27 February 2019

Humpday Happenings...
Okay, so it doesn't look like we got any "snow showers" (as predicted) overnight.
I guess that means we're going to have a decent end to this month tomorrow.
Somehow, I'm not wanting to make book on that just yet, and I'm certainly not being the least bit cynical. I just know the lay of the land.
Our Hoosierland weather today brings us mostly overcast skies, temps climbing to near the 40 degree mark and no precipitation to speak of (so we won't).
Let's take the time to get our refreshing beverage to start our day, as we see what ELSE has been going on...
*** First out of the washing machine is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"The epidemic is truly black-on-black crime. The greatest danger to the lives of young black men  are young black men."
This fits so well with what is ailing the black community today, and is only fitting we include this in Black History month.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at Lake Shore Junior High School in Shreveport, Louisiana...
*** Next up,  it's our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Kahlua Day
(and me fresh out of it for my coffee...damn!)
---It's National Polar Bear Day
(funny how their population is UP these days)
---It's National Retro Day
(that could be any day in my life...heh)
---It's National Strawberry Day
(fresh outta those, too...WTH?)
*** Next, from the "Stevie Wonder even saw this" department:
It's only shocking to those out there (anti-gun lobbyists) who know little to nothing about effective policing and the freedom the 2nd Amendment gives us.
((“The developing science of violence prevention shows very clearly that focused attention to the very small number of high-risk groups and individuals at high risk for serious violence can be very effective.”))
Wow...imagine that. It's the criminals to blame...not any law-abiding gun owners. Who knew?
*** Next up, from the "While the president's away..." department:
Naturally, the House will want to try and push this crap through.
More useless laws that do nothing except obstruct LEGAL purchase of firearms by law-abiding citizens.Talk about a RUSE!
*** Next, and speaking of firearms, here's PROOF that "some" people are totally IRRESPONSIBLE when it comes to the possession of guns:
This took place Monday around 1700 hrs.on Colerick near Winter Street, down in the SE side (where the hell ELSE would you find such stupidity?) Any bets as to the ethnicity of this kids? LOTS of questions to ask on this. Luckily no one was injured, and the kid was expelled (and is probably answering a sh*tload of questions posed by the FWPD.
Police did not find a weapon on scene (probably one of the running kids had it).  As for Stockman's statement...that's bullsh*t, plain and simple.
*** Next up, while we're on the SE side, let's toss in THIS story:
This took place last evening around 1900 hrs near Smith St at Senate Ave.
A man was shot and died (on scene) across from Abbett Elementary School.Two people were seen fleeing the area, but no one has been arrested (yet).
I feel safe calling this HOMICIDE NUMBER 3. (and counting)
Looks like the locals are making up for lost time down here. Not surprising in the least.
*** Next, you never know WHO might be living in that apartment near you. Case in point:
Just another loser!
This took place Tuesday at 814 Lake Ave. around 0942 hrs.
Derrick Tennant, Jr. was arrested, and police also found found 14 grams of cocaine, 7.5 grams of marijuana, two digital scales, and .45 caliber ammo.(wonder where the gun is?)
I could not find any prior record, and no age was provided.
If the name sounds familiar, check my archive post from 25 May 2012 where Derrick Cleo Tennant (has to be "daddy") was featured and wanted by the FBI on a federal drug dealing conspiracy. Guess the apple DOESN'T fall from the tree.
*** Next up, time to leave the stupid behind and stop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids had a pretty good day, considering that not much was going on outside.
Showing us your "best" side?
That meant it was time for some "catch me if you can" time.
Yes, there were furry flashes zipping around the house, so any attempt to get pictures was a waste of time.
Geez, can you get any CLOSER?
I had to wait until they settled back down (read tired their little butts out) to get  a photo or two.
They don't do anything when one catches the other (feline "tag" perhaps?).
*** Next, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Speaking of furry twosomes, our outdoor cats were doing well also,
Guarding mail now? Wonder what's next?
Both of them stayed close by, although Midnight did go on another patrol, and stayed near the mailbox after the mail came (like he was waiting for me).
She haz her spot, and I haz mine.
He followed me back across the street (and got some treats).
Then he stayed close to the house for the remainder of the day.
I haz no need to wander about.
Whiskers didn't stray at all, and they both made all three meals.
That's called "having a good day", which we all did.
*** Last back to the clothes dryer...someone once said that: "Violence is NOT the answer, but it IS the problem".
Someone else said that "Violence is the problem. Accuracy is the solution.".
Naturally, the first refers to warfare in it's typical form, but the second refers to the plight of societal "evolution", if you can even call it that these days.
Everywhere you look, we're seeing violence...from road rage to city shootings, to bullying in schools. No one is immune at any age.
That doesn't bode well for any of us, because we can all become a victim of some idiot with some "caliber" of bravado who wants something you have. Add to that a level of diminished cognitive skills, thanks to either alcohol or some form of drugs, and you've got a society teetering on the brink of anarchy.
We should not use violence as a means to an end, but. by the same token, we need to protect ourselves to keep from becoming another statistic.
There is a fine line to be walked with this, and it begins with those we hire to protect us. They are the tip of this spear, and need to be allowed to perform their function.
The judicial system has also got to step up and mete out some punishment, rather than plea-dealing our problems (temporarily) away.
Such solutions are practical, justified and sorely needed if we are to have a future we can enjoy and live without the threat or fear of violent behavior. It all begins with personal responsibility...
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

