the SUPERMECHS site, which means I can't perform my daily edification by blowing up virtual enemies ((...sighs...)). Whatta world. The site is supposedly up, so the problem could be in my system (not likely) or with Google (most probably)  You gotta love technology...not!
Anyway, the "Fortress" has returned to it's usual state of post-holiday normalcy.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us some wonderfully overcast skies, temps rising to around 51 degrees, and rain moving in by afternoon. A rainy day AND a Monday...how do we get SO lucky?
Okay, let's pause to get that comforting drink (we're probably going to need it), as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the crapper is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?' feature:
---It's National Bobblehead Day
(kind feel like one of those this morning)
---It's National Tempura Day
(shrimp...has to be shrimp)
---It's National Thank God it's Monday Day
(I would love to have postponed it until Thursday...heh)
*** Next, some people have to end the year being stupid...and dead.
Here's the story:
Yep, the best way to deal with a BAD guy with a gun, is with a GOOD guy with a gun (who happens to be an off-duty LEO).
Cop:1 - Perp:0. Case closed.
*** Next up, other people choose to bring their stupid into the new year, like THIS loon:
Recently sworn in Michigan congresswoman, Rashida Tliab expressed her interest in impeaching our president and did not hold back.
(BTW, she's Muslim...just so you know)
Here's her WIKI:
Oh, and she is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America,
Inciteful trollop, isn't she?
*** Next, good old Neil Tyson has made stupid a second "career" Here's the latest:
I was admiring their "spatial orbs".
Tyson wants to "Make America Smarter Again"...fine, stop talking.
*** Next up, credit card fraud at Kohls? Here's the lowdown:
Niakia Baker is the lucky one who gets to wear orange here.
Naturally, she changed her story and claims it's "her word against theirs". 
And what the hell do you call that growth on her head anyway?
It THAT what they refer to as "style" in the ghetto?
Hair salon much?
Talk about being a predator, right?
Take, take, and take some more (from others)...whatta loser.
*** Next,  like I said, the weekend wasn't that bad. I got all the Christmas decorations down, including the tree and ornaments (with very few casualties). Don't have to mess with that again for another 11 months, right?
I also managed to quiet down the furnace.
It seemed a bit nosier than usual, so I tightened a few bolts on the fan housing and VOILA!...it did get quieter.
Guess the old girl was shaking everything loose over the years (I know the feeling).
Wish I could fix the problems in this neighborhood AS handily.
*** Next up, time for us to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
We iz enjoying being in daddy's chair..
The kids had a good weekend (don't they always?), and kept out from under my feet as the decorations came down.
They have a bit more room now (to chase one another) in the family room.
I will say they enjoy chasing one another, and why I don't know. There's no real place to "hide", so what's the deal?
Running for the sake of running...that's it, plain and simple.
*** Next, let's do our check-in with "Midnight and Whiskwers"...
Our furry twosome had a good weekend, spending the majority of it close by our house.
Neither one missed breakfast or dinner (Midnight was late for lunch) and when we got back from grocery, I had 2 supervisors making sure the cat food got into the house safely...lol.
Yeah, he's got our cat food.
If I'm going to be "monitored" by anyone, I'm glad it's these two.
*** Last back to the corner of the room...there is plenty of STUPID in the world today.
You sure don't have to look far at all, do you?
Now, I say that because some of the OPPOSITE happened, because Saturday, I had a visit...from none other than our mayoral candidate (and current city councilman) Dr. John Crawford.
I could never have predicted that he would stop on by.
(BTW, he's taller in person than on camera.)
Only know ONE person with a van like THAT...
We spent a good 15 minutes talking about what he could do to make our area better, and my answer was simple - GET RID OF THE CRIME. I cited the Don Steininger column a couple years back that claimed the reason that retail as lacking on the SE was due to crime.
I was candid and mentioned that I was initially against the smoking ordinance, but I've come around, considering I can get by a restaurant meal WITHOUT a smoke, and I never smoked in hospitals or government places at all.
I also told him that a blatant disregard for simple laws and city ordinances creates an atmosphere ripe for the Broken Window Theory.
After our talk, he thanked me and I thanked him, adding that he was the FIRST city "official" I have had here in over 20 years. I think that made an impression, because it's true. We' (the regular folks) have been too long neglected down here.
That needs to change, as does the stupid-ass behavior of what passes for "neighbors" down here.
Riding an ATV on a lawn and up and down the alley is not permitted in the city, but we got one.
Maybe that's why all the commercials showATVs outdoors in OPEN AREAS and RURAL settings...NOT residential streets. You think?
But, when such things are never addressed by those in authority, what else can you expect.
I just want some sort of return to days when this was a better neighborhood...with REAL neighbors, rather than all the low-information, government-sponsored, lazy-ass morons we've been so "fortunate" to have infest our part of the city over recent years.
If we can get back to some sort of civility, this part of town will ADD to the city coffers with needed revenue, rather than drain it.
Just a thought, right?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

"Thank God it's Monday"? Said no one ever...

Chuck Woolery's partner on Blunt Force Truth brought the NDT thing up. I sent him my NDT as a clown pic. He liked it.

Got my lights down, too- except in the front window, which must needs wait until the village is packed up. And without a Nativity scene, it might as well stay up "until the snow stops", lol!

Heard about your visit. I told D Crawford prolly got more than he bargained on...!

Bob G. said...

---You got THAT one 100% CORRECT, my friend.
---LOL...I never knew that groping was considered ANY adjunct to cosmology.
---"When the snow stops?" Didn't think you loved THAT far north.
---Actually, I think it went well, considering HE has done something Glynn Hines (or former council-hack Tim Pape) would NEVER do.
I really don't bite (well maybe a nibble here and there)...HA!

Hey, thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Stay safe up there, brother.