28 February 2019

Thoughts For Thursday...
So, we'll end this month (hopefully) on a good note...for the most part.
We're not suffering a flood, a drought, hurricane force winds, or tornadoes.
We're not hip-deep in snow, and there are NOT huge rocks falling from the skies.
I'd say we're doing okay so far.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies (might see the sun trying to peek out), temps will only eise to around 32 degrees, and that's about it.
Is this stuff like Southern Comfort?
Now, let's get the day started with a comforting drink, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the front steps is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"The epidemic is truly black-on-black crime. The greatest danger to the lives of young black men  are young black men."
This is attributed to Cleon Lewis Bryant (born March 28, 1956) who is an African-American Baptist minister and former radio and television host based in his native Shreveport, Louisiana. And here is his WIKI:
It's not a long read, and, as you might surmise, he is a conservative.
((Bryant is the founder of the group, "One Nation Back to God",))
And yes, he has been at odds with liberals such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (good for him).
He also produced and released the independent film, "Runaway Slave".
(("...a movie about the race to free the Black community from the slavery of tyranny and progressive policies." ))
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
February 28 -
---It's National Chili Day
(I did that LAST week)
---It's National Chocolate Souffle Day
(like to try this some day))
---It's National Floral Design Day
(Come back to me in May for this)
---It's National Public Sleeping Day
(kids in strollers, yes. Bums on park benches, no.)
---It's National Toast Day
(I do this a couple times every week.)
---It's National Tooth Fairy Day
(No, it's NOT Dwayne Johnson)
Leave me OUTTA this!
---It's Rare Disease USA Day
(these I actively try to avoid)
*** Next, an update on the South Bridge Apt stabbing death:
Oh, big surprise (not really)...another black guy killing again.
Cordell D. Hughes, 40,  has been arrested and initially charged with the murder of Carmen Hughes. He killed his MOM?
I did check his rap sheet - Cripes, with ALL the traffic arrests he's had (since 1996) one would think he's a lifetime PEDESTRIAN (bet he's still got a set of wheels).
He also was busted for DUI (several times) resisting,  and carrying a handgun w/o a license. Real nice guy.
And his last (listed) address was over in the 4300 block of Weisser Park, so what was he doing down at South Bridge, and did he "drive" there? But, he killed his MOM!
*** Next up, the latest homicide victim has been ID'ed:
Demarcus Hale Jr., 18, is out newest addition to the list for 2019.
He was also charged with armed robbery late last year.
See my archive post from 19 December 2018 for the lowdown.
Guess any future court dates for him have been cancelled. That'll save some omney.
Odd thing...his dad, Demarcus Hale died back on 19 November 2008. He was only 25, according to a Frost Illustrated obit.
Yes, I look this stuff up, so you don't have to (local media , take note).
Helluva way to decrease the surplus population, if you ask me.
 *** Next, a "fight" takes place at Glenbrook Mall? Here's the lowdown:
About 4-6 people were fighting near the food court Wednesday (perfect venue for the terminally stupid among us) around 1330 hrs. This was confirmed by the FWPD.
(let's play "Guess the Ethnicity").
*** Next up, a house goes "boom" on the SW side:
This took place around 1730 hrs at a house located in the 2600 block of Corvalis Av.
That's off of Bluffton Rd near Old Trail Rd.
No one currently lives at the house, but neighbors had seen people renovating it "a couple days ago". The city needs to keep better tabs on these "renovations" going on...someone might wind up dead.
My thoughts exactly, Fred.
Someone might (also) want to check into the licensing of those "renovators".
Might be a crew of migrants from south of our border.
*** Next, time to crop by "Kitten Corner"...
Playing "innocent" again?
Our kids had a good day, but I had to chase them our of the kitchen sink a couple times.
What they find fascinating there eludes me. There's nothing in it, and I wipe it clean after I do dishes.
Holding that step in place.
The faucet doesn't drip, so that "play factor" never enters into the mix.
Sometimes cats are just mysteries wrapped in a furry enigma.
*** Next up, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Where did he go now?
Our other furry twosome spent all day alongside the house, which makes feeding them both MUCH easier.
Hey, I'm up here, short legs.
They even got to eat in their usual spots. He on top of the patio table, and she near the water dish.
As for treats? Well, they both got some on the back step after sunset.
*** Last back to the family room...the other day, I noticed a street light out down the block, in addition to the other light that's been out for SIX months (with no one coming by to check it out).
Hey, OURS works!
So, I fill out an online form to get BOTH lights working again. This neighborhood is "dark enough" as it is, if you get my drift. The last thing we need is another open invite to the criminal element.
So, after I finish, their website says that within 2 business day, things will be looked into. Okay.
Well, last night I look outside and guess what?
This is from last year.
BOTH street lights are working again (for how long, I've no idea), but I was amazed that "the system" worked.
Funny thing, the light near OUR house was not affected by the outage of the other two on either side (up or down the street).
Oh, and to ALL the "locals" who could not even bother to make a bloody phone call into the city department or even take the time to go online and get the street lights fixed...
(and I mean that ina  "good" way)
This is what breaks down  when entitlements take hold in our cities - the lack of responsibility.
PEOPLE make neighborhoods, and good people make them better and keep them that way.
Anything less creates chaos.
To quote "Vision" from Captain America Civil War:
"Our very strength invites challenge, challenge incites conflict, and conflict... breeds catastrophe "
To put this in our specific context, the STRENGTH of any community resides in it's PEOPLE. Strong people keep neighborhoods safe and inviting to all.
The challenge comes from society's "bottom-feeders" - those with no vested interest in that community (or neighborhood).
May we always resolve to be up for any challenge and (with God's help) see it through to stem the tide of chaos.
That you can take to the bank.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Hey, I've got a pretty good run of getting here Thrusday nights, don't I?