"Snow showers"? I thought they said, "take SLOW showers"! Wondered what business it was of theirs...

(The preceding comment is completely ficticious. Consider it an early April fool comment.)

Quote: Is that out of yesterday's link?

Kahlua: Best in Duck Farts...

Yeah, I know a bunch of people on a remote Russian island (Nove Zemala or somesuch) that just went through their village being beseiged by several DOZEN polar bears that aren't eager to celebrate...

( the link is https://slate.com/technology/2019/02/russia-polar-bear-invasion-climate-change.html so I was close...)

Retro: Ditto that.

Guns: You crib that from Mad Jack? (jk)

Stockman: Yes, it could mean a gun was in school, BUT WE MONITOR CONSTANTLY. Yeah? nice job. Then today I guess we have a knife pulled at Kikionga MS and "shots fired" at the mall...

DT: Not much of a vocation choice when lazy-ass dad sets such a fine example...

"Furry Flashes"... I think I'll name my next locomotive that.

(Since I will never have a 'next' locomotive, or even a current one, that comment as well is facetious and goes in the EAF category.)

Closer: Send to: Blonde Phantom, c/o Allen Co. Courthouse, Ft Wayne In 46805...

Bob G. said...

---LOL...no, WIFEY is the SLOW shower girl.
(Now you know more than you did a minute ago)
---I went back a re-read the Williams link (that has to be the one you mean), and no, I didn't see it, but it DOES make a good fit.
---I like mine with half and half (Kahlua and Cream). Or in my coffee.
Anything else (to me) is sacrilege...heh.
---I saw that story. Have to say those bears are learning to travel where MAN lives...the food's better...LOL.
---Had a hunch you were into "retro".
---Nope, that's just from my (personal) compendium of reason.
---FWCS certainly NEEDS metal detectors. Just because smaller school systems are already USING them, that's no reason t summarily dismiss them in LARGER school systems. They'd MUCH rather waste money giving away free meals.
---That's were SELF-reliance needs to be learned, in order to "break the cycle" of dependency (and stupidity).
---LOL...well, it's not the Wabash Cannonball, but it could work.
---ROFL...yeah, might have to send that in TRIPLICATE...just to eb sure (if she can be bothered to read, that is).

Hey, thanks for dropping on by and commenting.
Much appreciated.

Stay safe (and well spoken) up there, brother.