Hmm. I wish I could get Pastor Bryant to answer a post Laurie's wannabe niece just shared...

Souffle looks good. Chili is a take-or-leave for me.

Public sleeping? Good night, man, why?

Hughes: Well, I was close- one generation off...

Hughes' mom: "But he was such a good boy..."

I realize you work with what happens in crime, but you ever wonder if a passing 'web tourist' might think they hit Frost Illustrated by all your mug shots?

Reno? Interesting demo plan... sounds like the "insurance money will help" plan to me.

Sink: All they need to know is you don't WANT them there.

Closer: There are people that involve themselves as citizens, and those who are just involved with themselves. Me? Scrappy and I picked up some of the debris left in the back yard from the wind storm today. Another neighbor whined on the complex page about whether sticks would just lay around until our lawn service returns in the spring.

Bob G. said...

---Yes indeed...you been talking w/ Red River?
---I wish pastor Bryant lived across the street!
---Yes on the soufflé - Chili from a can works for me.
---I know...invitation to be mugged? Some practice this while driving (not a good practice).
---That situation is TOO weird. Like a "Sonny Dearest" weird.
---If you mean they think they found the OBIT section, then you could well be right...heh. They DO seem "related".
---If they HAVE insurance, that is.
---The squirt bottle works pretty well.
---There will always be folks like us that do what we do because it's the RIGHT thing in the hope that others might learn by seeing. Others are content to go about their OWN business . It's like people creating their own storms in life and then bitching whenever it "rains"...right?

Thanks for swinging on by and commenting.

Stay safe up there, brother.

Momma Fargo said...

Man oh man. Great post here, Bob. The politics and crime seem like a provision of constant fodder and talk. We never run out of them. I love your kitties. They are looking fantabulous. I bet they are ready for warm sunshine to bask in. I am so glad there is a day for everything and everything in one day. I can't go wrong in what I select. I must be celebrating them right! LOL. You have a great weekend. Stay safe and warm up north!

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---The locals are playing "catch-up" with their stupid-ass antics, that's for sure. But the po-po are doing a fantastic job, too.
My feeling is that because OF the politics, we HAVE the level of crime that we do, and not just here in FTW, but all across the nation.
---The cats are VERY ready for warmer weather. You can see them huddled against the side of the house on the patio, staying in the sunlight (when we get some).
And we spoil the hell outta them (as well as our indoor cats).
---Celebrating another day of LIFE is, in and of itself, the best gift...everything else is icing on that cake (and you know there's ALWAYS a reason for cake).

Thanks much for rolling up and commenting.

Have yourself a great weekend.
Roll safe down there, dear.